Belief Without Evidence WTF?


Well-Known Member
Heis don't you agree that an atheist has no stance. But when an atheist says that god does not exist, they have just taken a stance? Therefore that person requires evidence to make their claim valid....right? I'm just wondering.
Correct, believing there is no god is beyond atheism and requires a leap of faith.

Dear mr Heisenberg, I kinda knew where you were going for one moment, but then just a moment later I had realized that in the following illustration, you are the guy on the right, and I am on the left. Look how I a laugh right now!
I didn't study it too much. Did the guy on left use deflection and ad hominem attacks due to the lack of any valid counter?


Active Member

I am a satanist? I think believing in a Devil or Satan is more Obsurde than Believing in a God. <3 fyi.
lol, this dude ^^ mad cause im tellin the truth and he cant handle it. fyi high school was over for awhile but iguess you aint get the memo. lol

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
"GOD" is just an ancient word for "I don't know how it works". Or "We can only understand it if we pretend it has emotions like us."

This is such a long fight over an outdated word. Now people call it "A black hole" if we can't understand it. Like the 4th demension is a black kairos man!


Well-Known Member the opportune moment. It's the '2nd meaning of time' to the greeks.

Last night's not today
and right now's not tomorrow
livin in the moment
then your times already borrowed

At first you don't succeed,
Then try it all agin.
I'ma die fore I quit,
so indeed I'ma win.


Well-Known Member
Satan is an angel. Not human. Therefore he has no will, he can do only the will of god.
Technically, it is a title, the adversary, and not the name of any specific entity. Not necessarily an angel but a member of the divine council. It is the job of the adversary to tempt the pious but he works for God not against him. Christianity turns that on its head.


Well-Known Member
What truth ^_^ I have seen you since POST # 1. You cannot trick the RIU community into thinking I am the wrong one here my friend. you have over 288 posts of nonsense, I have over 2,088 posts of knowldge you can look up & gain facts about. You Copy & Paste bible versus. You do not have one Original thought in your head that has to do w/ truth. I do not attempt @ debating w/ people like you, especially you.. becuase not once have I read a post by you that has any knowledgable basis.

Heisen seems like a Gift from God, (pun intended) .. with how he takes the time to try & educate you guys on the Reality of the world we live in.. While you rely on faith.. he relies on Facts & understanding.. Expland your mind if you would like to be taken seriously.

If people on the web consider you a joke, o_O I mean.. cmon. where else do you have a better outlet to shine & show your true intellect. Yet you destroy your rep by chanting crazy talk. You must be even worse in real life when it comes to not understanding the world we live in.
lol, this dude ^^ mad cause im tellin the truth and he cant handle it. fyi high school was over for awhile but iguess you aint get the memo. lol


Well-Known Member
Technically, it is a title, the adversary, and not the name of any specific entity. Not necessarily an angel but a member of the divine council. It is the job of the adversary to tempt the pious but he works for God not against him. Christianity turns that on its head.
Yeah, but look at Islam.

Satan is a Djinn. All Angels and Demons are Djinn.

Satan is an ArchAngel. One of the Elite of gods Willess crew.

Satan can perform only the will of god, that is why he hates Adam. Because he has will, and therefore rule over the Djinn. God tells them to bow, and Satan refuses. In a way, it was gods will for Satan to revolt. "God" (a character in a book) sets up EVERYTHING. He knew what would happen, and knew what his willess soldier would do.



Well-Known Member
Only issue I have with believing in stuff like that Fin.. past the point of it only being a man made story.

Is that it seems Obsurde & Pointless. If god knew everything...before hand.. Created everything.. knowing its destination.. MAKES NO SENSE WHY WE LIVE IN THE WORLD WE DO.

Does god have a sense of humor making Life a Game?

Why not just make us all Perfect to begin with.? would that not leave him w/ alot more free time creating positive things in the universe? instead of gambling w/ humans as pets.

I see nothing wrong with the bible or god.. but when it causes someone to live a certain way & reject true knowledge & a intrest in science... I think god is working against his own plan.

If he were so smart, why did he make so many mistakes in ragards to us?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, but look at Islam.

Satan is a Djinn. All Angels and Demons are Djinn.

Satan is an ArchAngel. One of the Elite of gods Willess crew.

Satan can perform only the will of god, that is why he hates Adam. Because he has will, and therefore rule over the Djinn. God tells them to bow, and Satan refuses. In a way, it was gods will for Satan to revolt. "God" (a character in a book) sets up EVERYTHING. He knew what would happen, and knew what his willess soldier would do.
Who cares what Islam says? Hasatan is Hebrew, it is a title that has a definite article it is not the name of an individual angel or demon. Christianity distorted the idea of hasatan long before Islam was even in the picture. There is nothing in the Hebrew literature that supports the idea of an angel that hated Adam. Christianity and Islam took fictitious stories from bronze-age goat herders and made them even more unrecognizable yet that is what the majority of the people now believe. If they only knew the origins of their fables, they would have a much easier time dismissing them.


Well-Known Member
Even better. HUMANS CREATED COMPUTERS.. a Much more efficient way of calculating info, mathmatical problems in the world we live in.. If we MUST CREATE something to FURTHER OUR OWN WAY OF LIFE.. why did God not give us a Better CPU upstairs? (brain)

Did he purposefully Halfass on humans to intentionally make/hope they would improve? & if he knew the outcome anyway what good would it be to do in the 1st place.. It all makes no sense when ppl use "God" as an excuse. Cause @ the end of the Day.. the God they say is perfect, all knowing... controdicts the very teachings his fallowers use to better their understanding of him.


Well-Known Member
DING DING DING... Most people including Diesel do not even fully understand the History of their beliefs & religions. If they did, it would not seem like such a Godly Mystery. Lack of knowledge is their enemy.
Who cares what Islam says? Hasatan is Hebrew, it is a title that has a definite article it is not the name of an individual angel or demon. Christianity distorted the idea of hasatan long before Islam was even in the picture. There is nothing in the Hebrew literature that supports the idea of an angel that hated Adam. Christianity and Islam took fictitious stories from bronze-age goat herders and made them even more unrecognizable yet that is what the majority of the people now believe. If they only knew the origins of their fables, they would have a much easier time dismissing them.


Well-Known Member
actually satan in islam was the only angel with free will. (or one of the few, cant remember)

and thats why he rebelled

"i am made of fire and man of simple clay, Why should I bow to he!?"

or something like that.

though in another version of the story, satan refused, because, he had made a wow,or something like that, never to love anyone as much as god.

and was told to love man the same as god (you serve those you love as they serve you (i scratch your back because i love to see you happy and know you like that and you do the same for me)

well, it was either a wow, or simply that he couldnt love man the same as god.

mjeh, stories.


Well-Known Member

I just find it funny how the Koran & the Bible are the same shit re-written by people w/ different views & agendas.. & most Christians do not understand that.


Active Member
rawbudz your so full of crap to the point where you fooled yourself. knowledge? you? you say the dumbest crap as a post, over 6000 post of crap wwwaayyy more crap than me. you think post count mean somethin to me? you out your mind man. your gullible id work you in a minute ''if'' iwas still that unbeliever of a man iused to be. inever had a issue withchu(and thats no lie)but you(being nieve) think these cats on here your friends or somethin, listen to every word they say and take it to heart. this aint hs nomore. stop being a nieve follower and lead your own life. these cats aint your friends foreal. this the internet pal, not real life, so stop acting like it is. idont and never had a issue withchu but you stepped up to me so iheld the mirror up to you.