Bent clones?

Hey all!

I just took a batch of clones last night (my first time; very exciting). Anyway, I took from the lowest branches of my mother plants which are 9+ weeks old. I took the terminal + 1-2 nodes; cut at 45, split the stem, dipped in clonex, removed lower set of leaves, dipped in clonex some more, dropped in root riot cubes, misted and into the tray.

I noticed that the clones just bend over and are not rigid. This is causing the leaves to face sideways instead of up. Is this bad? Will it fix itself? Should I do anything??? :???:

Thanks for any help!


Well-Known Member
im having the same problem and it been 13 days from cutting them. hope they do fix themselves
im having the same problem and it been 13 days from cutting them. hope they do fix themselves
13 days? How long do you plan on letting them root for? What are you doing to root them (cubes, aero, etc). I would hope you are seeing some sort of root growth by now (I had already transplanted my last batch before 13 days).

Anyone else have experience with non-rigid clones?


Before you drop into the root riot cubes cut off the tips of the fan leaves, without a root system they cannot support the weight of the foliage which might result in your bending. You could also be over watering/sprayings and your environment is too humid. When cloning I take 2-3 section clones and have a good success rate using clonex, root riot cubes, heat mat, dome, and a foliar mixed with half feeding of B1 and dutch masters penetrator. It will take some trys to improve your results. Happy cloning.