Been growing since may... a little help needed (pics inside)


Active Member
Hey all. So I've been growing since about may. I have three pretty lush plants with the tallest peeking at around 4 feet tall. I need some insight as to whether or not they are budding. Many of the plants seem to have super long white pistils coming out of them, and I don't know if these are buds or what. I've just been growing them on a daily sun cycle since may, sitting in a room with plenty of light and regulated humidity, with water and organic feed. Now, I also have another dilemma. I am going back to school on sunday, and I need to harvest these buds real bad seeing as I can't drive with the thing. Is there any way to possibly make these bud in four or five days? Also, there are a few flowers on top that are beginning to droop, which I think is attributed to a lack of sunlight reaching the tops, is this a problem? Another thing I've also noticed lately is the smell of my plant has dropped significantly. It used to be that I would smell it a flight of staisr below my bedroom and now they don't even really smell when I am in the room they are growing. Is this normal? Any help would be appreciated and here are some pics.


Well-Known Member
do you mean just bud in general? or bud in that short of time?
you can't bud from where you are in just a few days. seeing the pics, i doubt you can even get any hash. your best bet is probably to find a buddy who will take it over and share the results. sorry.


Active Member
still confused... is this plant doomed for budding alltogether? or are you guys just giving me an alternative within four days? Because my goal is to bud and harvest and make some prof.


Active Member
oh ok. sorry about that. My mom will take care of it for me and when it's time I will come home and harvest. Another question though, some portions of the plants and some plants in general seem to be more developed and progressed into the budding stage, do I have to wait until all portions of the plant are equally budded? or is it proper to spot harvest?


Well-Known Member
you can definitely selectively spot harvest but your plants look weeks away from even the first buds being ready.