Beneficial Indigenous Micro-Organisms or BIM

WOW!!! What're ya going to do with it?! I wouldn't touch that if I were you :O

Hahaha....thanks for the rep...those bio suits do get least i was able to finish my batch of meth though.. ;)

I'll just add some old soil to it and dig it in...nothing special... For now though i am just enjoying the show...naked...wait are you supposed to wear clothes under those bio-suits...? :)
Day 13...

Pretty much all consumed...still alot of activity happening though....guess i'll turn it...and continue the work on my soil building. :)


Chronatron, let me know if your mix starts a fermernty, vinegarish, or ammonia type smell or taste. My brown rice 'fungi cake' mix had that smell for over a month. I didn't put anything in that mix until that 'frumunda' cheese smell left. That's another perk to having living mulch...always a quick easy test subject handy,,,that's down to do the real dirt.
Chronatron, let me know if your mix starts a fermernty, vinegarish, or ammonia type smell or taste. My brown rice 'fungi cake' mix had that smell for over a month. I didn't put anything in that mix until that 'frumunda' cheese smell left. That's another perk to having living mulch...always a quick easy test subject handy,,,that's down to do the real dirt.

Will do smells faintly of coconut as of right now...that will dissipate soon i think..
I thought I'd put my post from the rols thread here too.

  • Talked to my local organics guy and he said the mold turning greyish color could be age, or temp, or dehydration. That guy and his wife talk too damn much. They mean well but they aren't the best at giving linear information. A lot of jumping around and not finishing thoughts.
    Here's a recipe he gave me for growing fungus.

    1/2 lb of compost (not ewc)
    3/4 teaspoon fish hydrosylate
    3/4 teaspoon soluplex
    and enough water to squeeze a drop of liquid out of the mix after mixing your baby food oatmeal. He didn't give me a certain amount of oatmeal to add but I just dust generously.

    Whats the consensus on soluplex? I guess its on the list to be labeled organic just waiting on the stamp. He started going on about how adding the soluplex increases all the bene's we love so much.

    He also will uncover his mix at night to collect all the spores in the air then cover to keep it dark during the day.​

Here's a link to the product I'm asking about. Has anyone used it?
You can always just sprinkle the baby oatmeal on some compost for fungi. Very cheap and effective. Take the fungi, and break it up 1:1 with your compost/castings. Transplant with it (contacting roots) before the switch, top dress, add it to worm bin/compost pile, etc. Hope this helps and saves you some money.

Edit: Think you had some mold issues with the darker stuff.
Chronatron, let me know if your mix starts a fermernty, vinegarish, or ammonia type smell or taste. My brown rice 'fungi cake' mix had that smell for over a month. I didn't put anything in that mix until that 'frumunda' cheese smell left. That's another perk to having living mulch...always a quick easy test subject handy,,,that's down to do the real dirt.

So nah...didnt get these strongs smells that you experienced... How was your air flow in your bins/containers?

I have now covered the 'bin-bio fuzz guff' with old soil from recent harvests...bit more to add...before re-amending... :)
So nah...didnt get these strongs smells that you experienced... How was your air flow in your bins/containers?

I have now covered the 'bin-bio fuzz guff' with old soil from recent harvests...bit more to add...before re-amending... :)

Well, I recently threw some semi cooked brown rice on top of my worm bins...very thin layer. My bins are almost half shredded leaves from woods...none of that curb side shit. In 3 days I couldn't see anything but 'green santa's beard'. I let half of it grow on and the other half I mixed in. The worms tore into the turned stuff, and I don't visually see anything...even with loop. The other half got that blueish green look. I actually fingered it to see if it was warm at all, and it was just room temp?! Again, I have the fermented smell. It's just a cheap simple way of adding diversity to your compost. I'm currently looking into buying a microscope to take all the guess work out. I'll be collecting from a wooded are when spring finally hits.
Very very good thread here :)
I will add this website to the collection, if someone wants to copy paste gils recipes onto this thread then that would be great. I have copy pasted them into notes on my ipad but it takes forever since im on my ipad so if someone else could do it that would be really helpful for people who dont want to click the link. is one of the best websites i have been to so i think it will be very helpful to ya'll. i have been lurking the ROLS thread and all of the other threads on organics, all the stickies and the mainlining and matt riez thread, etc for the past year so i have come to see glimpses of peoples personalities here and there and i have to say that you organic heads are some of the most helpful, kind, easy going people i have ever come across. I feel like you people are my kind of people haha, its a nice place for me to come so thank you for the info and the kindness that you all bring here. I have learned sooooooo much from you guys, its incredible!

Go check out the link! Its gil and patrick that run the site and they show you how to make your own organic BIM, lacto b, grow and bloom ferts, a cal-phos supplement with egg shells, and some other stuff. Its great info!

Thanks again for freely sharing all of this crucial information for people like me who cant go take classes and pick organic gurus heads all the time. And for the sick people who cant leave their houses and can only use the internet. Most of the info from you guys is very accurate and if something is said that is not accurate then someone else chimes in and politely corrects them. Out of all the boards on this site and others, i have to say that the organics board is by far the most accurate and most mature.

Keep it up guys and girls!!! :)
I have one question, i called john, the dude who makes the product i guess?
Anyway i called and asked if "thrive alive - red" was safe to use with my organic plants and he said yeah its fine, it wont kill the micro-beasties.
I also looked at the ingredients and both red and green look the same.. But the green is organic and the red is.. Not?
Does anyone have any input on this?
Can i use the thrive alive red on my garden?
I have the red and i dont wanna pay 18.99 for the green if they are the same thing.
Also if it is safe to use, how do i use it? Can i bubble it with my teas or should i just give it in water?
Its made here in BC! Its from BC kelp or something. Has hormones etc in it.
Can someone look it up for me! Or just share their thoughts on the ingredients?
It kinda looks like an expensive seaweed product to be honest.. Am i wrong?

Might be time to make another micro fuzz farm...

Anyone got any other suggestions to add to the fungi extravaganza..?
Anyone got any other suggestions to add to the fungi extravaganza..?
yeah, a myco terminology paper !

viral mode off<

xtravaganza mode on<

why not try inoculating a massive indigenous fungus gnat population with a nice product like piranha. It's well known there are harmless & carriers of disseases [bennies in this case]
are you ready for the multi inoculation?
yeah, a myco terminology paper !

viral mode off<

xtravaganza mode on<

why not try inoculating a massive indigenous fungus gnat population with a nice product like piranha. It's well known there are harmless & carriers of disseases [bennies in this case]
are you ready for the multi inoculation?

Hahaha....i'll pass introducing fungus gnats yo ...never had them actually....but they dont seem like a desirable... :)