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I had my stuff packed and ready to go. A tent, clothes, markers, shoes, sunscreen, a swim suit, 3.5 Grams of Grape Ape and Afghan, 4 grams of Cubensis Mushrooms, and 2 hits of BLue Shiva LSD. It was Me, 'K', 'E', and 'S' (K's sister). We arrived at our camping spot at around noon or 1ish. It was already extremely hot, but the time out tents were set up, we were sweating like pigs. We loaded a bowl and tried to smoke it, but it was to windy for the lighter. So we ended up in a tent, but 5 people in a tent gets hot. Fast. After a bowl or 2 we went to swim to cool off, before the main adventure. After cooling off, we went to S, Z, and Es tent. I opened the ground up shrooms and pored 2.3 grams in Ss drink, (her second shroom trip) and 2.3 in Zs cup (His first trip.). While they started on there drinks Me and K took out doses out. This would be Ks first LSD trip, but she had done Shrooms with me twice before. Right before we could set the hits on our tongues, the Camp Ranger guy came to out tent and asked for out camping license. We showed him, and he left. It was good he came when he did. My and kara dropped the hits on our tongue, and waited. S and Z were coming up, and decided to head out side with E (the lone sober man). Me and K were content to stay in the blue tent, where we waited and talked. At some point we left the tent and met up with the others, this is when I started feeling it. Things looked somewhat off, color glowed, peoples voices slightly echoed. We were all standing in a group, and I looked off to the right, where the branch started to sway back and forth, and not because of the wind..then, I heard a thud. I looked over to see Z had passed out. We all freaked out, but he soon got up. We took him to the car and put him in air conditioning..eventually all of us ended up in the car. Me and K shared the driver seat. I looked out towards the lake, and on the right it looked like I was in Miami. The lake was a deep ocean blue, and the trees in the far distance looked like palm trees. To the left it looked like a beach of Japan or Vietnam, green, lushisous, and intense. I looked at the grass to my right and it started to swirl, there was swirly designs every few inches. Then the grass raised up, higher and higher, the started to ripple like intense waves were flowing under it. The sky above me was almost checker boreded white and sky blue. Me, K, and S headed towards the lake. It had dried up considerably, the cracked surface looked like the surface of mars. It was amazing. After chilling in the water for some time we headed to the car. Me and K removed a blanket and set it in the grass. We cuddled and talked of what we were seeing, thinking, and feeling. We stared off at the branches above us, and they started to sway into kaleidoscopic designs. We spaced out for what seemed like forever, then it all went black. The wind had blown the blanket on top of us, and we laughed for so long. We then decided to color Ks shoes,( like I had mine on a previous trip of two hits of WoW). I went looking for the markers, and walked about 3 other places before getting them. We sat there and colored. I then showed K the orange marker, which literally appeared to be glowing. She laughed so hard, she ended up sobbing. I felt like I was a hippy on the beach in Cali, a memory that engraved in my head. We later left to walk with S to the bathroom place. When we got there the trees and the ground were beautiful, the forrest looked like it went on forever. Then a buzzing noise..a huge red hornet buzzed around us, so we ran, far away. It followed us for some time, warning us to stay away. As the sun started to set Me, K, and S went onto the lake front to look at the stars, then joined Z and E in the grass, once again looking at the stars. It was breathtaking, you could see the milkyway and what seemed like every star. The stars we not white, but array of blue, green, and red. They all moved and danced and created patterns and constilations in the sky. Once again, a moment I cant ever forget. Me, K, and S stayed up all night talking, and when the sun rose, the trees were still bright green, and the pink sky was breathetaking, I was still tripping.Im sure theres more that happened, but Overall, a wonderful experience =)