bending branches question?!?!


Well-Known Member
Ok so on my 6ft'er most of my growth shoots on most of my branches are being cover by other parts of the plant and get little to NO sunlight so my question is can i just tie each branch down a little so they get more sun or should i just bend the whole plant so the branches go up(i dont get it)? wouldnt this be hurtfull or stressful to your plant??! I dont really get this low stress training stuff so as much info and input would help me out GREATLY! PLEASE REPLY!!!!
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Well-Known Member
I read all of them n it doesnt say anything about doing it to a 6ft plant... i just need to know if i can tie the branches down some how so they get more sun or should i just tie down the stalk so the branches arent stressed?...or could i cut the leaves ouuta the way as well?...

If you tie the whole stalk down will the branches just 'rise up' toward the sun or what..
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Well-Known Member
I just need some vets to reply please!!!! I just need some tips or something!! I dont know if i can do this with my 6ft'er...she needs it!!
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Well-Known Member
ive tied down a plant at about 4ft. i say tie it down. tie a string half way up the stem and peg the other end to the ground bend plant a little and leave for a couple days than tighten string/bend plant some more. do this gradually over a period of time or untill you have desired height. you will need more than one string on the stem plus stings tied to branches pulling toward ground. good luck.


Active Member
I would say to gently bend each branch towards the ground, starting with the bottom one. And when tying them, use something loose around them like a firm wire and make sure the plants not gonna pull it up. personally i pull all my plants down, i like the bushy effect it gets from the different parts of the branches expanding. here's mine, about 5 ft if it were standing straight up, but i start bending my young. and yes, the branches always grow toward the light source, so it doesn't matter if there tops aren't looking at light, they'll find i, and start new tops.....everywhere



Well-Known Member
alright sweet! What should i use to tie it down..some said hangers and some said string....any input on what I should use?


Well-Known Member
If you're careful you can tie any way you want.. I'm going to put a brace in my topped plants Y to open up middle to sun.. my 5 ft is lowered by about 1 ft by tying (did it late)..... tie that bitch up...


Well-Known Member
hell yea, i think tommarow im gonna use some steardy wire hangers and bend bend the top down, or just do the branches im no sure yet..where do i pull it down if im goin to pull down the whole plant in the middle or towards the top? should i go little at a time then see what it does or is it cool to just bend er' down as much as possible w/o breaking it?

nepali grizzly

Well-Known Member
its gonna be tough to tie your 6'er down like that, the stem is probably not very flexible. Have you ever heard of the Roll & Fold method? I think you might have better luck doing that way.


Well-Known Member
I have no idea.....can you tell me how its done? so since mine is 6ft and might be a little harder do you guys thnk i should just try doing the branches or at least just tie it down a little bit..i mean some more light is better than none...


Well-Known Member
hell yea, i think tommarow im gonna use some steardy wire hangers and bend bend the top down, or just do the branches im no sure yet..where do i pull it down if im goin to pull down the whole plant in the middle or towards the top? should i go little at a time then see what it does or is it cool to just bend er' down as much as possible w/o breaking it?
I have no idea.....can you tell me how its done? so since mine is 6ft and might be a little harder do you guys thnk i should just try doing the branches or at least just tie it down a little bit..i mean some more light is better than none...
Blunt my man, I'd use string or something softer..I got a friction boo boo on a plant last year using wire.. The wind or fans can damage the contact site..
Not having any pics it's hard to advise...if you have place take a cinder block and put on ground beside plant and tie to the block, fence, stand.... (All you need is a few inches, then after a couple of days you'll see all the middle growth will grow up), shit give the cat some Valium and tie it to him.....:mrgreen:
Luck.... Good to try new stuff...thats how you learn...
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Well-Known Member
breaking, to help/stop this just pull it down gradually (low stress) but you dont have to be a pussy about doing this youll actually be suprised how far they can bend i was

nepali grizzly

Well-Known Member
I read about the ROLL & FOLD method in a book and its supposed to be very safe and effective for bending hard stems. Alright here's how to do it.
step 1: Cut a 6-12inch long piece of paper about as wide as the node spacing where you would like to make the bend, and cut 2 pieces of tape 3-4 inches long.
step 2: Roll the piece of paper around the stem as tight as you can and tape it so that its tight. Make sure you rapped the paper at least 8 times around the stem.
step 3: Now what you wanna do it put your finger in the middle of the rolled up paper and bend as much as you can. Don't be scared to break the stem the paper gives it plenty of support and makes it so you can bend 180 degrees without breaking. You may hear some cracking of the stem if you didn't roll tight enough.
step 4: use some string and tie it down however you need to.

Here's a pic of what mine looks like.



Active Member
yeah, be careful though, they can bend about 45 degrees, give or take, so see how far they easily push to then just a inch or 2 past that.if that, try and use a wire so its reall loose around it, and even wired them in bunches, like 4 or 5 small branches, they;ll open up and spread