behind closed doors


Come on, Cory/Trevor, r1tony is a wanker, but it seems like half of your posts are about him. Chill and enjoy the conversation.


Active Member
the local compassion club dont seel meds, you donate a nice chunck of money and give him a smile, and they give you a really cool gift :) legit


New Member
Ok the protest is at the park place on nov 30th at 12:00 pm out front Bill Shuttee will be there.Ill post the number when i get the email.


Well-Known Member
i would really like to know more about this protest...i have lived in traverse city my whole life and i cant stand to see these cops doing what they do knocking down the doors of people that are helping others, so what if they get compensated people arent out running around to some sketch ass drug dealers looking for some over priced shwagg, they can be in a safe clean enviroment and get the meds they need....what was the point of making this legal for us, and now we are just going to have to go back to how it was 4 years ago...PM me tho ismokealotofpot i would like to chit chat with someone that shares the Green Passion :P
When I become an active caregiver next year I plan to have an attorney on retainer to properly advise me so that I can protect myself and insure the uninterrupted service to my future patients as I do not trust the government to look out for me and I significantly value my freedom.

Most people that are getting busted (not all) are pushing the law beyond it's intent but many are getting busted through nonsense technicalities that never would have happened if those individuals had been properly advised by a competent attorney. If you know anything about law, you know attorney's aren't just for the guilty; more often than not, they're for the innocent.

BTW, there is a proper (i.e. legal) way to conduct medical marijuana transactions and an improper way, per state law. Why be careless with your freedom when it costs so little to secure it? (i.e. a lawyers retainer for legal advise to keep you from getting into hot water VS a felony legal criminal defense team after you get into hot water)


Active Member
srsly.. help me make signs.. writer's block :/

my fav: this is what an Alzheimer's patient looks like [insert pic of Reagan here]