Beginner grower - in need of diagnosis


I'm growing three plants in a tiny space and I'm a little worried they might not be doing the best. My biggest plant (almost three weeks old) seems to be doing fine. But on some of it's leaves, the points on the edges stick up, even though the ends point slightly down. Two or three of the leaves on her almost curl a bit, and on two leaves, in-between the pointed edges, there seems to be a little yellow spot. I'm worried if that's from over fertilizing her..

On another plant in a separate small pot, the first leaf from the sprout has about 1/4 of itself yellowish goldish. I'm not too worried about it since that's been like it since it came up though.

On the last plant, one leaf has just the tip a tan/white color to it the spot is small, but I want to know how to treat any possible problems that these might all be ASAP!

They have all been under a CFL light (I believe it's 27 watts) and are in miracle gro that's made to protect from under/over watering. It says it also deeds plants for 6 months. The temperature is about 72-74 degrees F and the plants are 2-4 inches away from the bulb. Any ideas? All input is greatly appreciate, thank you in advance!


Well-Known Member
From one noob on this site to another.. a picture says 1000 words.
But your problem is most likely the miracle grow you have them in. That was my first and biggest mistake. You should wait until later in its life for nutes.
As for what to do to fix this problem.. a more experienced member will have to help you with that.


Okay, looking back on it, I should have gotten some fox farms organic soil. I didn't know where I could buy any. I also added the nutrients for general plants I think from miracle gro as well.

Yeah, all three plants are under the CFL. The biggest plant is like my main one. She's directly under it. The other two are catching some reflected light I guess since the area is completely covered in aluminum foil and the container I have let's them get some of the light straight from the bulb. I use my iPod for almost all of my Internet browsing, so I'll have to figure out how I can upload a picture from here or go on the computer and try and get them on there.

Thanks for your help!


Well-Known Member
Well without any pics to go on I'm gunna say its from the nutes in the soil. Try a transplant and see if that helps. Get some organic soil. And I want to say its probably going to take more than one bulb to grow .ore than one plant.
Happy growing man!

Truth B Known

Active Member
i would not use miracle gro, go organic.. always correct your ph so the roots can actually drink up what they need.. again, fuck that miracle gro bullshit..


Well-Known Member
i agree with truth be known.... i always google the materials that ima need and it helps me get to the store where they sell them at.... i am using a mix of cocco coir, perlite, and rockwool cubes.... i always try to keep my soil and water ph right on the money... its been almost 3 weeks into vegging now and everything seems cool exept for some yellowing in one of my plants leaves, dont think its a major problem tho...

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
not a whole lot of info. are you ph'ing? sounds like you're in a medium with pre-added ferts. this is always a no no. seedlings require no nutes for the first 2 weeks. the problems you're seeing are prob. related to this.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. So from what everyones been saying ditch the nutes and miricale grow. Go organic and start checking your ph. Annd get a camera so if you have any other problems you can show us. :p