Been a Long Time Coming ~ Been a long Time Gone


Well-Known Member
looking awesome mah man! you got hair everywhere....long beautiful Top44 is coming to three weeks flower 'o she sweet if 44 is in fact....a fact.....dat da fac jac......then a little less than four weeks to go? the BigBud twins....they be two weeks flower tomorrow....and them thar clones...they be one week tomorrow....who the fuck planned to synchronous timing of my various girls.....damn....let's try and do that again!

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member

Koosh always breaks my stones about being stoned.... Oh well :)

This is some pretty danky dank weed.

On a scale of 10 with 10 being - Nirvana, gagger and 1 being Illinois ditch weed.

mmmmmmmm 6.8, got the smell, oh lalala, got the look, yummie. But, we are not calling the boyz up and laughing. :(



Well-Known Member

Koosh always breaks my stones about being stoned.... Oh well :)

This is some pretty danky dank weed.

On a scale of 10 with 10 being - Nirvana, gagger and 1 being Illinois ditch weed.

mmmmmmmm 6.8, got the smell, oh lalala, got the look, yummie. But, we are not calling the boyz up and laughing. :(
yessir looks diggit diggity dank to me.:hump: not up to par for you though? :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Looks good to me, nice and tasty, where did that bud come from? and I'm no clone That honey oil thhing is Awesome!, need to get me one of those. Iv'e never had hash like that before ..the color's cool too:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Right on, I probably know the person you got it from:mrgreen: I don't know how far the stations reach as I don't listen to the radio much, just internet and satellite radio from time to time, speaking of the Bob Marley feed isn't working as masta stated, I'm getting "Page Cannot Be Displayed"


New Member
Didn't show page for me either.
That is some dank looking smoke there grandfather. I feel so weird calling you grandfather.
You are going to have a nice mellow Christmas for sure there GF.
Keep us in mind when you spark up.
AND ENJOY your holidays!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Good job.

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
got a micorhizzae, sp, product this week, per your advice. It's called Earth's Ambrosia and Earth's Nectar. You combine the two and add them to the feed schedule once a month.

I put some to the clones and the seedlings, will have to wait for autopsies to see how well it does. Hoping for extensive root systems like you had.

Thanks again for the advice.

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
got a micorhizzae, sp, product this week, per your advice. It's called Earth's Ambrosia and Earth's Nectar. You combine the two and add them to the feed schedule once a month.

I put some to the clones and the seedlings, will have to wait for autopsies to see how well it does. Hoping for extensive root systems like you had.

Thanks again for the advice.

What does it look like?

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Thanks, about damn time!! JJ.

wow that is a big plant, what size pot is that in? It's looks tiny for the size of the plant and I do remember our talks about pots and roots and growth, but that looks very small.