

Active Member
Im just curious. Im 4 weeks into flowering yesterday.(since sex was shown) do these look where they are suppose to be 4 weeks in. strain is aurora indica(nirvana) in sunshine mix and they r under a 6oo hps(general organic nutes. Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Yeah he's already made some anti-semetic comments here.. Surprised the ban hammer wasn't dropped on his ass.


Well-Known Member
Dude, look what this fucking guy PM'd ME! It fucking freaked me out! I wasn't going to say anything but looking at his profile and the whole "what state you live in struck a cord! Fuck this Natzi! I mean COP or COP INFORMANT be aware! :finger::finger::finger::finger:

hey man
hey u sell bud? and where u live?
I don't mean to hijack the thread or start a rant but this really strikes a chord with me. Anyone who sports nazi anything as there avatar or supports or is proud of a group of scumbags that is responsible for nothing short of genocide is extremely ignorant & naive, morally inept or just flat out full of hatred & completely racist, either way they won't be receiving Likes, Rep or friendship requests from me that's for dam sure. Racism is still a major issue in this country and it just makes me sick, judging someone solely based upon their appearance/ethnicity/mannerism is completely asinine and totally counter productive in making the world a better place, hate only begets more hate, this is abundantly obvious to anyone with half a brain and a decent moral compass. Anyone who openly admits to being pro racist obviously has no shame in what they do and no remorse for the people they hurt and the lives they destroy, people like that are a danger to society and should be systematically weeded out of the population either by incarceration or in more serious cases euthanization because the individual is completely unwilling to reform, this might seem harsh to some but ask yourself this question: If someone is not only racist but is proud of it and enjoys causing others pain and misery, what possible good would come of allowing said person to roam free in society to continue spreading there hatred and misery????

And hitler said, BURN THAT NIGGER!
:shock: :sad: :mad: :finger:

And I rest my case :peace: