Beauty and the Beast: A question about bag seed potential


Active Member
Ok, so I have checked out plenty of bud porn posted by you freaks so willing to show off your naughty girls in all their glory. My question is, does the every day common bag seed have the potential to be groomed and loved into some of the frosty, lush, vibrant buds that you commonly get from superior seeds, or is the trichrome production level attributed more to the quality of the strain? Logic says that it's all the same plant and so it should be possible to coax beauty out of a beast. What say you?


Well-Known Member
i grew out a bagseed once, it was just some reggie but the bud i grew out was fantastic.


Well-Known Member
Watch closely for hermies with bag seeds. I have many times grown out bag seeds that came out better than what they came from, actually many people have done that.
My avatar pic is from bag seed. I didn't make clones of it, because "it was just bag seed...", now I am kicking myself for it. The stuff was just as good as some expensive seeds. You never know for sure what you are going to get, bag seeds can fun, also can be a waste, but you never know for sure.


Well-Known Member
i had one bagseed that went hermie and was a BLESSING. that hermie made some kickass weed, covered in crystal and i got a ton of seeds which is gonna supply myself and south fla for a while :-)
i also just harvested another outdoor bagseed plant that was/is an awesome plant, tastes like dank cheese, sweaty tennis shoe and chocolate YUM and the buzz is incredible.
never give up on bagseed, it can rock :peace:
i had one bagseed that went hermie and was a BLESSING. that hermie made some kickass weed, covered in crystal and i got a ton of seeds which is gonna supply myself and south fla for a while :-)
i also just harvested another outdoor bagseed plant that was/is an awesome plant, tastes like dank cheese, sweaty tennis shoe and chocolate YUM and the buzz is incredible.
never give up on bagseed, it can rock :peace:
i was wondering the same my mate is doing that from a bag seed,his plants the female ones he kept are doing more than well the buds are getting huge but..... there isnt much smell coming from them! Is this a problem? For his first time i am really impressed the top bud is about a foot long which i think is massive!!


Well-Known Member
I've had great stuff come from bag seed. better then the bag it came from, mostly I think because it came out seedless.

Pat the stoner

New Member
Yeah hermies a lot and weed thats not so good too but some of that just comes out so good , I cant believe it is the same stuff I got the seeds from .


Well-Known Member
Im currently growing from cheap bagseed weed. I'm pretty sure it will look better but i'm not so sure on the frostyness or any higher thc. By the way a few of them are stretching, I would think they are out door seeds/plants. But only time will tell. I do think with good lights and food and a good cure, bagseed weed can't turn out to bad.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I have checked out plenty of bud porn posted by you freaks so willing to show off your naughty girls in all their glory. My question is, does the every day common bag seed have the potential to be groomed and loved into some of the frosty, lush, vibrant buds that you commonly get from superior seeds, or is the trichrome production level attributed more to the quality of the strain? Logic says that it's all the same plant and so it should be possible to coax beauty out of a beast. What say you?
Check out my TEXMEX REGGIE bagseed :D
These are the clones :D

These are the buds from the original plants GROWN FROM the Texmex SEEDS :D
I have 3 baggy girls in their 6th week of flowering. One girl stretched bigtime. She must've tripled in height. The other two doubled, as expected. All from the same bag. You never know what you're gonna get, but surprises keep you on your toes...


Well-Known Member
generally you can take bag seed and grow it out to be better than the bag it came from. Mostly because the people that grew your original bag were probably growing in a warehouse or a house converted to different grow rooms. They throw in just enough nutes to get an okay result, no time to waste letting them fully mature and give them a good dry and cure. Gotta get it out on the streets and in the clubs to get paid faster. When your growing it at home for yourself, you put more time and love into it, baby it, let it take it's time, you give it a good dry and cure and enjoy it more knowing that you grew it.


i believe it's a case by case basis. you can have the best genetics(seeds), but grow it wrong and get shitty bud, or you can have a great set up, and terrible genetics and the same could happen. it all depends


Well-Known Member
All strainds or flavors of weed came from bag seed at one time .that is how most or i should say all the breeders got there start....