Beginning week 3 flower...input?


New Member
So I'd like to start out by saying these are unknown strains that had a lot of early veg. deficiencies and beginning week 1 flowering our light fell on them. I think they look good considering whats happened. We put plant A into veg at 12in and is now 29in, plant B was 8in and wont go past 10in & plant C was 12in and now is 34! Plant C is definitely taking forever to bud but i think its starting to. Let me know whacha think.

Plant A.jpgPlant A (2).jpgPlant B.jpgPlant C (2).jpgPlant C.jpg


Active Member
Those are actually looking good. Some plants/strains just take forever to flower. Dinafem Cheese for example, slow to flower. Keep up the good work.


IMO your light was to far away they are tall and lengthy the plant B actually looks alittle more appealing the nodes are more tightly packed and not so far apart plant c is very lengthy and buds are spaced pretty far apart not saying that its all that bad of thing but i think that could be another reason of why its taking so long to bud, i think that you might have to tie the branches up later once the buds really start to produce and get heavy

what kinda lights are you using??
what soil?
light schedule?
how long did you veg?

they dont look unhealthy but def lengthy?
have you cloned any?
IMO i think that you will have a better yield outta your plant B017.jpg this is my smallest plant and the picture is from two weeks ago but im using it as sample to show the tightly packed nodes
just info for next time

mine are a indica and yours look to be a sativa indaca's are much shorter and bushy and a sativa is opposite but those are rather tall and a sativa will grow anywhere from 50-200% in flower so expect them to get even taller then that so you may have to tie up and down the plant to keep em off the light and also to keep from having to move the light farther away from the smaller one

but all is good
good luck coming your way


Well-Known Member
Im not sure but ITs ether the genetics of those plants or they just didnt get enough light but they arnt looking as amazing as they should for 3 weeks but im sure with time that they will come along.

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
They look good, definitely leaning sativa which can mean a longer flowering time (Sometimes as long as 12 weeks), nothing to worry about though they look super healthy, just keep it up and you will be happy with the results. For them to be looking this good after the rocky road they've been down means you are doing something right
Boy the last girl is tall. Hope you live in a big house once that sativa starts flowering! Lots of light and lots of training should finish them off with a nice sativa yield. Good luck and happy growing.


New Member
hey thanks everybody for the input its the first grow i've ever done. ThemJkid I started using peet pots but couldn't keep the moisture in and had to water daily which started a bunch of crap, finally once i transplanted they were good to go. but yea using 4ft 6 bulb high output T5 lighting with fox farms ocean forest. Only nutes i've had to use is Alaska mor-bloom since the soil was so rich. Started on a 18/6 schedule and vegged for about 7 weeks then went to the 12/12. I kept the light 2-4in away at all times. I was so eager an shit plus the fact that i didn't know if they were male or not i didn't clone any which i'll probably regret. i hope they don't get to much taller or i may be screwed lol


If you find one you love, just snip a lower branch and make your clone, it's not too late. It may take a bit to re-veg under 18/6, but if you find out that one of your 3 is the bomb, you'll be glad you took a cutting. Also, if you take cuttings and pay attention to the timetables on growth and harvest on these original 3, you'll be better informed as to how long your clones will take to finish, which is always good info and makes future planning easier as well!

Cheers! :leaf:

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Very nice! Gonna be interesting to see which you like best when all's said and done. I gotta say i love the look of the tallest one, it looks almost like bamboo, I could see having a whole garden of those as being very nice