Being liberal.

I was being sarcastic and didnt do a very good job of it but I admitted my error and what else could I do. I am a Democrat and that's the was I've voted for the last 40 year.
I dont like the man and I may well be retarded but I'm not a Trumptard.
I know I've been tagged as the enemy but not much else I can do. If I was in fact a Trump supporter why would I not just admit it. I hope no one else has said something they couldn't retract but I hope you were not permanently branded.
Because trolls get paid to not drop their act, they just log in lie and take the abuse over and over while posting propaganda for Dear Leader like it is their job, because it is their job.

Just look at Buss russ-whatever name is, and other trolls in that confederacy of dunces thread, eventually most of the sock puppets will crack eventually. UB is exceptionally well at getting them to fall apart eventually lol.
Because trolls get paid to not drop their act, they just log in lie and take the abuse over and over while posting propaganda for Dear Leader like it is their job, because it is their job.

Just look at Buss russ-whatever name is, and other trolls in that confederacy of dunces thread, eventually most of the sock puppets will crack eventually. UB is exceptionally well at getting them to fall apart eventually lol.
No it's because they come from other grow websites. People get all hurt over their stupid thoughts getting shit on here, and they go back to whatever grow website they came from and talk about how we hurt them. Then their little buddies try to come over and also get shit on but claim they are destroying us libs so their friends dont laugh at them.

Rollitup is very liberal compared to other sites. It's pretty surprising too given the nature of this website and which party wants us in jail over a plant
Trolls get paid? Is that a fact and who pays them? I've been a posting member here longer than you srh88, DIY-led, and dear UncleBuck and almost as long as Hannimal so I certainly didnt float over from another site srh88 because my handlers made contact with a sleeper troll and gave me my instructions.
It must be great to always be right and I hope in your day to day lives you don't just talk about being liberals but back it up with action of some sort because I do. From meals on wheels to short term fostering. I've volunteered at Father Bills until they objected to my passing out condoms and narcan. Even now I'm exposed daily to confirmed COVID carriers providing some level of care without 95s. I marched on the 20th anniversary of MLKs march on Washington. The business gives crates of food specifically requested to the greater Boston food bank. So what do you guys do as good liberal Democrat?.NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING but you guys cherry pick the couple of things I've said which run counter to your politics and use those snigglets as evidence of my being a Trumptard.
Well your interpretation of where I stand on the issues is wrong but there is zero point in my attempting to convince you that I'm not who you've determined me to be.
My feeling are not hurt. I've faced ignorance coming from Trump fans I just in general expect Democrats to be more intelligent. If I was a god fearing man and a believer in ghosts and fairy tales I would pray that our party has more to offer than you hostile phonies. So what have you done today to further your agenda? Gnight. Some of us have to go to work on the front lines tomorrow while you wingnuts are more concerned with where the fault lies than a solution.
Yours truly,
The Trumptard (Talk about not being PC)
Trolls get paid? Is that a fact and who pays them? I've been a posting member here longer than you srh88, DIY-led, and dear UncleBuck and almost as long as Hannimal so I certainly didnt float over from another site srh88 because my handlers made contact with a sleeper troll and gave me my instructions.
It must be great to always be right and I hope in your day to day lives you don't just talk about being liberals but back it up with action of some sort because I do. From meals on wheels to short term fostering. I've volunteered at Father Bills until they objected to my passing out condoms and narcan. Even now I'm exposed daily to confirmed COVID carriers providing some level of care without 95s. I marched on the 20th anniversary of MLKs march on Washington. The business gives crates of food specifically requested to the greater Boston food bank. So what do you guys do as good liberal Democrat?.NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING but you guys cherry pick the couple of things I've said which run counter to your politics and use those snigglets as evidence of my being a Trumptard.
Well your interpretation of where I stand on the issues is wrong but there is zero point in my attempting to convince you that I'm not who you've determined me to be.
My feeling are not hurt. I've faced ignorance coming from Trump fans I just in general expect Democrats to be more intelligent. If I was a god fearing man and a believer in ghosts and fairy tales I would pray that our party has more to offer than you hostile phonies. So what have you done today to further your agenda? Gnight. Some of us have to go to work on the front lines tomorrow while you wingnuts are more concerned with where the fault lies than a solution.
Yours truly,
The Trumptard (Talk about not being PC)
You ain't a sock, but you have been known to troll. Now is a time of sharp political polarization in America and when that happens people split into tribes and an increased level of orthodoxy is practiced and enforced by both sides, on the Trump side your life would be threatened, on the left you're just shit on. If you advocate morally and ethically indefensible positions you will lose every time and if those positions are harmful to others the gloves will come off. That's the way it works in Trump's America, no mans land is dead man's land, pick a trench.
Trolls get paid? Is that a fact and who pays them? I've been a posting member here longer than you srh88, DIY-led, and dear UncleBuck and almost as long as Hannimal so I certainly didnt float over from another site srh88 because my handlers made contact with a sleeper troll and gave me my instructions.
It must be great to always be right and I hope in your day to day lives you don't just talk about being liberals but back it up with action of some sort because I do. From meals on wheels to short term fostering. I've volunteered at Father Bills until they objected to my passing out condoms and narcan. Even now I'm exposed daily to confirmed COVID carriers providing some level of care without 95s. I marched on the 20th anniversary of MLKs march on Washington. The business gives crates of food specifically requested to the greater Boston food bank. So what do you guys do as good liberal Democrat?.NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING but you guys cherry pick the couple of things I've said which run counter to your politics and use those snigglets as evidence of my being a Trumptard.
Well your interpretation of where I stand on the issues is wrong but there is zero point in my attempting to convince you that I'm not who you've determined me to be.
My feeling are not hurt. I've faced ignorance coming from Trump fans I just in general expect Democrats to be more intelligent. If I was a god fearing man and a believer in ghosts and fairy tales I would pray that our party has more to offer than you hostile phonies. So what have you done today to further your agenda? Gnight. Some of us have to go to work on the front lines tomorrow while you wingnuts are more concerned with where the fault lies than a solution.
Yours truly,
The Trumptard (Talk about not being PC)
I can be the nicest guy on here, or I can be the worst prick imaginable, it depends on who I'm dealing with.
Trolls get paid? Is that a fact and who pays them? I've been a posting member here longer than you srh88, DIY-led, and dear UncleBuck and almost as long as Hannimal so I certainly didnt float over from another site srh88 because my handlers made contact with a sleeper troll and gave me my instructions.
It must be great to always be right and I hope in your day to day lives you don't just talk about being liberals but back it up with action of some sort because I do. From meals on wheels to short term fostering. I've volunteered at Father Bills until they objected to my passing out condoms and narcan. Even now I'm exposed daily to confirmed COVID carriers providing some level of care without 95s. I marched on the 20th anniversary of MLKs march on Washington. The business gives crates of food specifically requested to the greater Boston food bank. So what do you guys do as good liberal Democrat?.NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING but you guys cherry pick the couple of things I've said which run counter to your politics and use those snigglets as evidence of my being a Trumptard.
Well your interpretation of where I stand on the issues is wrong but there is zero point in my attempting to convince you that I'm not who you've determined me to be.
My feeling are not hurt. I've faced ignorance coming from Trump fans I just in general expect Democrats to be more intelligent. If I was a god fearing man and a believer in ghosts and fairy tales I would pray that our party has more to offer than you hostile phonies. So what have you done today to further your agenda? Gnight. Some of us have to go to work on the front lines tomorrow while you wingnuts are more concerned with where the fault lies than a solution.
Yours truly,
The Trumptard (Talk about not being PC)
Also, posting this thread 3 weeks ago when many here were warning and freaking out about this for some time, did not endear you to many people. Considering the current and future death toll people are pissed.

When you consider that @abandonconflict has had a popular thread warning about the coronavirus since jan, you might understand how many here were ahead of the media on this crises.
Trolls get paid? Is that a fact and who pays them? I've been a posting member here longer than you srh88, DIY-led, and dear UncleBuck and almost as long as Hannimal so I certainly didnt float over from another site srh88 because my handlers made contact with a sleeper troll and gave me my instructions.
It must be great to always be right and I hope in your day to day lives you don't just talk about being liberals but back it up with action of some sort because I do. From meals on wheels to short term fostering. I've volunteered at Father Bills until they objected to my passing out condoms and narcan. Even now I'm exposed daily to confirmed COVID carriers providing some level of care without 95s. I marched on the 20th anniversary of MLKs march on Washington. The business gives crates of food specifically requested to the greater Boston food bank. So what do you guys do as good liberal Democrat?.NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING but you guys cherry pick the couple of things I've said which run counter to your politics and use those snigglets as evidence of my being a Trumptard.
Well your interpretation of where I stand on the issues is wrong but there is zero point in my attempting to convince you that I'm not who you've determined me to be.
My feeling are not hurt. I've faced ignorance coming from Trump fans I just in general expect Democrats to be more intelligent. If I was a god fearing man and a believer in ghosts and fairy tales I would pray that our party has more to offer than you hostile phonies. So what have you done today to further your agenda? Gnight. Some of us have to go to work on the front lines tomorrow while you wingnuts are more concerned with where the fault lies than a solution.
Yours truly,
The Trumptard (Talk about not being PC)
Trolls get paid? Is that a fact and who pays them? I've been a posting member here longer than you srh88, DIY-led, and dear UncleBuck and almost as long as Hannimal so I certainly didnt float over from another site srh88 because my handlers made contact with a sleeper troll and gave me my instructions.
It must be great to always be right and I hope in your day to day lives you don't just talk about being liberals but back it up with action of some sort because I do. From meals on wheels to short term fostering. I've volunteered at Father Bills until they objected to my passing out condoms and narcan. Even now I'm exposed daily to confirmed COVID carriers providing some level of care without 95s. I marched on the 20th anniversary of MLKs march on Washington. The business gives crates of food specifically requested to the greater Boston food bank. So what do you guys do as good liberal Democrat?.NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING but you guys cherry pick the couple of things I've said which run counter to your politics and use those snigglets as evidence of my being a Trumptard.
Well your interpretation of where I stand on the issues is wrong but there is zero point in my attempting to convince you that I'm not who you've determined me to be.
My feeling are not hurt. I've faced ignorance coming from Trump fans I just in general expect Democrats to be more intelligent. If I was a god fearing man and a believer in ghosts and fairy tales I would pray that our party has more to offer than you hostile phonies. So what have you done today to further your agenda? Gnight. Some of us have to go to work on the front lines tomorrow while you wingnuts are more concerned with where the fault lies than a solution.
Yours truly,
The Trumptard (Talk about not being PC)

which party wants us in jail over a plant

All legislation so far concerning CANNABIS legalization, whether supported by Democrats or Republicans or both has provisions for putting you in jail for weed. If you don't agree, show me some that doesn't.

All of that legislation includes government dictating how much, how big, how many, with lots of other shalls and shall nots included. Break those shall or shall nots and you will go to jail, if you are not killed that is.

If you understood the difference between a granted revocable privilege and a right, you might have a different perspective.

There is only tyranny or freedom, all politicians are anti-freedom. If you don't agree, tell me which ones aren't.
All legislation so far concerning CANNABIS legalization, whether supported by Democrats or Republicans or both has provisions for putting you in jail for weed. If you don't agree, show me some that doesn't.

All of that legislation includes government dictating how much, how big, how many, with lots of other shalls and shall nots included. Break those shall or shall nots and you will go to jail, if you are not killed that is.

If you understood the difference between a granted revocable privilege and a right, you might have a different perspective.

There is only tyranny or freedom, all politicians are anti-freedom. If you don't agree, tell me which ones aren't.
Rawn Pawl 2032
Button 1: rob roy is a convicted pedophile
Button 2: rob roy is a neo nazi who got raped in prison repeatedly

frame 2: superhero has no worries and presses both buttons
I wonder if a study has been done to link mental illness with liberalism.
Liberalism: a political doctrine that takes protecting and enhancing the freedom of the individual to be the central problem of politics. Liberals typically believe that government is necessary to protect individuals from being harmed by others, but they also recognize that government itself can pose a threat to liberty.

That you have a problem with that means only one thing: You're a blithering idiot.
DIY-HP-LED.. I've been aware of the new flu now known as corona virus from when it was a rumor to when it became a reality. If I "trolled" it was either unintentional or because my feet feel the need to step across the aisle to support a good idea or to justly convict a criminal. I'm afraid the polarization and political tribalism was being developed and existed long before before the Coronavirus and it continues to prosper. I don't "think" I am advocating any morally and ethically indefensible positions I would bet I'm as liberal as your are but lots of people have believe that being Pro-Choice is a morally and ethically indefensible position as well. As I liberal I definitely DO NOT feel shit on (and I think we're both in MA). I always feel like I can run roughshod over Trumpists because they can't articulate a defense for the man and for years later are still saying "bengazi bengazi", "lock her up" and that EVERYTHING wrong with this country is because of the &#*%%$.
I taste vomit in my mouth that such a dumb man could get reelected. Maybe DIY-HP-LED he voters who share liberal values but not every one of them should be trying to change the minds of so many who are going to vote for Trump "just because".
DIY.. Believe it or not but I guess it doesn't matter my family does own a small by todays standards nursing home. When this thing was in it's infancy we stocked up with we everything we thought we might need like food and water for an extra few months which is great but we can't get any PPE but more specifically N95 masks. The staff is terrified but are dedicated but are still working. The few that have left have sick family members and taking the virus home could be fatal. The town, county, state and FEDS have provided absolutely no support. I doubt it would have been much better with Obama because we were just not ready. He probably would have been better able to get things accomplished though.
As a liberal I do believe ventilators should go to the young. They are the ones most likely to survive so shouldn't victims be triaged? As my 87 Yo mother says she would rather get COVID-19 and die in a week than lanquish for years with dementia, Alzheimers, or stroke damage. She also Carrie's her living will and health care proxy naming me everywhere she goes. If this virus kills my kin folks it's a horrible thing but if resources are the problem I would rather my mother died than my 30yo son. If my ideas differ than some of you it doesn't make me a Trumptard which is how I was treated. DIY-HP-LED.. I can't genuflect and cowtow but if I'm wrong I'll try to accept it.

Oh yeh... one more thing please? Do people get paid to troll? Other than the Russians I really had no idea. Well I have to go back to the nursing home now and I dont want to go but if you can deliver meals on wheels from a safe distance or just do wellness checks it would go a long way and hopefully the gesture won't be done based on politics and party. I really dont want to go to work. I'm not scared but I am fearful.
Yeah I know.. TRUMPTARD!!
When this thing was in it's infancy we stocked up with we everything we thought we might need like food and water for an extra few months which is great but we can't get any PPE but more specifically N95 masks.
I posted some links to chinese suppliers in another thread pandemic 2020, they have plenty of PPE apparently
Try banggood a chinese version of Amazon and type in respirator mask in the site search, get expedited shipping. I used them they are reliable.
Next try a A chinese wholesale site, again they have lots of masks and other PPE. Try expedited shipping, use crowdfunding in your area and seek government financial support for large purchases. They appear to have lots of shit in China check it out send some emails make some calls etc. As for staff, call a local radio station and appeal for young healthy (paid) volunteers, people need money now, train on the fly

You are caring for the elderly and I will do all within my power to help you
DIY-HP-LED.. I've been aware of the new flu now known as corona virus from when it was a rumor to when it became a reality. If I "trolled" it was either unintentional or because my feet feel the need to step across the aisle to support a good idea or to justly convict a criminal. I'm afraid the polarization and political tribalism was being developed and existed long before before the Coronavirus and it continues to prosper. I don't "think" I am advocating any morally and ethically indefensible positions I would bet I'm as liberal as your are but lots of people have believe that being Pro-Choice is a morally and ethically indefensible position as well. As I liberal I definitely DO NOT feel shit on (and I think we're both in MA). I always feel like I can run roughshod over Trumpists because they can't articulate a defense for the man and for years later are still saying "bengazi bengazi", "lock her up" and that EVERYTHING wrong with this country is because of the &#*%%$.
I taste vomit in my mouth that such a dumb man could get reelected. Maybe DIY-HP-LED he voters who share liberal values but not every one of them should be trying to change the minds of so many who are going to vote for Trump "just because".
DIY.. Believe it or not but I guess it doesn't matter my family does own a small by todays standards nursing home. When this thing was in it's infancy we stocked up with we everything we thought we might need like food and water for an extra few months which is great but we can't get any PPE but more specifically N95 masks. The staff is terrified but are dedicated but are still working. The few that have left have sick family members and taking the virus home could be fatal. The town, county, state and FEDS have provided absolutely no support. I doubt it would have been much better with Obama because we were just not ready. He probably would have been better able to get things accomplished though.
As a liberal I do believe ventilators should go to the young. They are the ones most likely to survive so shouldn't victims be triaged? As my 87 Yo mother says she would rather get COVID-19 and die in a week than lanquish for years with dementia, Alzheimers, or stroke damage. She also Carrie's her living will and health care proxy naming me everywhere she goes. If this virus kills my kin folks it's a horrible thing but if resources are the problem I would rather my mother died than my 30yo son. If my ideas differ than some of you it doesn't make me a Trumptard which is how I was treated. DIY-HP-LED.. I can't genuflect and cowtow but if I'm wrong I'll try to accept it.

Oh yeh... one more thing please? Do people get paid to troll? Other than the Russians I really had no idea. Well I have to go back to the nursing home now and I dont want to go but if you can deliver meals on wheels from a safe distance or just do wellness checks it would go a long way and hopefully the gesture won't be done based on politics and party. I really dont want to go to work. I'm not scared but I am fearful.
Yeah I know.. TRUMPTARD!!
PS Check out the local colleges and university for young smart volunteers who can learn fast, let them do your recruiting for you. School is out now so students should be plentiful and they can canvass them for you, also see about making a dormitory for staff (government help with a hotel etc) to reduce the chances of infection in the home.