

Well-Known Member
to add to that its funny because just beyond that tree line is a home deopt and a park and ride.. then a massive highway. But you could never tell, nature is still out there in urban settings you just have to find it. unfortunately i can't see stars from my house its to bright around my way :(

but this is my own little shore of solitude.. its a water supply for a large town/city that no one goes to because its heavily patrolled. First EP that came up to me i told him i grew up in these woods (before they made it a lake) and respect the land more than he ever could (had trash i picked up in my hand)...they turn a blind eye to me now.

and yes i get it in to sunsets just like this panty dropping 101


Ursus marijanus
This evening, as I was driving up the mountain to pick up my son after a long weekend with momma, I looked at the clouds with amazement. We'd had a partial overcast of cirrus all day. As the day wore on, patches and islands of cirrocumulus took over, and by late afternoon the cirrocumulus got thick. It was over a mile deep assuming cloudbase at say 15 thousand feet.
As I drove up the grade, I noticed wavy stripy "mackerel" portions of these clouds, random in their orientations and fractal in their sizes and shapes.

And what happened then was the knocking loose of a memory fifty years old.

I was possibly one and probably two. I remember looking up into an achingly blue winter sky filled with countless layers of high cloud. The ripples and dapples receded into the infinitesimal. Behind that, a preternatural hyaline blue. I stared into infinity. It's my first memory of the sky, and today it was recalled when I looked into a lesser but still awesome sky. Imagine this as a tiny detail.



Well-Known Member

This photo really moved me so much that i decided to try and raise awarenes to what is going on in my country.This girl was crying and begging the policeman not to hit her or any of her friends.Then the policeman started crying aswell and he said to her : "You just hold on girl."See he wasn't going to beat her ( like his colleges did to many others ) but he was given an order to push everybody who was protesting against our corrupt goverment so that the goverment officials could go to their homes."Divide and conquer" that's thair moto i guess.They turn us against each other.