Bernie Sanders 2020

Nevada is a swing state. I predict that either Buttigieg or Bloomberg will take in a bunch of delegates on Super Tuesday and then one will endorse the other. Which of the two, I don't know, but it might just put one of them very near the 1991 delegates needed to confirm the nomination. Super Tuesday is make or break for Bernie and I don't think he'll have enough delegates to really have a shot, but his campaign will continue to try to convince people he does have a shot.
I have a hard time wrapping my brain around the possibilities of the magnitude of money that might be getting spent in a Trump vs Bloomberg USPresidential race. I can’t help thinking about how all that money spent on trying to win a presidency could be used in a better
More profitable humanitarian and Positive earthy way. We are Living through. Well it’s just heartbreaking. That money could SAVE the fucking planet!
He didn't author that bill. As with every progressive vote he ever cast, it went in support of a bill that a Democrat wrote. Take a look at Warren's experience in the Senate and compare it to Sanders. In five years, Warren's list of accomplishments dwarfs Bernies. Still, Bernies cult love to trumpet how great he is at voting for other people's bills.

Warren is better educated and accomplished much in a private practice. Doctorate in law, practiced and taught bankruptcy law. Went into the Obama administration by request to help deal with the financial crisis then, when she realized she couldn't agree with Obama's administration, gained a seat in the senate and Chaired the oversight comittee and was critical of how Obama's administration let big banks off the hook. In the meantime, Backbiting Bernie tagged along.

She voted for NAFTA. Bernie did not. Read this and and ask yourself if an American auto maker should be shipping jobs to other countries rather than giving up American jobs. Not only that ask someone who owns a Siverado crew cab made in Mexico? This was a bill crafted by Republicans.
She voted for NAFTA. Bernie did not. Read this and and ask yourself if an American auto maker should be shipping jobs to other countries rather than giving up American jobs. Not only that ask someone who owns a Siverado crew cab made in Mexico? This was a bill crafted by Republicans.
Oh no! Not NAFTA! The horror.

The horror.
I have a hard time wrapping my brain around the possibilities of the magnitude of money that might be getting spent in a Trump vs Bloomberg USPresidential race. I can’t help thinking about how all that money spent on trying to win a presidency could be used in a better
More profitable humanitarian and Positive earthy way. We are Living through. Well it’s just heartbreaking. That money could SAVE the fucking planet!
Shit, I have been cultivating heat resistant coral strains for free for several years now.
Nevada don’t mean shit. Super Tuesday is gonna blow everything open. That’s when Bloomberg and Biden will take over. Bloomberg is crushing it in hard to reach areas and people are really diggin him. He even got 3 black mayors to endorse him even after the frisk and arrest shit hits the fan. Money talks bullshit walks. What’s Trump gonna do? He doesn’t have enough money to even remotely touch Bloomberg’s.

My have you read Bloomberg's arrest record while Mayor? Now he feels sorry for all the innocent Blacks he imprisoned. He favors decriminalization but not willing to give up Schedule 1. That's exactly what Trump basically agreed to in a vague way. Let's hope we can make a better choice by voting! They still have to get votes.
My have you read Bloomberg's arrest record while Mayor? Now he feels sorry for all the innocent Blacks he imprisoned. He favors decriminalization but not willing to give up Schedule 1. That's exactly what Trump basically agreed to in a vague way. Let's hope we can make a better choice by voting! They still have to get votes.
The funny thing is I have seen this exact line of attack back when Trump was too scared to run against Kamala Harris because he knew he would get crushed by a black woman on stage.

Incarcerations rates fell, Stop and Frisk was the law on the land in NYC before Bloomberg took office, and any calls of racism fall short when you look at the types of charities he invested his personal money into helping the societies he supposedly hates.
Screen Shot 2020-02-15 at 4.58.19 PM.png

As far as weed legalization goes, of all the things to waste political capital on, that is pretty low on my scorecard. Much more important is cleaning up foreign election interference and financing of political campaign through American entities (like NRA) washing their money for them with Republicans doing everything they can to obstruct it.

If it means the red states being comfortable enough to give the Democratic president the House and Senate to actually get this done vs legalizing pot, I will gladly take the Senate and House and wait until the big shit is fixed to worry about that. Especially since he is still talking about decriminalization of it.

I still prefer Biden, but Bloomberg will do, especially if he gets a heavy hitter int he Democratic party that knows how to get shit done. This election is too important.
The funny thing is I have seen this exact line of attack back when Trump was too scared to run against Kamala Harris because he knew he would get crushed by a black woman on stage.

Incarcerations rates fell, Stop and Frisk was the law on the land in NYC before Bloomberg took office, and any calls of racism fall short when you look at the types of charities he invested his personal money into helping the societies he supposedly hates.
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As far as weed legalization goes, of all the things to waste political capital on, that is pretty low on my scorecard. Much more important is cleaning up foreign election interference and financing of political campaign through American entities (like NRA) washing their money for them with Republicans doing everything they can to obstruct it.

If it means the red states being comfortable enough to give the Democratic president the House and Senate to actually get this done vs legalizing pot, I will gladly take the Senate and House and wait until the big shit is fixed to worry about that. Especially since he is still talking about decriminalization of it.

I still prefer Biden, but Bloomberg will do, especially if he gets a heavy hitter int he Democratic party that knows how to get shit done. This election is too important.
Look at this:
Doesn't look like he values people as equal to me. He still was elected Mayor no doubt. Do you even smoke weed? Maybe you don't worry about Johnny so much?
Look at this:
Doesn't look like he values people as equal to me. He still was elected Mayor no doubt. Do you even smoke weed? Maybe you don't worry about Johnny so much?
Yeah I enjoy smoking a lot, unfortunately I need to pass a upcoming screening so have been having to deal with trolls on this site without being able to enjoy it like I normally do since mid Dec. But what can you do, sometimes you need to suck it up.

Times have changed, decriminalizing weed and letting the states legalize it worked for alcohol in the old days, it is working for cannabis now. Freaking out bible belt voters who will be willing to vote for a candidate and the rest of the Democratic ticket to get this dumster fire of a President and enough Senators to stop McConnell's obstruction is very important IMO.

Only by having the Presidency, a super majority in the Senate, and Congress in the hands of the Democrats can things can be done about far more important issues. Stopping children from being ripped out of their parents arms and thrown in jail (where some die) is much higher on my list of priorities for the next couple years, that can be a 2024 issue. As long as the Democrats can keep power for more than the 2 years the last 3 Democratic Presidents have had since the Republicans pulled their southern strategy troll in order to keep power in the hands of the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda.

Stupid sexist quotes are one thing, now if you have a tape where he is describing a failed attempted rape, like Trump has at the start of this video:

Or if rape (or attempted rape) victims start to speak up, it just seems like desperation to disqualify him.

And I am still voting Biden (as long as he is still in it by the time I get to vote), who just last couple weeks was trolled so hard people also decided he was a racist, pedophilic, corrupt, Republican (none of which is true at all). The weeks before that, Kamala Harris was trolled for MJ arrests (which fell drastically under her term), Warren was somehow trying to benefit from thinking she had some Native American blood in her, on and on.

Everyone Trump gets scared of is getting the royal treatment of propaganda and disinformation thrown at them.

Whoever wins the Democratic nomination will get my vote. As will the rest of the ticket. America needs people in office who are going to legislate for the entire country and not just 36% of the population like Trump and the Republicans do.
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Improving the prognosis of health care in the USA

"Although health care expenditure per capita is higher in the USA than in any other country, more than 37 million Americans do not have health insurance, and 41 million more have inadequate access to care. Efforts are ongoing to repeal the Affordable Care Act which would exacerbate health-care inequities. By contrast, a universal system, such as that proposed in the Medicare for All Act, has the potential to transform the availability and efficiency of American health-care services. Taking into account both the costs of coverage expansion and the savings that would be achieved through the Medicare for All Act, we calculate that a single-payer, universal health-care system is likely to lead to a 13% savings in national health-care expenditure, equivalent to more than US$450 billion annually (based on the value of the US$ in 2017). The entire system could be funded with less financial outlay than is incurred by employers and households paying for health-care premiums combined with existing government allocations. This shift to single-payer health care would provide the greatest relief to lower-income households. Furthermore, we estimate that ensuring health-care access for all Americans would save more than 68 000 lives and 1·73 million life-years every year compared with the status quo."

Full Text - Google Doc
I'm sure we have 34 trillion dollars lying around somewhere...

Even though the entire 2019 federal budget was 3.2 trillion dollars.
"Here we project both the economic and life-saving effects likely to be generated by the Medicare for All Act relative to the current American system. We find that the expected savings from a universal single-payer system would more than compensate for the increased expenditure associated with universal health-care coverage. Moreover, universal health care would save lives while simultaneously improving the quality and productivity of those lives, as detailed here. Specifically, we calculate that the Medicare for All Act would reduce national health-care expenditure by more than US$458 billion, corresponding to 13·1% of health-care expenditure in 2017. We also project that the Medicare for All Act would save more than 68500 lives every year, compared with the status quo. If the Affordable Care Act were to be repealed, we would expect an additional annual loss of more than 38,500 lives. Compared with health-care access before the Affordable Care Act, the legislation proposed by Senator Sanders, would save 107000 lives annually."
"Here we project both the economic and life-saving effects likely to be generated by the Medicare for All Act relative to the current American system.
This is where I TL;DR'd you. There isn't anyone left still supporting the current mess. There is no need to increase federal spending by more than the current federal budget in order to achieve universal healthcare. An expansion of medicare to cover the 27 million uninsured Americans would be covered by repealing the Trump tax cuts to the ultra rich.

Bernie's plan would double federal spending in order to take away existing plans. Bernie is a threat to liberalism.
This is where I TL;DR'd you. There isn't anyone left still supporting the current mess. There is no need to increase federal spending by more than the current federal budget in order to achieve universal healthcare. An expansion of medicare to cover the 27 million uninsured Americans would be covered by repealing the Trump tax cuts to the ultra rich.

Bernie's plan would double federal spending in order to take away existing plans. Bernie is a threat to liberalism.
"the expected savings from a universal single-payer system would more than compensate for the increased expenditure associated with universal health-care coverage."
"the expected savings from a universal single-payer system would more than compensate for the increased expenditure associated with universal health-care coverage."
So you're just going to go in this circle again? Regurgitating talking points that have been rebutted and rejected until you lose the debate again...

I know why you do this, because rejecting this talking point takes too many words for the short attention span of the average Bernie supporting moron. In short, it's increased taxes and there is no way around it. You just can't double federal spending without

Taking away people's choices in regard to healthcare, abolishing private insurance and forcing everyone to take full comprehensive Medicare and having the government as the single payer of all healthcare in the country would reduce aggregate healthcare costs within a decade. It would take ten years for costs to come down on average to a point where maybe, on average, Americans would pay less in taxes than their premiums cost. Even then, I would opt for the deductibles and copays to keep my premiums really low since I'm healthy and would save thousands of dollars per year.

Here's a recap: 34 trillion in a decade = roughly 3.4 trillion a year in increased federal spending
Revenue for the fiscal 2019 federal budget was 3.48 trillion
federal spending for fiscal 2019 was 4.407 trillion
Deficit 985 billion dollars

Bernie has options in his plan to pay for about half of the costs by taxing the actual fuck out of the rich. The actual deficit now is more than 1.2 trillion (thanks Donald) so if we were to see Bernie's plan enacted as it is, at this time, the annual deficit would be close to 3 trillion dollars.

But there's another option to get everyone covered and still have no deficit (read: tax hikes).
So you're just going to go in this circle again? Regurgitating talking points that have been rebutted and rejected until you lose the debate again...

I know why you do this, because rejecting this talking point takes too many words for the short attention span of the average Bernie supporting moron. In short, it's increased taxes and there is no way around it. You just can't double federal spending without

Taking away people's choices in regard to healthcare, abolishing private insurance and forcing everyone to take full comprehensive Medicare and having the government as the single payer of all healthcare in the country would reduce aggregate healthcare costs within a decade. It would take ten years for costs to come down on average to a point where maybe, on average, Americans would pay less in taxes than their premiums cost. Even then, I would opt for the deductibles and copays to keep my premiums really low since I'm healthy and would save thousands of dollars per year.

Here's a recap: 34 trillion in a decade = roughly 3.4 trillion a year in increased federal spending
Revenue for the fiscal 2019 federal budget was 3.48 trillion
federal spending for fiscal 2019 was 4.407 trillion
Deficit 985 billion dollars

Bernie has options in his plan to pay for about half of the costs by taxing the actual fuck out of the rich. The actual deficit now is more than 1.2 trillion (thanks Donald) so if we were to see Bernie's plan enacted as it is, at this time, the annual deficit would be close to 3 trillion dollars.

But there's another option to get everyone covered and still have no deficit (read: tax hikes).
Repeating right wing Heritage Foundation talking points don't make them true

M4A is cheaper, that's a fact. It's cheaper in every single country that implements it, and it would be cheaper in the US as well, according to the most conservative estimates

You support a system that costs more and covers fewer people
Repeating right wing Heritage Foundation talking points don't make them true

M4A is cheaper, that's a fact. It's cheaper in every single country that implements it, and it would be cheaper in the US as well, according to the most conservative estimates

You support a system that costs more and covers fewer people
Calling my argument a Heritage foundation talking point isn't an argument. Nor do I support the current system. I have cited only the most liberal of sources and rejected the Mercatus study which estimated the cost of Bernie's plan at 49 trillion dollars. The numbers I cited come straight from the Urban Institute study. In fact, I gave Bernie even more wiggle room than he deserves, because this study, conducted by the left leaning Urban Institute, excludes the 6.6 million immigrants currently in the US who Bernie wants to include, so his plan would cost even more than their comprehensive estimate of 34 trillion dollars.
