Benefits of a Longer Veg Time?


Active Member
does anyone have links to show crops with massive veg times? (like 3-4mos)

i know the con's would be longer wait time to flower, but other than that, why not? does potency increase/decrease?

edit, now that i think about it, i think permenant mothers would fall under this category right? im bored and invisioning a 3month veg from seed on a single plant and scrog it to make like 20+ colas. that would be dope.


Well-Known Member
dawg, you can veg the fuckers for 7-8 weeks and lst and you have more than 20 top colas homie, the way you are talking it seems youll have hundreds, lol but hey, that would be a site to see, if your gunna make a big one, i would suggest using a big tote to plant it in, more roots, more budz, oh yea, and your potency will not be affected by home long you veg for, your environmental conditions will usually dictate that, keep it optimal range, and you will have optimal smoke, the potency is all in the strain though, be them big or small


Well-Known Member
i saw this pic in a book they were talking about beefing up the stock so that ur lady gets big and the extra pot to conserve horizontal space and give ur plant more root space


Well-Known Member
Longer the veg time, the more buds you'll have at harvest. I've heard but can't confirm that buds on a mature plant like that are better quality. Sure seems that way to me.Outdoor natural growing should give around 3 months or so vegging, so I like mine to veg close to 3 months, then flower them. Outdoors all depends on when you start them.

I dunno, I never understood why some like to flower right away without letting the plant develop


Well-Known Member
well since i grew outside at a point, i can answer why some ppl veg short, even tho i did grow outside ii din't have nuff space for multiple plants so vegging quick would shorten the grow time so i can get 2 harvests in 6 months instead of 1 or 1 for 7 month ( sats ,,there is nothing else here :) )


Well-Known Member
this is what am gonna try next, since al no longer be feening for free bud ( :) ) am take one of my clones and veg it for a while,