
I was a confused metal head back in like 91' when a social studies teacher loaned me a cassette of the Mission soundtrack. Not going to say it exactly changed my life but at least opened me up to something not driven by a distortion pedal at 200 BPM.

Anyway, I think this is beautiful.

I was a confused metal head back in like 91' when a social studies teacher loaned me a cassette of the Mission soundtrack. Not going to say it exactly changed my life but at least opened me up to something not driven by a distortion pedal at 200 BPM.

Anyway, I think this is beautiful.

Ennio Morricone's stuff is a great entrance to classical music. He composed the music to a lot of famous Spaghetti Westerns, and the likes of Cinema Paradisio and the haunting melodies of the classic Once Upon a Time in America. Feel free to jump through this medley and see which of these melodies sound familiar. My fav soundtrack of his is The Mission, thanks for sharing that.

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Maori warriors perform a Haka, meaning dance of welcome


Hine-nui-te-pō and Māui

Hine-nui-te-pō ("Great woman of night") in Maori legends, is a goddess of night and she receives the spirits of humans when they die.
This is a carving of Hine-nui-te-pō, the goddess of death, as Māui the demigod attempts to kill her by entering her and exiting through her mouth. Māui failed to overcome Hine-nui-te-pō, meaning humans would continue to die, and be welcomed by their ancestor, the great goddess of the night and of death.:o

The Māori are the indigenous Polynesian people of mainland New Zealand. Māori originated with settlers from East Polynesia, who arrived in New Zealand in several waves of canoe voyages between roughly 1320 and 1350.
