
My son is working out in that to restore power to the people across the Shickshinny valley ;) Tree climber for Asplundh.

This site,, has the most sublime photos of the Channeled Scablands, a region whose natural beauty I adore, and their creation story. I recommend y'all tiptoe through. The video is a slideshow of the "other" great flood-creating lake, Lake Bonneville, whose shrunken remnant is the Great Salt Lake. cn

Drumheller Channels.

A glacial erratic (ice-rafted boulder).

A kolk (flood vortex) carved this "feed Calcutta" - sized pothole.



I have seen Dry Falls. The word "awesome" gets overused, and I am not without guilt, but it applies without qualification. Imo.

On a walk in the neighborhood ravine I used to play in as a kid. This tree's trunk bends at 90 degrees, I thought that was pretty cool so I snapped a pic back in summer:
The twins of a deranged serial murderer grew up. One got heavy into drinking, drugs and basically being a social miscreant, culminating in finally murdering a guy over some petty reason. The other twin made his way through school, earning a degree, and running a small business that flourished. Two guys. The same genetic make up. They asked both, one from his office desk, the other through the glass of a prison visiting room, “Why do you think you turned out the way you did?”

They both responded with basically the same answer,

“Look at my father, what else was I supposed to do?”

Some of us do. No worries. Someday you need to come to New Mexico and fish Quality Waters below Navajo Dam. Not only is the fishing amazing but the vistas will take your breath away.

dammit...see there I go, just liking everything again. Carne, that first pic is ah-mazing. Is it real or an artist's rendering? Ak, though I love to fish, and would love to cook it, eating it is another story. Your pic is beautiful however ;) those animals too, but they give me a headache watching them battle lol
dammit...see there I go, just liking everything again. Carne, that first pic is ah-mazing. Is it real or an artist's rendering? Ak, though I love to fish, and would love to cook it, eating it is another story. Your pic is beautiful however ;) those animals too, but they give me a headache watching them battle lol

Nope it's real. :p