Beginning of a Magic. Outdoor Grow 2011


oh btw, i've been searching threads relating to using mineral water for watering, ppl's posts are kinda controversial, so i kinda got confused regarding the whole mineral water thing.
i've been using tap water but noticed that even when i give them 1/4 strength veg nutes, and these are bio bizz organic grow that aren't supposed to harm the plants in this doses, the plants act a little weird, leave tips are yellowing and burning, so i guessed that this is because water in here is pretty hard. mineral water seems to do good to the plants.
also, i've noticed on the label that they contain a nice amount of mg and ca which are supposdly good for cannabis. i really am confused, i got to the point where i'm thinking that this whole water/ppm/ec which most of i don't even understand is kinda too much for me, i mean, plant food and stuff are cool but ppm meters and all that other shit is not for me, im growing for my own pleasure and actually succeeded the 1st time after kind of absuing the plant, i got a pretty awesome bud.
however, knowledge is power and i do love learning about this plant. just saying it IS a weed, and it WILL grown reagarding of what ppm or how high the ec in water is.

i'd be happy if someone could shed some light on this whole mineral water thingie.
happy growing everyone!
1/4 strength nutes isn't to bad especially when it's organic nutes like Biobizz or Canna Bio.

And there's no way at this dose they lower water PH that much to cause problems, What's your feeding schedule?

If you're concerned about your water hardness you should get a TDS or EC meter ( i suggest a ppm measurement ) , so you can check your water minerals, otherwise if you just go by PH then the drops do a great job, the're accurate enough.

You got some great strains there dude i'm a Satuva guy too :bigjoint:

Sorry to hear about your accident mate, but don't worry those plants are really tolerant, i bet your lady will start growing again in no time.

Keep us posted Subscribed bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
hey guys, how's everyone doing? i hope better than me..

last 2 weeks were fucking crazy work wise, i find myself working over 12-13 hours a day, so i couldn't really update/see my own ladies besides watering in early morning before i leave home.
actually, thinking of it, everything's been crazy, that's including the plants, i have one ak that grew over 17cm in 3-4 days, she started showing some hairs during the last 2 weeks, but since it's getting quite sunny and hot (around 23-25c) lately, and days are getting longer, i think she continues to veg (height is around 50cm).
one more ak is almost the same, except the fact that she is more branchy and leafy and somewhat shorter, 3rd one has been topped and growing very nice, it is around 25cm with 2 tops, pretty short, i guess that's because she took quite some time to recover from the shock of topping her (started looking good around 12 days after topping). 4th ak is practically dying, from unknown issues, leaves are dropy and weak, very light green, i tried everything, dunno what's up with that, it hasn't shown sex yet so im not so very sad, i've already noticed that it is not the most stable strain so i won't be surprised if its dying due to bad genetics, but whatever.. time will tell.
5th one is full in bloom (did i mention unstable?), i still don't get it, but im hot for it, so im totally wanting her to finish flowering and not revegging, even if it's small (around ft high).
ams bob marley has fully recovered, and by all means, the prettiest girl in the hood, she is branchy leafy, simply crazy looking as you'll see, also a girl, around 50-55cm high.
2 auto easy ryders are in their 3rd set with one weird pheno, im pretty sure one of em is flowering at 4cm high! the other one hasn't shows pistils yet, but it is fem, so no worries, however, if the lil one IS flowering, im quite pissed! this 1 seed alone costs around 10 pounds and will provide me with a gram of weed?! at most?!

what else? hmm, PICS! oh.. btw, my friend saw my plants and gave me his strawberry something to grow for him, this boy was sowed in poor soil, at least that's how it looks, but it is doing awesome at my place, he really loves me! pure indica leaves, forgot to take a pic of it, will do tomorrow, some pics are poor due to lack of filming skills from my gf, i took some good one tho, and ill post some more tomorrow. let's get to it.




oh btw, thanks for the comment and tip skataman.
as you can see, all are quite healthy except this fella on the back in the 1st pic, if anyone sees something wrong in it please tell, i'll try to revive it.


Well-Known Member

is this fucking revegging? how can you tell if a plant is revegging?
little reminder, natural sunshine, dawn till dusk.


Well-Known Member
hello all, i've got a weird pheno going with my 2 joint dr. auto easy ryder, and i'm not sure if it's me, or just some weird seeds.
they were put in 2 gallon pots straight from seed.
one of them grew a little above the 2nd node and started flowering, it is somewhere around 6th or 1st week of flowering, you can actually see some trichs forming at a 3' plant!
the other continued to grow and reached the 4th node and i could clearly see that it is also starting to flower, then again, very very small plant, i might win the tiniest budding plant alive ever, seriously, not even funny.
question is.. WTF?! i mean, to my understanding, these plants will grow to their 5th, 6th node - maybe higher, then start flowering, regarding to amount of sunlight they get.

is this some weird pheno or the fact that it actually is sensitive to sunlight? (even tho all my plants receive the maximum amount of sunlight available a day? every day? sunrise to sunset? every fucking day?!

this quite pisses me off, i wasn't planning to yield 3oz, but i also didn't plan for 2 grams a plant, probably less. i mean, if i knew that'd happen i'd just buy myself 2 grams from a dealer, this would cost the same as 1 seed without waiting 2 months, spending valuable soil, time, water and nutrients.

anyone with any suggestions as to why this is happening? im considering sending an email either to the joint dr. or attitude - where i got the seeds from.

any help appreciated.


Well-Known Member
First off, those seed banks clearly say they sell seeds as souveneirs and they will not answer germination or grow questions. Secondly, you have femed auto seeds, that are flowering so quickly. I don't have experience with autos, because IMO they are junk anyways. Get some real seed and start over.
It does look like that plant is slowly trying to reveg. It'll take a couple three weeks for it to get vegging good and proper, if it ever does. Sometimes when they do that, they never really recover, and they don't grow much, and then flower early in the fall. Once they've done that it's a toss up as to what's gonna happen. Good Luck!!


Well-Known Member
yeah, that's what i thought about sending the mail, sounds quite logic.
it's not that i don't have anymore seeds, i bought those just for the purpose of buying auto seeds - an early harvest, however, i didn't imagine they would turn THIS small, but whatever.

about the flowering one.. are you quite sure? i really didn't want this to happen even if i'd harvest 10 grams, and it is producing more and more trichs by the day, this got me thinking it is still flowering knowing thc production is a procedure of plant in flower state.
this leads me to another question that'll help me in future plants to come, how do i recognize a plant that is trying/in the process of revegging? and can i do anything to prevent revegging?


Well-Known Member
Yea, you can put it in some light and make sure it gets at least 18 hours of light. If you can't move the plant, see if you take a light to it. Other than that , there's not IMG_1545.jpgmuch more you can do except feed grow nutes and pray.If it's revegging, it will start throwing single finger leaves out the the top, and it wilIMG_1544.jpgl continue to produce crystal all summer in some places on the plant near where it flowered. Here's a pic of a JACK the Ripper revegging.IMG_1546.jpg


Well-Known Member
FUCK FUCK! i just posted a reply and clicked on reply to thread instead of post reply, christ!

anyways, i think you are a bit confused as i am, btw, thanks for all the help and tips, i was looking for a clear answer on how to know if a plant reveges itself, this quite simplifies it.
i believe you were talking about the auto and how to make em reveg, i wasn't planning on revegging them, just let them finish, im not gonna mess with a 3 inch plant, right? feels kinda stupid, however, i will try to give it a nice amount of nitrogen.

i was talking about the plant from few posts ago, which is somewhere around 2nd week of flowering and its height is around 16inches, you think this one revegges? it certaintly doesn't look like the photos you posted.
i really want it to finish flowering properly without any interruptions, even tho it's a little small, and by looking at it, i really don't know, i mean, i can see little leaves forming, but it looks like leaves that's forming that is part of its flowering state, but im sure no expert.

anyways, if it does reveg itself.. can i prevent it from happening before hand? or even during the process of revegging?
thanks again!

btw, posting in RIU when you're bored at work is FUCKING AWESOME! woah!


Well-Known Member
oooh you want it to NOT reveg, you want it to continue flowering. OK, you need to do the opposite of what I said. Make sure it gets NO MORE than 12 hours of light a day, by either covering it, or moving it into a dark place, and feed bloom nutes.....sorry....I'm a keep it from happening, is the same, 12 hours of light 12 hours of dark=flowers.


Well-Known Member
haha, we're all stoners, but educated ones!

thanks alot for the help, anyways, as i was thinking, i just home and took a look at it, oh and btw, i asked my gf to tie this stem that i half snapped yesterday so it won't fall off, she did quite a good job, but do i need to completely conceal the wound and sort off "glue" it to the main stem again, or just tying it loosely will suffice?

about the flowering of her, she's in total bloom, calyxes def getting bigger every day, thc development is simply outstanding! i couldn't spot any single bladed leaves forming or any other leaves at bud sites.

i would take pic, but im hella tired and need to smoke the after work joint right now so.. if it won't get dark i'll try to get some pics of it up.

other updates include, dropy plant has revived itself, maybe i helped with a little water, it has shown lil pre flowering pistils so current status is 5 ak47 females, 2 auto which i'll never waste my time on again, i shouldn't have bought em in the 1st place, even tho opinions about auto flowers are divided.
bob marley sativa which looks like a fucking forest now, 2ft tall, most of the ak47 are at the same height, except for one who has been topped once and is a little smaller.

im starting barneys g13 haze and seedsman white widow today, maybe even 2 g13s. i also have power kush freebie from dinafem, i think ill save it for next season tho, 10 fems are more than enough for me.


Well-Known Member
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ok so here's a little update, all pics above is the flowering ak47, probably somewhere around 3, seems good, starting to pack on some trichs.
i have to admit im a little confused, i've seen some other beginners threads and same thing happened to them, a plant flowering in early-mid may such as the one above.
question is.. the little foliage forming at bud sites aren't normal to flowering period? you can see the leaves very well in the pictures... is this a sign for a revegging plant?View attachment 1622427View attachment 1622428View attachment 1622439View attachment 1622440

those are some pics from today after spraying all my plants with some neem oil.

i really am confused about this whole reveg thing, i don't use clones, i don't have lights so once my seeds pop from ground with cotyledons upwards they get sunlight. so the fact that a plant flowers then stops flowering is weird due to the fact i haven't used anything nature doesn't use.

any input will be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
i wouldnt worry to much about it dude, either it flowers and fills up and you get a few buds early in the season, or it re -veg,s then flowers again and you get some super potent buds and then a secondary harvest or continueous harvest all sumer....just trim off the buds as they develope and ripen and let the leaves grow.
i can't see your pictures there for sum reason , and im no expert but thats just my 2cents.
goodluck, and i'll be whatchin.:joint::peace:


Well-Known Member

thanks man, actually, it's not that i care it revegges, i just planned for an early harvest.
actually, i've read that plant that are revegging become more potent, can you explain why? i can't seem to understand the logic behind this assumption.
either way, good to see you here.


Well-Known Member

this is the whole pack of girls, ams bob marley is the in the black pot with few tops forming after fimming it, looks kinda dropy cus it fell down the roof yesterday because of the fucking wind so he suffered a bit today, 2 little ones are auto fems easy ryders, very small plants, won't deal with growing auto outdoors anymore.
any inputs or suggestions are more than welcomed..


Active Member
hey lookin real good man. u gotta think of the plants . the female produces sticky resin to catch male pollen and pollenate the flowers, creating seeds and thus, ensuring the plant has offspring. by containing the male plants and not allowing any pollen near the flowers, they produce more and more resin just waiting for any pollen to drift by or for a bee to land on it etc.
so in theory the longer it goes on without pollenation, the more resin will be produced, however, in the fall when the light hours begin to change (outdoor) and the plant reaches max ripeness, the pistils (part of the flower that wants to be pollenated) begin to shrivel and die. if the weather didn't get colder and the light hours didnt begin to diminish, you would get plants that might re-veg over and over a few times.... or you might get a plant that takes FOREVER to reach complete maturity.
so in your case those buds will be ripe soon, but the weather will still be good and they will be soaking up lots of lumens from the spring/summer sun, so they might have a longer time to produce resin,
thats my take on it anyways LOL
im kinda baked.


Well-Known Member
so... some bud porn, this is probably between 3rd and 4th week of flowering, been starting to use bloombastic along with some bio bloom and lil bit topmax.
bitch may have grown from a bagseed, but it is packing sugar like fucking crazy!
