Benefits of playing music to your babies?


only thing that would make sense is particular resonant frequencies of noise, whether or not they're musical look up 'sonoluminescence' frequency 528hz, 144hz, 444hz are said to influence the human genome... why not that of plants? ;)


Well-Known Member
Here's just a little from a quick google...

something from a science jounal

Yes, playing music does have some effect on plant growth. Here is an abstract from Ultrasonics Volume 41, Issue 5, July 2003, Pages 407-411 by Yu-Chuan Qin, Won-Chu Leeb, Young-Cheol Choi and Tae-Wan Kim: "The effects of two different sonic exposures on two vegetables, namely Chinese cabbage and cucumber at two growth stages, including seedlings and mature plants were investigated. The 3 h exposures included either 20 kHz sound waves or "green music" that comprised classic music and natural sounds such as those of birds, insects, water, etc. Analysis of variance between groups (ANOVA) was used to determine the appropriate statistics parameters for the different treatments. Both exposures caused significant elevations in the level of polyamines (PAs) and increased uptake of oxygen O2 in comparison with the controls. For Chinese cabbage the highest PAs' levels were determined for both seedlings and mature plants that were exposed to "green music". The oxygen uptake in Chinese cabbage also increased as a result of sonic exposures, and the highest oxygen uptake was also observed after "green music" treatment. For cucumber, the highest content of PAs for both seedlings and mature cucumber plants was determined as a result of 20 kHz ultrasound exposure. 20 kHz exposure of mature plants also resulted in the highest level of oxygen uptake. No statistically significant differences in the vitamin C level were determined between the different sonic treatments and sham exposed vegetables. "

The mythbusters compared Heavy metal music to Classical music and found both grew better than their silent control plants, but heavy metal performed better than classical music.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]In 1973, a woman named Dorothy Retallack published a small book called The Sound of Music and Plants. Her book detailed experiments that she had been conducting at the Colorado Woman’s College in Denver using the school’s three Biotronic Control Chambers. Mrs. Retallack placed plants in each chamber and speakers through which she played sounds and particular styles of music. She watched the plants and recorded their progress daily. She was astounded at what she discovered.[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]Her first experiment was to simply play a constant tone. In the first of the three chambers, she played a steady tone continuously for eight hours. In the second, she played the tone for three hours intermittently, and in the third chamber, she played no tone at all. The plants in the first chamber, with the constant tone, died within fourteen days. The plants in the second chamber grew abundantly and were extremely healthy, even more so than the plants in the third chamber. This was a very interesting outcome, very similar to the results that were obtained from experiments performed by the Muzak Corporation in the early 1940s to determine the effect of "background music" on factory workers. When music was played continuously, the workers were more fatigued and less productive, when played for several hours only, several times a day, the workers were more productive, and more alert and attentive than when no music was played.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]For her next experiment, Mrs. Retallack used two chambers (and fresh plants). She placed radios in each chamber. In one chamber, the radio was tuned to a local rock station, and in the other the radio played a station that featured soothing "middle-of-the-road" music. Only three hours of music was played in each chamber. On the fifth day, she began noticing drastic changes. In the chamber with the soothing music, the plants were growing healthily and their stems were starting to bend towards the radio! In the rock chamber, half the plants had small leaves and had grown gangly, while the others were stunted. After two weeks, the plants in the soothing-music chamber were uniform in size, lush and green, and were leaning between 15 and 20 degrees toward the radio. The plants in the rock chamber had grown extremely tall and were drooping, the blooms had faded and the stems were bending away from the radio. On the sixteenth day, all but a few plants in the rock chamber were in the last stages of dying. In the other chamber, the plants were alive, beautiful, and growing abundantly.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]"Chaos, pure chaos": plants subjected to Led Zeppelin and Jimi Hendrix didn't survive[/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]Mrs. Retallack’s next experiment was to create a tape of rock music by Jimi Hendrix, Vanilla Fudge, and Led Zeppelin. Again, the plants turned away from the music. Thinking maybe it was the percussion in the rock music that was causing the plants to lean away from the speakers, she performed an experiment playing a song that was performed on steel drums. The plants in this experiment leaned just slightly away from the speaker; however not as extremely as did the plants in the rock chambers. When she performed the experiment again, this time with the same song played by strings, the plants bent towards the speaker.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]Next Mrs. Retallack tried another experiment again using the three chambers. In one chamber she played North Indian classical music performed by sitar and tabla, in another she played Bach organ music, and in the third, no music was played. The plants "liked" the North Indian classical music the best. In both the Bach and sitar chambers, the plants leaned toward the speakers, but he plants in the Indian music chamber leaned toward the speakers the most. [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]She went on to experiment with other types of music. The plants showed no reaction at all to country and western music, similarly to those in silent chambers. However, the plants "liked" the jazz that she played them. She tried an experiment using rock in one chamber, and "modern" (dischordant) classical music of negative composers Arnold Schönberg and Anton Webern in another. The plants in the rock chamber leaned 30 to 70 degrees away from the speakers and the plants in the modern classical chamber leaned 10 to 15 degrees away.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]I spoke with Mrs. Retallack about her experiments a few years after her book was published, and at that time I began performing my own experiments with plants using a wood-frame and clear-plastic-covered structure that I had built in my back yard. For one month, I played three-hours-a-day of music from Arnold Schönberg’s negative opera Moses and Aaron, and for another month I played three-hours-a-day of the positive music of Palestrina. The effects were clear. The plants subjected to Schönberg died. The plants that listened to Palestrina flourished.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]In these experiments, albeit basic and not fully scientific, we have the genesis of a theory of positive and negative music. What is it that causes the plants to thrive or die, to grow bending toward a source of sound or away from it?[/FONT]



New Member
hey chris thanks for all the info. exactly why I posted this thread. I knew there was some more in depth details of studies done. Now I don't have a massive bose system like that, I was just playing music on a cell phone at a low volume. but i suppose they like whatever frequency it is more than the volume. I do think that it helped them in some weird way. The lights go on in 2.5 hours I can't wait to take a look at them tonight. My first grow has been alot of fun thanks to all of you guys. ( even the skeptical and the ones who have bashed other ideas of mine. ) cheers RIU


Well-Known Member
Dude you didn't do shit. It was already a female.
Ever heard of this....

Observer-expectancy effect
The observer-expectancy effect (also called the experimenter-expectancy effect, observer effect, or experimenter effect) is a form of reactivity, in which a researcher's cognitive bias causes them to unconsciously influence the participants of an experiment. It is a significant threat to a study's internal validity, and is therefore typically controlled using a double-blind experimental design.
An example of the observer-expectancy effect is demonstrated in music backmasking, in which hidden verbal messages are said to be audible when a recording is played backwards. Some people expect to hear hidden messages when reversing songs, and therefore hear the messages, but to others it sounds like nothing more than random sounds. Often when a song is played backwards, a listener will fail to notice the "hidden" lyrics until they are explicitly pointed out, after which they are obvious. Other prominent examples include facilitated communication and dowsing.
or this
Not everything is black and white!!!!


Well-Known Member
this is interesting, but scientifically, I think your plants would benefit more if you just went in there for a half hour every now and then and read a book. The co2 from your breathing, even for that short time, should benefit them more than the music.


New Member
i do actually lol. I go in there a half hour before lights off and I spend atleast a half hour in there when the lights come on, sometimes more. I am so fascinated by how these things are growing that I can sometimes spend more than a half hour just studying new growth on them after the lights come back on.


Active Member
I have been playing them a mix of classical music and spanish guitar. My eyes may not be able to tell if they like it. But it makes me feel like I am god when I'm inspecting my plants to such peaceful music. lol


Active Member
I think that plants are by far more sensitive than traditional science gives them credit for. They have been around for a lot longer than any complex life form on Earth, so I am sure they have evolved to be sensitive to sound. Especially considering they are sensitive to light, gravity, moisture, acidity and temperature. I am going to play mine prog house because it has uplifting melodies and has a rhythmic repetitive beat structure.


Well-Known Member
I play tai chi meditation music......a lot of the songs have birds and a lot of other sounds heard in nature....