Bell Peppers In My Room


Well-Known Member

I've been growing a bell pepper plant in my growroom for about two months now. the leaves on it are massive, but the plant is short. Its finally flowering now, with at twenty flowers. question is, should i prune some of the flowers off to control the fruiting or should i just let it be? im thinking if the plant ends up with this much fruit on it it couldnt be a good thing. Anyone with bell pepper experience? I will try to post pics soon.

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Well-Known Member
ok, so heres some pics. as you can see its starting to flower, but there is at least 30 budsites which seems like a little much. should i prune them, and if so when? thanks

also, a little bonus. the buddies! they love the growroom, but dont worry, they dont mess with the other babies!



Well-Known Member
Aww cute birds!

Anywhoo, I've been doing a bit of reading. I can't find anything that says you should prune the flowers. This link may answer your question (read the paragraph right above Harvest Time) Pepper Gardening 101

Here is another link which may be useful as time goes on if you start to see your flowers dropping off. The Growing Edge Community - Indoor pepper flowers drop off...

After reading I think you should keep the flowers on, and when the peppers start to grow, pick them sooner rather then later to get the maximum yield from the plant.


Well-Known Member
I have a bell pepper outdoors and am impressed with its growth.I bought it 3 weeks ago and it was like 6" tall and after replanting in organic soil its around 16" tall now. What kinda light are you using ?


Well-Known Member
im using about 400 watts total of cfls. The plant is an experiment, i treat it exactly like a bud plant just to see what happens, same lighting schedule, nutes, feeding schedule etc... and so far its the easiest and fastest growing plant ive had so far. I wish mary-j grew like this. I also have a sensetive plant i grew from seed thats doing pretty well. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Aww cute birds!

Anywhoo, I've been doing a bit of reading. I can't find anything that says you should prune the flowers. This link may answer your question (read the paragraph right above Harvest Time) Pepper Gardening 101

Here is another link which may be useful as time goes on if you start to see your flowers dropping off. The Growing Edge Community - Indoor pepper flowers drop off...

After reading I think you should keep the flowers on, and when the peppers start to grow, pick them sooner rather then later to get the maximum yield from the plant.
thanks for the info it really helped. From what ive read bell peppers have two kinds of growth, somewhat similar to marijuana but a little different. there is vegatative growth and fruiting growth. the plant will concentrate on one or the other more, but it isnt determined by lighting like with cannabus but genetics (from what i understand). you can sway the plant in one direction by doing certain things. So what it seems like is if there are too many fruits the plant will do an "abortion" and drop some of the fruit to concentrate on the others.


Well-Known Member
after a week and a half i was ready to give up. The plant had so many flowers but all of them would blossom and fall off. But just today I looked an saw a flower dying and a tinsy little pepper was coming out of it. This is awesome. Finally, it almost takes longer than bud because at least with bud you can see the flower and know its ready to go.:joint:


Well-Known Member
Going to post an update for us ??

I'm trying some tomatos and cucumbers myself (outdoor flood and drain).


Well-Known Member
Anyway show us some pics when you get a chance.

Poor Bella:cry:, I wanted to see her plants growing, it seem vegies are harder for me to grow than weed:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
yea i feel bad for her too. alotta hard work was put into that grow. It would be awesome if she grew some DWC Bell Peppers. Help me convince her.:evil:


Well-Known Member
haha they are awesome. that video just reminded me of the birds in your profile picture. how old are those guys?


Well-Known Member
The one on the left is the son of the two on the right, he's about 9 months, his mother is the pearl pied 4 years, the yellow cheek is from the pet store ? age, the gray is really a male pearl ? age, had the two parents outside in their cage one day, along came the pearl, then they called him down, landed on top of their cage, I picked up the cage, brought it in the house, then got the new bird in a spare cage, he had a big wound on his chest, I think he wanted to be caught. We nursed him back to health He's very happy now, I know he's a male because he really likes my female but not the males.

What kind of bird is that in the last pic ??


Well-Known Member
wow so you have a wild cockateil? awesome.

that bird is an English Budgie

It looks like a giant deformed parakeet with a huge head. hes a little smaller than a cocketiel and just as smart. he likes to follow me around all day and investigate what im doing. And he tries to steal food from my plate and hand, and tries to eat my bud


Well-Known Member
LOL, I just read this now. You guys are freaking hilarious.

Much Love <3

Soooo Mjetta since I choose to keep my grow going, how is that little pepper you were talking about coming along???