Berkeley Campus Take-over


Well-Known Member
One would think that if a University becomes too expensive, students would just have to choose to go elsewhere. Evidently these students feel that low tuition is their right.

Perhaps if they get rid of all the cultural awareness crap and go back to teaching things like math and science the kids could get out of there without being $60,000 in debt and not qualified to do anything except bitch about life's injustices on the internet. Then they wonder why the foreign students are getting the good jobs.

I say we shit can all the professors and get people with real skills in there to teach real skills. No cultural BS, no African studies or Chicano studies or Women's studies or any other nonsense. Real education only.


Well-Known Member
They did it up at santa cruz on wednesday too...took me 3 hours to get a ride, and i ended up having to walk a mile or two just to get to around the mad traffic.

Insanity...good for them, but the protests really arent doing anyone any good. These are tough times, and its a state run institution. Tough shit, I gotta deal with shellin out the extra skrilla next quarter too.

:Peace: out.