• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Become A Free Man In America.

Dolce Vita

Active Member
hey guys ive been researching John Harris and what he's doing and becoming a freeman.

this thread should help yall to understand more about how the system works and hopefull to help us know how to break free.

do a google search "birth certificate as bond" you will be blown away.

here is some videos of john harris, sort of an introduction to this thread.






And im sorry but i tried to post the videos in the thread but it doesn't work :/


Well-Known Member
Damn Dude!!!
Great post... That's some heavy shit... but what's the alternative to working in this "company"... he was right about that, too. Sacrificing the "person" has drastic consequences!
heavy heavy stuff...



Well-Known Member
Reason why my youngest was an unregistered unassisted homebirth..she 'does not exist'.. it's a rough road to walk to be truly free.. but she deserves the CHOICE.. i wish i had been given the choice, and was informed enough at the time to give my eldest daughter the same choice..

Dolce Vita

Active Member
If you like John Harris you will also like Robert Arthur Menard.....

His web site is here: http://www.thinkfree.ca/
thanks dude im going to deff look into this guy thanks for the vid ;)

Reason why my youngest was an unregistered unassisted homebirth..she 'does not exist'.. it's a rough road to walk to be truly free.. but she deserves the CHOICE.. i wish i had been given the choice, and was informed enough at the time to give my eldest daughter the same choice..
how much harder of a road is it to walk down? im planning on becoming a free man when i get out of college. can ya tell me what its like?

Dolce Vita

Active Member
heres another set i found to be intresting.












of corse this is a man in brittan, and im looking to do this in the US but its the same basic theory...


Well-Known Member
how much harder of a road is it to walk down? im planning on becoming a free man when i get out of college. can ya tell me what its like?
You haven't gone far into the rabbit hole as far as research I assume.. esp. since you plan to 'become a freeman'.. in all my research I've never seen a legit way to get out.. once you are in, you cannot get out.. you cannot get your bond back, you cannot undo the birth certificate, you cannot get rid of your ssn. You are a slave. The choice was made for you. The closest that can be done is to stop using your said 'person', disassociate from it.. but you can never get rid of it.

Living as a true freeman in this system of control they have made means no drivers license, no passport, no bank accounts, no credit cards, no mortgage, no insurance, you cannot be 'legally' employed by anyone else. Nothing that requires a birth certificate or ssn. Look at an illegal alien.. that is the type of road a freeman would have to walk..

A rough road to walk indeed.. but I think everyone should be given that CHOICE..

Dolce Vita

Active Member
yes indeed it will be a hard walk, but just watch the videos about john harris, he broke free! albeit he is in england and im in the US. im watching this video right now and the first guy in the room lecturing became a freeman. i know its possible, but im just wondering actually how hard it would be. robert menard so far in this vid talks like you can still drive and lead a relatively normal life without having to conform to statutes. heres the link to the video, http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6729904244308031068&ei=6rdrSpPAAY3ZlQeD2sFx&q=robert+arthur+menard&hl=en. maybe it can help you educate your child when the time comes.


Well-Known Member
You haven't gone far into the rabbit hole as far as research I assume.. esp. since you plan to 'become a freeman'.. in all my research I've never seen a legit way to get out.. once you are in, you cannot get out.. you cannot get your bond back, you cannot undo the birth certificate, you cannot get rid of your ssn. You are a slave. The choice was made for you. The closest that can be done is to stop using your said 'person', disassociate from it.. but you can never get rid of it.

Living as a true freeman in this system of control they have made means no drivers license, no passport, no bank accounts, no credit cards, no mortgage, no insurance, you cannot be 'legally' employed by anyone else. Nothing that requires a birth certificate or ssn. Look at an illegal alien.. that is the type of road a freeman would have to walk..

A rough road to walk indeed.. but I think everyone should be given that CHOICE..
So how hard is it going to be for your daughter to get a ssn when she decides that she wants one? Is she going to have to deal with a mountain of bureacracy...or how does that work?


Well-Known Member
yes.. they surely would not make it easy.. though they cannot deny it from her. (constitution clearly states she cannot be denied her natural citizenship, which can be quickly proven with a simple dna test) I got to speak to another woman who along with her siblings had to go about getting their births registered and get a ssn in their late teens because they wanted to join 'society', for her brother it took nearly 2 years because of the run arounds and hoops they put them through to basically punish them. They had more problems with the birth certificate because of all the affidavits needed to be rounded up nearly 20 years after the fact, the ssn from what i was told was much more simple, and not much of a problem.

(it is only rather recent that ssn's were given at birth, before that, they weren't applied for until children were working age, as it had not morphed into the identification number it is used as today- as it was explicitly supposed to NEVER be used for identification)

It is an issue that will obviously be discussed with her from an early age and she will have all the pros and cons laid before her, add to that the years she will have to make an informed decision. I certainly will take care of the legal work for her if she chooses that path.

I don't know the specifics on how that guy is living.. could you still drive a car, I suppose you could.. anyone can drive a car.. it's the 'if you get caught' thing that concerns me.. even when you are in the right, they can still throw you in jail and try to charge you. They are corrupt and have all the fire power.. in the end you're in the hands of whoever 'catches' you.

In all my research I've never seen anyone win a legal case with said arguments, however seen some get dismissed because they didn't want the possible legal battle.. but I've seen quite a few cases in my research where people go down.. Shyt.. I wish I had a list of links for you of a lot of the stuff I've read.. but sadly I don't.. just keep researching..


Well-Known Member






Well-Known Member
In all my research I've never seen anyone win a legal case with said arguments, however seen some get dismissed because they didn't want the possible legal battle.. but I've seen quite a few cases in my research where people go down.. Shyt.. I wish I had a list of links for you of a lot of the stuff I've read.. but sadly I don't.. just keep researching..

The way Robert Menard does it and does not get thrown in jail is because he can and will charge legal fees to the police at a rate of $1700/hr. He has the backing of the law to do this and has all the judges on his side. The police do NOT want to pay those legal fees so unless he just harmed someone or caused them loss they just let him go on his way. Most laws are actually Statutes and Statutes only apply to the person who is bonded, not the human being. So when the police pull Robert Menard over for something they get his info and look it up on their little in car computer, the computer basically states that " Robert Menard is not to be detained for any reason " and they go back and tell Robert" Thanks and have a nice day".


Active Member
Robert-Arthur: Menard is a good friend of mine and I can tell you his fee schedule is not $1700 per hour.... it is quite similar to MY fee schedule...

Furthermore, I claim my FEE SCHEDULE for any transgressions by peace officers, government
principals or agents or justice system participants is FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500.00) PER HOUR or
portion thereof if being questioned, interrogated or in any way detained, harrassed or
otherwise regulated and FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($5000.00) PER HOUR or portion thereof if I am handcuffed,
transported, incarcerated or subjected to any adjudication process without my express written
and Notarized (and/or witnessed by three signatures) consent,

Furthermore I claim my FEE SCHEDULE for any physical harm to my flesh and blood blody caused by
peace officers, statute enforcement officers, government principals or agents or justice system participants is
ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00) for every centimeter of length or square centimeter of area or part thereof
of third party verifiable marks on my body from any holding device, handcuffs, nylon strap, hand, glove, shoe, boot,
weapon or any other surface or item, caused by, or by neglect or design allowed to be caused by the actions of any
peace officers, government principals, employees, agents, or justice system participants measured or assessed by
competent medical practitioners of my choosing or emergency medical technicians without delay, and ONE MILLION
DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00) PER DAY or portion thereof, measured in TWENTY FOUR (24) HOUR segments
commencing from inception of injury or cause of condition and ending at the discretion of the attending physician,
for any injury or condition that requires hospitalization for any reason caused, or by neglect or design allowed to be
caused to my body by peace officers, government principals, employees, agents, or justice system participants.

Furthermore, I claim the right to use a Notary Public and/or three witness signatures to secure
payment of the aforementioned FEE SCHEDULE against any transgressors who by their actions or
omissions harm me or my interests, directly or by proxy in any way.


Notice of Understanding and Intent and Claim of Right

I, Wesley-Charles: Johnson, a flesh and blood man
and Sovereign Spiritual Being, do hereby make Oath and state the following is My Truth and My Law;

Whereas it is my understanding Canada is a common law jurisdiction, and,

Whereas it is my understanding equality before the law is paramount and mandatory, and,

Whereas it is my understanding a statute is defined as a legislated rule of society which has been given
the force of law, and,

Whereas it is my understanding a society is defined as a number of people joined by mutual consent to
deliberate, determine and act for a common goal, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that for something to exist legally it must have a name, and,

Whereas it is my understanding the only form of government recognized as lawful in Canada is a representative one, and,

Whereas it is my understanding representation requires mutual consent, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that in the absence of mutual consent neither representation nor
governance can exist, and,

Whereas it is my understanding all Acts are statutes restricted in scope and applicability by the
Constitution Act, and,

Whereas it is my understanding Section 32 of the Constitution Act of 1982 limits it to members and employees
of government, and,

Whereas it is my understanding those who have a SIN (Social Insurance Number) are in fact members and
employees of the federal government and thus are bound by the statutes created by the federal government, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that it is lawful to abandon one's SIN, and,

Whereas it is my understanding people in Canada have a right to revoke or deny consent to be
represented and thus governed, and,

Whereas it is my understanding if anyone does revoke or deny consent they exist free of government
control and statutory restraints, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that a claim of right establishes a lawful excuse and that this factual
truth is expressed in Section 39 of the Criminal Code of Canada, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that if one has lawful excuse one may choose to not obey a court,
tribunal, statute, Act or order, and that this factual truth is expressed in Sections 126 and 127
of the Criminal Code of Canada, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that Section 15 of the Criminal Code of Canada does not clearly express
that one may be charged for failure to obey a de facto government or court, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that all existing courts and governments are de facto only and not de
jure, and,

Whereas a Freeman-on-the-Land has lawfully revoked consent and does exist free of statutory
restrictions, obligations, and limitations, and,

Whereas I, Wesley-Charles: Johnson, am a Freeman-on-the-Land, a Child of God, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that acting peacefully does not violate common law, and,

Whereas as I am a Freeman-on-the-Land who operates with full responsibility and I do not see the need
to ask permission to engage in lawful and peaceful activities, especially from those who claim limited
liability, and,

Whereas it is my understanding a by-law is defined as a rule of a corporation, and,

Whereas it is my understanding corporations are legal fictions and require contracts in order to claim
authority or control over other parties, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I can use a Notary Public and/or three witness signatures to perform
duties found under any Act including thus a Notary Public or three witness signatures gives the power
to hold court and hear evidence and issue binding lawful judgments, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I have a right to create and maintain a court de jure of right;
legitimate; lawful, byright and just title; "by law", and to have free-men, government agents, and
any other people whom violate my common law rights and/or the rights of my friends and family tried
in a court de jure, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I have a right to use my property without having to pay for the use
or enjoyment of it, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I have the right to claim up to 160 acres, settle on, and own,
existing unsurveyed Crown Land and lawfully claim it as mine (without limitation), and grant myself full
Allodial Title to it, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I must live on it as my main place of domicile, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I must steward the land properly, improve it in some fashion, either
by clearing land for argriculture, harvesting timber, or otherwise, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I may pass the land on to my heirs if I have any when I die, and I
understand that it reverts to being claimable if I do not do so, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I have the right to grow, possess, sell and use all of God's plants and their
natural products for consumption, medication and other peaceful purposes, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that public transportation is in fact and actuality public property to
which I have the right of use and access without having to pay, and,

Whereas I claim the right to collect a pension if I have paid into it and claim that said right is not
affected if I abandon my Social Insurance Number, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that a summons is merely an invitation to attend and the ones issued in
my province create no obligation or dishonor if ignored, and,

Whereas it is my understanding peace officers have a duty to distinguish between statutes and law and
those who attempt to enforce statutes against a Freeman-on-the-Land are in fact breaking the law, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I have the power to refuse intercourse or interaction with peace
officers who have not observed me violate common law, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that permanent estoppel by acquiescence barring any peace officer and/or
prosecutor from bringing charges against a Freeman-on-the-Land under any Act is created if this claim
is not responded to in the stated fashion and time, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that the common law right to travel on the highways without license
is lawful and still exists although it does appear to have been deceptively hidden, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I have the common law right to travel on public roads for
non-commercial purposes, without registration, license, or insurance, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that free unencumbered possession and use of arms and firearms for
protection of person, property, country and livelihood is considered lawful and just, and,

Whereas at my discretion I may possess arms and firearms free of statutes and regulations for
lawful purposes, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that the act of registering the birth of a baby creates a legal
entity called a person that exists in association with that baby and that the manner in which
offspring are registered transfers superior guardianship rights over that offspring to the
government, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that this creation of a person and transfer of authority is not
fully disclosed to the parents, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that the person and the spiritual being to which it is associated
are two very separate and different things and that the people playing roles in government
only have the right to act upon the legal person and not the Sovereign Spiritual Being, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that if I do not exist in association with a person I cannot be
lawfully governed by the people playing roles in government, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I am not obliged to obey the orders of anyone claiming to
be a Queen or King or those acting on behalf of such an entity, as no one who does make
preposterous claims that abandon and erode the concept of equality has any authority over me,

Whereas it is my understanding that the people in the government are merely playing roles, and,

Whereas I AM NOT PLAYING, and,

Therefore be it now known to any and all interested, concerned or affected parties, that I,
Wesley-Charles: Johnson, am a Freeman-on-the-Land and do hereby serve notice and state
clearly specifically and unequivocally my intent to peacefully and lawfully exist free of
all statutory obligations, restrictions and that I maintain all rights at law to trade,
exchange or barter and exist without deceptive governance and to do so without limitations,
restrictions or regulations created by others and without my consent.

Furthermore, I claim the right to use my talents and skills to work to support myself and
maintain my existance under private contracts which, since I am a Freeman-On-The-Land,
will not be taxable by the Income Tax Act.

Furthermore, I claim that these actions are not outside my communities' standards and will
in fact support said community in our desire for truth and maximum freedom.

Furthermore, I claim the right to engage in these actions and further claim that all property
held by me or in my possession, is held under a claim of right as mentioned in section 39 of the Criminal Code of Canada.

Furthermore, I claim that anyone who interferes with my lawful activities after having been
served notice of this claim and who fails to properly dispute or make lawful counterclaim is
breaking the law, cannot claim good faith or colour of right and that such transgressions
will be dealt with in a properly convened court de jure.

Furthermore, I claim that the de facto courts in Canada are in fact in the profitable business of conducting,
witnessing and facilitating the transactions of security interests and I further claim they require the consent of both
parties prior to providing any such services.

Furthermore, I claim all transactions of security interests require the consent of both
parties and I do hereby deny consent to any transaction of a security interest issuing
under any Act for as herein stated as a Freeman-on-the-Land I am not subject to any Act.

Furthermore, I claim the right to refuse joinder with any corporate entity including but not limited to the legal entity/person STRAWMAN regardless of the situation or what words I choose to use or neglect to use and it cannot be inferred that I have accepted joinder beyond Agent through act or omission on my part other than a statement by me in writing, bearing my autograph, under oath and properly notarized, and,

Furthermore, I claim my FEE SCHEDULE for any transgressions by peace officers, government
principals or agents or justice system participants is FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500.00) PER HOUR or
portion thereof if being questioned, interrogated or in any way detained, harrassed or
otherwise regulated and FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($5000.00) PER HOUR or portion thereof if I am handcuffed,
transported, incarcerated or subjected to any adjudication process without my express written
and Notarized (and/or witnessed by three signatures) consent,

Furthermore I claim my FEE SCHEDULE for any physical harm to my flesh and blood blody caused by
peace officers, statute enforcement officers, government principals or agents or justice system participants is
ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00) for every centimeter of length or square centimeter of area or part thereof
of third party verifiable marks on my body from any holding device, handcuffs, nylon strap, hand, glove, shoe, boot,
weapon or any other surface or item, caused by, or by neglect or design allowed to be caused by the actions of any
peace officers, government principals, employees, agents, or justice system participants measured or assessed by
competent medical practitioners of my choosing or emergency medical technicians without delay, and ONE MILLION
DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00) PER DAY or portion thereof, measured in TWENTY FOUR (24) HOUR segments
commencing from inception of injury or cause of condition and ending at the discretion of the attending physician,
for any injury or condition that requires hospitalization for any reason caused, or by neglect or design allowed to be
caused to my body by peace officers, government principals, employees, agents, or justice system participants.

Furthermore, I claim the right to use a Notary Public and/or three witness signatures to secure
payment of the aforementioned FEE SCHEDULE against any transgressors who by their actions or
omissions harm me or my interests, directly or by proxy in any way.

Furthermore, I claim the right to convene a proper court de jure in order to address any
potentially criminal actions of any peace officers, government principals or agents or
justice system participants who having been served notice of this claim fail to dispute
or discuss or make lawful counterclaim and then interfere by act or omission with the
lawful exercise of properly claimed and established rights and freedoms.

Furthermore, I claim the law of agent and principal applies and that service upon one is
service upon both.

Affected parties wishing to dispute the claims made herein or make their own counterclaims
must respond appropriately within TEN (10) days of service of notice of this action.
Responses must be under Oath or attestation, upon full commercial liability and penalty
of perjury.

Failure to register a dispute against the claims made herein and then successfully defeating
these claims in a proper court of law will result in an automatic default judgment of tacit agreement,
securing forevermore all rights herein claimed and establishing permanent and irrevocable estoppel
by acquiescence barring the bringing of charges under any statute or Act or regulation
against My Self Freeman-on-the-Land, Wesley-Charles: Johnson, for exercising these lawful and
properly established rights, freedoms and duties.

Place of Claim of Right: Canmore, Alberta, Canada

Dated: __________________________________

Claimant: _______________________________

Witness Signature (1): ____________________________

Witness Signature (2): ____________________________

Witness Signature (3): ____________________________


Notary Public: ____________________________________