Beginner growing lowryders yippee


Active Member
first im delighted to find such a knowledgeable and large community of home growers here, kudos to the creator and all the members.

so i moved recently, and now i have no connections whatsoever, and its looking to stay that way for a while. growing sounds like fun. i love the idea of really "reaping what you sow" in the form of a nicely packed bowl. therefore, 2+2=5.

anyway ive done some reading and heres what ive got: i will be buying lowryder 2's for my first grow, unless there is another very small, autoflowering strain that is noticably better. its just simple and small and i like that. i'll just plant it in some kind of dirt with some fertilizer, maybe get some simple additive, but none of that scheduled down to the day nutes thing--i mean its a goddamn weed it better grow however the hell i plant it. if anyone can reccomend the simplest possible way to get my little plant its nutrients (i even considered the piss thing, but i'm gonna be doing this indoors) im lookin for suggestions.

now looking beyond the technicalities and specifics, there is something i need to understand--it is explained well enough that sinsemilla (sp?) is the only desirable form of the plant. what i dont get is, how can you keep getting seeds and replanting your garden if the females need to stay virgin? apparently people make new generations from a "mother" by "cloning", but it seems that is impossible with the lowryder. the only other alternative i see is just to let one healthy male live and be the pimp, let him blow his load and whatnot which will probably give me enough seeds for many cycles of just sinsemilla before i need to let another lucky male live again.

is my above idea the only way to be self sufficient with lowryders, and how much worse is bud that has been sexed up? i know ive smoked regs that were full of seeds that were decent, so it cant be all bad, right? i'm thinking at worst ill just have smoke more of the same to get the same high--thc is thc you know?

i think i let this first post drag on long enough, its just i'm pretty excited (i cant wait to start)


Well-Known Member
first im delighted to find such a knowledgeable and large community of home growers here, kudos to the creator and all the members.

so i moved recently, and now i have no connections whatsoever, and its looking to stay that way for a while. growing sounds like fun. i love the idea of really "reaping what you sow" in the form of a nicely packed bowl. therefore, 2+2=5.

anyway ive done some reading and heres what ive got: i will be buying lowryder 2's for my first grow, unless there is another very small, autoflowering strain that is noticably better. its just simple and small and i like that. i'll just plant it in some kind of dirt with some fertilizer, maybe get some simple additive, but none of that scheduled down to the day nutes thing--i mean its a goddamn weed it better grow however the hell i plant it. if anyone can reccomend the simplest possible way to get my little plant its nutrients (i even considered the piss thing, but i'm gonna be doing this indoors) im lookin for suggestions.

now looking beyond the technicalities and specifics, there is something i need to understand--it is explained well enough that sinsemilla (sp?) is the only desirable form of the plant. what i dont get is, how can you keep getting seeds and replanting your garden if the females need to stay virgin? apparently people make new generations from a "mother" by "cloning", but it seems that is impossible with the lowryder. the only other alternative i see is just to let one healthy male live and be the pimp, let him blow his load and whatnot which will probably give me enough seeds for many cycles of just sinsemilla before i need to let another lucky male live again.

is my above idea the only way to be self sufficient with lowryders, and how much worse is bud that has been sexed up? i know ive smoked regs that were full of seeds that were decent, so it cant be all bad, right? i'm thinking at worst ill just have smoke more of the same to get the same high--thc is thc you know?

i think i let this first post drag on long enough, its just i'm pretty excited (i cant wait to start)

Well, you're half right there. The buds won't mature beyond what is necessary for seed production if the plant is knocked up. This means less potency, and less yield. Most people who breed marijuana, even beginners, don't allow the process to go willy-nilly. They move the males and collect the pollen for later use; it can be stored for some time, and it allows you to select the buds you want seeded rather than seeds making up the majority of the weight in your crop.

Cannabis is a very resiliant plant, but play it safe. If you don't want to use top quality nutrients, then go natural. Stay away from MiracleGro or anything with commercial fertilizer added to it. This is too much for cannabis, and will cause nutrient burn, especially if you try to add fertlizer yourself. Go for a clean, preferrably organic soil. They're not hard to find- any decent store that sells MiracleGro will have a selection of better soils on the shelf next to it. A bit of peat and the like can go a long way as well.

You can use cheap things you find around the house or in the grocery store to provide nutrition for your plants. Coffee grounds for nitrogen, black-strap molasses, bone meal, etcetera. You'll be glad you put a little effort into it, and it won't burn a hole in your pocketbook by any stretch of the imagination. If you do decide to use some store-bought nutrient, select it carefully (meaning don't buy MiracleGro) and dilute the hell out of it until you find a strength that works for you.

Sensimilla is not hard to achieve. You just grow out a handful of plants and sex them when the time is right. Early on, it can be difficult for beginning growers to identify hermaphrodites and males, but it will likely become obvious as the plant matures. If you're not sure, post pictures here and we'll help you.

And urine is a great fertilizer. It won't smell if your piss is clean and you dilute it at a 1:10 ratio. Most high quality nutrients contain animal urine and shit.

In short, just do your research on here. You'll be glad you did. It can be extremely cheap and easy if you just put a tiny bit of effort in. And the growers here are always happy to help.



Active Member
i have grown lowryder 2 its a simple fast plant,that produces nice buds,i did not use any type of nutes,was a all natural grow .as for seeds,i sacrificed a male/female,and got more seeds .i am a very nivice grower ,and found lowryder 2 is a great plant to strat with
good luck lad


Active Member
thanks for the replies, i'm pretty sure i'm going through with this now. can anyone (warparty?) tell me from experience what is the smallest you can go for the pot size? just overall space saving is a big priority, as i need to keep this completely on the dl for now.


Well-Known Member
I personally think a gallon pot for LR2s is prolly a lil excessive,i doubt theyd use all that space... I use 2.5 or 3L pots...Heres one of mine in a 3L pot so ya can see how they came out... plant is 18" tall,budding nicely,ready to chop in a coupla wks if all goes according to schedule..i uesd biobizz grow, and bio bloom for nutes, watered with ph7 mineral water in organic compost.

Good luck with your grow bro, these have been fun to watch shoot outta the soil while i'm waiting on my other grows...I think i might fill out the spaces in the grow room with these lil fuckers


Active Member
hey, I'll bew growing two lowryders in a box, with 2 bottles of yeast for CO2 and 3*85watt spirals plus 2 grolux 35w, what do you guys think about this setup? Do you think this light is enough?

sir smokesalot

Well-Known Member
Make sure you go easy on the nutes though lowryders tend to prefer less nutes than more. Lowryder is easy to grow and quick so its a good plant to start with good luck:peace: