Been taught old school just started cloning

I've been growing from seeds from years and years and years just started cloning and I tried powder gel a combination of both with a sprinkler system cloning machine but nothing seems to work I don't want to wait for seeds to tell if they're male or female anymore what am I doing wrong I use gel and then I also put the powder in the water for the bucket of the cloner that has the sprayer and I've tried 24 hours of light 18 hours of light and I even tried 12 on 12 off they never take

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Take a clipping put it an a dip of powder put in a no nutrients soil in a beer cup set under a shady spot keep moist
Ta da
I don’t dip or add anything in aerocloner well water
and patience
image.jpg as far as light very little 18/6image.jpg



So keep it in the shade and not light I haven't tried that yet everything I read said keep it under 24 to 18 hours of light but all my other plants out in the garden and the other seeds I start them and keep them incomplete dark and they start growing but now after about 3 hours of my new clones being in the bucket there's three of them that are perking up and not just wilting so maybe I got lucky this time and some of them are going to take but should I cut down on the light instead of giving them 24 hour
Outdoors I've had pineapple Express that it's done early August then I had Michigan Northern lights that went to Claire to the end of November Michigan permafrost that went to early January and then I had a plan of Alaskan permafrost outside that I just finally went and cut because it was too cold outside to keep maintaining it in too much snow but it seemed to love it but I just want to be nice and easy a couple plants indoors now so now I got to learn how to do everything indoors instead of outdoors because we always had to hide it but now it's legal
Oh no it was never legal and now it is that's why we had to hide it and that's why I always grew outdoors in the woods ( as long as the deer don't eat it) makes a great bait pile though since we made baked piles illegal
And I don't even smoke the stuff or eat edibles or anything anymore my fiance has a blood disorder and in her first stages of leukemia so she smokes so she wants me to start growing again I'm just trying to figure out how to do it indoors


Well-Known Member
You want CFL lights at about 1 foot away at 24 hour a day lighting
With LED It depends how dimmed they are , I keep mine on 50% and almost 2 feet away
Too much light and they will try to grow and not root


Well-Known Member
Check the temps in the bucket you're using. I've been struggling with my cloning bucket setup and I found that putting it on a timer that has it on for a minute and off for 4 controls the temps by not letting the pump get hot. It also seems to help speed up rooting. I've heard a lot of suggestions on rooting gels and powders but I don't use either in the bucket. I just cut them and soak them right away in a cup while I'm taking the other cuts. Then I cut with a pair of dog nail clippers of all things, as they're wicked sharp, and make I second really shallow scraping cut about an inch above the first. I just started trying this out from a thread on here and it seems like it's helping. You don't need the second cut as people have been doing without it forever but it produced the best roots I've managed to get. Also I found adding a few(2-3) drops of bleach per gallon every other day kept them from getting the brown slime that was killing most of mine off. Patience is definitely the key as Herb and Suds said, sometimes I've given up hope on some of them just to have roots pop out a week later. Best of luck, I know it's frustrating.IMG_20220622_220016620~2.jpg
I have no problem cloning raspberry bushes or rose bushes cutting them at a 45° angle I know they're resilient but that's why I tested on but none of my plants will take and for the first time I said four of them were standing up that I did today now seven of the eight are standing up reaching for the light


Well-Known Member
Well I have T12 about 2 ft away should I drop them to be about a foot away
No, in this case you really don't need much light at all. I have a CFL bulb in a table lamp next to the bucket and it's all they need. You're not trying to grow the plant, you want it to focus on the roots. I'm sure someone smart can give you a ppfd Target or lux number but I just know you need low light.


Well-Known Member
You dont need rooting powder/gel for a clone machine. Just make sure the cloner is very clean and have the water pump on a timer, so its something like 15minutes on/30minutes off to keep your water from getting too warm.
And should I wait more like 20-25 days before I pull them when they're completely wilted and dead and crispy should I wait to see if they come back because after about a month of trying I pull them because they're drying crispy even in the hydro cloning bucket this is the first time they're actually perking up of course after I got this website to ask questions it looks like it's actually working I just got to wait a week or two or more to see if they're taking roots


Well-Known Member
And I have a fish aquarium cooler in there so it keeps it between 65 and 70°, should I take that out
A more experienced hydro guy can answer on the cooler but I've had my best results between 75-80 when I can keep the reservoir sterile. Pool shock or bleach has been a game changer for me keeping clones alive long enough for them to root. Are you adding any kind of nutes or Cloning solution at all? I use a tiny bit of bloom nutes but there's better stuff like Clonex out there to use if you have the budget. All not necessary, but might improve the ratio of success when you're new.