Benzos and alcohol


Well-Known Member
Yay exams are over! Got me a fat sack of bars and a fifth of Jim Beam and I'm celebrating. Starting dose is 6mg of xanax and 3 shots of Jimmy. Wish me luck on my journey.


Well-Known Member
I can understand what everybody's saying. My problem was always forgetting about how much and how fast I would start drinking once I was on that combo. The alchohol begins to disappear like water in a desert. Great times though. I just can't remember them all.


Well-Known Member
Took 2mg of xan and went to the bars tonight... Shitt, only spent 15$ at the bar and im feeling more than great


Well-Known Member
Oh and 2Fast, talked to dude... All is good tomorrow. I may go on the boat so it could he late afternoon


New Member
Same here MrE, I would have started drinking the bottle like its water.

Especially some jim beam black, that shit is good.


Well-Known Member
Since we're all talking about drinkin'. How about that Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey? Another guzzler. I do enjoy drinking.