being high vs. being delirious

Total Head

Well-Known Member
so i am nearing the end of my 4th full day of not smoking after smoking at least an 8th a day for 5 years straight. insomnia is a bitch and i have no insurance. so far i have blown through melatonin, nyquil, benadryl, and unisom, some at the same time. fucking useless. however i am settling into some nice delerium and it's a lot like being high. i just laughed my ass off when my cat projectile puked all over the rug. it fucking stinks and it will definately stain but i swear i laughed for a solid 4 minutes. and then i laughed at the cat because he freaked out when i laughed. then i chased him around the house giggling like a school girl, bashed my elbow on a door and then i laughed so fucking hard a little pee came out. so this is sobriety? fuck yeah.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
because i barely get high anymore no matter what i smoke. bho is like a half hour buzz. totally out of control and a waste of good product. the delerium is wearing off, though. it was fun while it lasted. i also stopped about 5 times while typing this just to stare at the screen and fidget with my fingers. for fuck's sake how many days before i can sleep again? i can't even remember how it went the last time it was so long ago. without the delirium it's still like being high but in a really shitty unpleasent way. wow this screen is bright.