Been kicked outta me gaff

smokey bacon

Active Member
Hi: Everyone thanks a million for u all on me last post "high humidity with lights off"
The oil heater has brought down my humidity to 13% less then it was so now 70%
Christ if it wasnt one thing its another found out today l have till the end of december to find another home landlord selling up what a cunt!!! hate using language here
have 4 plants on da swing 2 of witch are 3 weeks through flower and the other 2 am vegging them from seed will veg for the next 2weeks under my ufo how can l finish these girls early as l said l have till the end of december and will have to be gone !!!!
I am flowering da girls under a 400w HPS for over-head light and have 2 125w 2700k cfl bulbs for side light!!!!


smokey bacon

Active Member
Sorry everyone but am wrecked 2:50 in da morning here Irish time couldnt sleep till l posted this
l really dont want to log off right now BUT really tired now thank god totally whacked out of it all day after hearing this news :-(:weed:


bud bootlegger
imho, you can't really rush how long it takes a plant to finish flowering.. that's pretty much down to genetics and how much of an indica / sativa influence the plants have..
60 some days should be pretty close to having them be ready to chop, depending on the stran of course.. i'd maybe let the ones in veg stay there till the 1st of november, then flip them to flower and allow them the full 61 days or w/e you have left to flower as long as possible..

smokey bacon

Active Member
Dont want to fuck these girls up SORRY FOR LANGUAGE but l have only 9 weeks left if l shorten the daylight would it help finish early of would it stress the F**K ouuta them


Active Member
3 weeks of flower, 9 weeks until you move out? that's 12 weeks, enough for most plants to flower right? just pack it all up day before and dry at your new place if you want the most outtta them, chnaging the light cycle in pretty much any way now is s good way to stress your plants


Well-Known Member
Most plants need about 8 weeks of flowering for harvest, so if you're 3 weeks along already on 2 of them, you have plenty of time there. The first 5 weeks or so of the 9 remaining will finish (with a week of wiggle room), then cut, trimmed, dried and curing in a jar on move day.

For the other 2, you want to veg for two more weeks, right? Then you're obviously a week short at the end of 9 weeks. you have a friend you can move them to for the last two weeks? You can move them right at the end of the 12 hours of light, then into 12 hours of dark at the friends' house.


Well-Known Member
Dont want to fuck these girls up SORRY FOR LANGUAGE but l have only 9 weeks left if l shorten the daylight would it help finish early of would it stress the F**K ouuta them
I have a plant, that I tried for 3 weeks shortening the light hours from 13 hours to 10, and I didn't see any change in the growth rate, so I went back to just leaving her outside.


New Member
I have a plant, that I tried for 3 weeks shortening the light hours from 13 hours to 10, and I didn't see any change in the growth rate, so I went back to just leaving her outside.

i have a bad idea,but it speeds things up.Crush up a birth control pill into @ 2 gallons of water.The estrogen in the pill is key.It may not be the best tasting but it'll get done.

I used a pure estrogen pill once.The plant loved it but it tasted funny.It tasted chemmy


Ursus marijanus
i have a bad idea,but it speeds things up.Crush up a birth control pill into @ 2 gallons of water.The estrogen in the pill is key.It may not be the best tasting but it'll get done.

I used a pure estrogen pill once.The plant loved it but it tasted funny.It tasted chemmy
With respect ... this won't work. Estrogen works on animals but not plants. cn