beginner needs help..Please..!!


I hope youre not planning to flower it with one 13w CFL. Im not trying to be a dick but if you are serious about growing youre gonna have to do more than pour a bunch of water on a seed for a week and then get buds. set up a box or a little tub or dresser cabinet line it with mylar emergency blankets buy like ten more bulbs look on youtube find DIY CFL make a fixture. The more you put into it, the more youll get out. Growing is about reciprocation


New Member
I hope youre not planning to flower it with one 13w CFL. Im not trying to be a dick but if you are serious about growing youre gonna have to do more than pour a bunch of water on a seed for a week and then get buds. set up a box or a little tub or dresser cabinet line it with mylar emergency blankets buy like ten more bulbs look on youtube find DIY CFL make a fixture. The more you put into it, the more youll get out. Growing is about reciprocation
I appreciate your advice :)
The thing is that is the very first time I plant and have no background about this matter.. but I really want to smoke something I plant.. you seem like expert.. can you please recommend some useful videos so I can save the plant before it dies!!! thank you in advance..:)


Well-Known Member
roots won't grow in the light... your see through bottle would work better if you put some black tape or some duck tape around the outside of the container.
I changed the container, you can see it in another topic named "need experts' opinion" :D


THIS IS HOW MY FIRST LITTLE GROW BOX LOOKED LIKE ! I GOT A 50 gallon plastic bin mylar it made 2 big holes one for the fan and one for the air to air out worked for me ... now I have a 600watt 8 plant grow room hope I could help
Messi BudGrower

