

Saw something kind of like this this morning.

Damn I wish I had the time and patience to do that wife's gold plated 25 I bought her many years back has a chip in the handle .....worst part is the handles are ivory/pearl looking with custom art work I had a friend put on years ago .....I can't find new grips anywhere's a very small chip at the very bottom corner ....not really a big deal for a purse pistol....but it bugs me .....very nice work BTW
Damn I wish I had the time and patience to do that wife's gold plated 25 I bought her many years back has a chip in the handle .....worst part is the handles are ivory/pearl looking with custom art work I had a friend put on years ago .....I can't find new grips anywhere's a very small chip at the very bottom corner ....not really a big deal for a purse pistol....but it bugs me .....very nice work BTW
It's a Titan, yes?

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Debussy's string quartet is my very favorite quartet. He only wrote the one, but when one can compose something this masterful, one is all you need. This adagio 3rd movement is my favorite of the piece, it is so warm, mysterious and ethereal. I don't know this group, but their interpretation and phrasing is similar to the choices I would make. It is just gorgeous, and I lose my shit almost every time I listen to it. Enjoy...
