Beginner Needs Help-Aerogarden White Widow Week 3


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, greatly appreciate your help. I thought about that possibility this morning but was running late so didn't have time to check her water. You really know your stuff.

Checked the ppm a few minutes ago
it was through the roof...762.:-(

She's drinking alot more water so the rez was about half empty. We filled the rez back up with tap and put the air back on for circulation. I'm going to give it about 1/2 hr or so and check it again. The PH kit and nutes came today. We checked the PH and it's a little over 5 according to the color chart.

I'm going to keep an eye on her the next few hours and post an update in a few hours, in the meantime please feel free to give any and all advice possible. I need to go smoke and chill for a bit...

I also want to thank all of you again! I don't think she would have made it this far without all of your input.
The plant looks really good in your most recent pic update. I kind of had a feeling you were okay just from how healthy your plant looks. After all, the plant itself is the first indicator, checking level and meter readings are second.


Active Member
No problem man. Cannabis drinks a ton of water compared to other plants, and that aerogarden has a small tank (I had one a while back). 762 isn't a bad number to be in your 3rd week. My 3rd week the ppm is 1120-1260 (though, im not saying to raise yours this Im not sure what the N-P-K ratio is on the aerogarden nutes...they used to just be a tablet that you just drop in), just watch your leaves for under/over feeding signs (ITS ALWAYS BETTER TO UNDERFEED THAN TO RISK BURNIN YOUR GIRLS). Just relax, growing should be relaxing and fun(though not always easy lol)....You'll do just fine.


Passed out last night watching South Park LOL...:sleep:I did check on her right before her lights went out and she was looking so much happier with a filled rez.

Her ppm is at 530 now. According to the chart on the tds meter that's still in the "bad zone" but she's getting new everything tomorrow so I'm not gonna do anything but continue to top her water off until then.

She's a little taller than 6 inches now so she's grown a little over an inch over the past two days.

She's definitely drinking alot more water this week. I was concerend with the ppm being that far off from a couple days before but not totally panicked because she does look really healthy.

I'm with you on the underfeeding...That was one of the first things I noticed in the many plants getting nuked from the nutes :sad:.

She's only been given the liquid aerogarden nutes twice. Once when we planted her and two weeks in. She would be due for her next packet on Friday but that's when we are going to start flowering and switch to the other nutes.

Thanks again for your advice and help. Hopefully one day I'll be able to pay it forward.

I'll update tomorrow but please feel free to give any and all tips, suggestions, and advice on flipping her tomorrow.


Active Member
Passed out last night watching South Park LOL...:sleep:I did check on her right before her lights went out and she was looking so much happier with a filled rez.

Her ppm is at 530 now. According to the chart on the tds meter that's still in the "bad zone" but she's getting new everything tomorrow so I'm not gonna do anything but continue to top her water off until then.

She's a little taller than 6 inches now so she's grown a little over an inch over the past two days.

She's definitely drinking alot more water this week. I was concerend with the ppm being that far off from a couple days before but not totally panicked because she does look really healthy.

I'm with you on the underfeeding...That was one of the first things I noticed in the many plants getting nuked from the nutes :sad:.

She's only been given the liquid aerogarden nutes twice. Once when we planted her and two weeks in. She would be due for her next packet on Friday but that's when we are going to start flowering and switch to the other nutes.

Thanks again for your advice and help. Hopefully one day I'll be able to pay it forward.

I'll update tomorrow but please feel free to give any and all tips, suggestions, and advice on flipping her tomorrow.
What nutes did you purchase for the flower stage?


Hey Peacefarmer, hows everything going?

The nutes we got are General hydroponics Flora kit nutes. Any recommended dose to start her on tomorrow?


So glad to hear the weathers getting better and thanks alot for the info and link......quick note, some of her bottom leaves are getting these little brown spots (very very small spots) but starting to be slightly noticeable...They arent really that noticeable but just wanted to throw it out there...any idea what it might be?


Family drama sparked a feud and because I wouldn't take a side there was some hate going on...Only one of them know we are growing and I know she wouldn't say anything but we weren't taking any chances (we are going out of town next week so she was going to watch our dogs and take care of Petunia while we were away). The opposing side knows she's watching our house and I don't put it past them to call the po-po on her while she's staying at our house...The whole thing is just stupid...I think they all just need to grow up, chill and smoke more weed...

As soon as we get back we are planting another WW but this time we are not telling anyone (except all of you) or leaving for the duration of the grow...

You guys have been so awesome and I hope you'll all be here when we get back and start the next one (June 5th).


Hey Guys, Sorry it's been so long - took a little longer than expected but we started our new plant on July 9th. We didn't have the light all the way down the first week so she was a little behind in the beginning but take a look at my new post and her pictures and you'll see how much she's grown in a month - we just flipped her yesterday so this is where the fun begins :)