• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Beat Thermal Imaging


Well-Known Member
you clearly have not watched the vid link, that vid was on uk tv made by the bbc not some fools & i dont care what its called its worrying & that 1 vid gives a better insight that all the pages of rants on here
Not sure what you're babbling about. The video did not say that it wasn't FLIR and they clearly said it was thermal imaging, which is exactly what FLIR is. You necromanced a 3 year old thread for what? To show that thermal imaging is alive and well in the UK? Okay, but everyone here already knows that. The only thing my post was intended was to counteract your ignorant belief that FLIR isn't useful in the daytime.


Well-Known Member
Oooh I want to resurect the dead ! Even if Flir sees a hotspot, How can they determine what it is? Especially if no exhaust is seen? No other home utilities create heat?
im not going to argue with some word warrior who has nothing better to do, yes your correct its a old as thread and needed some new info ~ the vid i posted gives a good insight into what power company's and police are looking for, much more usefully than you childish rants & omfg get a life if you are still on this post 2-3 yrs later & as you have spammed the link with bs il re post it



Well-Known Member
im not going to argue with some word warrior who has nothing better to do, yes your correct its a old as thread and needed some new info ~ the vid i posted gives a good insight into what power company's and police are looking for, much more usefully than you childish rants & omfg get a life if you are still on this post 2-3 yrs later & as you have spammed the link with bs il re post it
First of all, I never said your video wasn't useful. You better learn to parse posts more carefully if you want anyone to take you seriously.
Second, I did not call you names or make any attacks on you personally, but I guess it's too much to ask for you to act civilly. Sort of ironic you crying about my post and then call me childish.
I posted a straight up fact which you have not actually countered. Stop acting all butt-hurt and learn to acknowledge when you are wrong. It will go much farther here at RIU than your petty insults. You should also learn what spamming is and isn't. "Rant" also is out of place as a description of my posts.


Well-Known Member
Another thing, claiming there is new technology out there beyond the normal FLIR does more harm than good. This thread already discusses the ability of FLIR and what it can or can't do. If you really wanted to discuss something that ISN'T FLIR, you should have started a new thread rather than resurrect one over 2 years old.

Maybe if you read other 2 year old posts, you would have found this one https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/217425-how-police-ir-helicopter-functions-2.html where I and others counter some of the misinformation about thermal imaging.
First of all, I never said your video wasn't useful. You better learn to parse posts more carefully if you want anyone to take you seriously.
Second, I did not call you names or make any attacks on you personally, but I guess it's too much to ask for you to act civilly. Sort of ironic you crying about my post and then call me childish.
I posted a straight up fact which you have not actually countered. Stop acting all butt-hurt and learn to acknowledge when you are wrong. It will go much farther here at RIU than your petty insults. You should also learn what spamming is and isn't. "Rant" also is out of place as a description of my posts.
you said you not sure what im babbling about & The only thing my post was intended was to counteract your ignorant belief ~ is hardly being nice is it like i said you a word warrior with nothing better to do than spam usefully links & im sorry but some of have better thing to do than troll posts for 2- 3yrs & this thread comes top if you search thermal imaging that's how i ended up here + the quote i used in 1st post was off the you tube vid & you would know that if you even bother to watch something your going on about & why would i want to read 2 yr old info when that link is via a program the bbc produced in 2010 not like the old apache helecopter vid in the post your on about its dated info.a lots changed since 2007, so jog on stop trolling posts and spamming my useful link & for your info i have seen vid were they have seen right through aroof into a room and pin pointed the hps they even pointed out a heater in a bathroom so you are very much underestimate its power



Well-Known Member
yeah in the US the police need a search warrant to use these now to if they're using this it's probably while the swat team is already en route....


Well-Known Member
you said you not sure what im babbling about & The only thing my post was intended was to counteract your ignorant belief ~ is hardly being nice is it like i said you a word warrior with nothing better to do than spam usefully links & im sorry but some of have better thing to do than troll posts for 2- 3yrs & this thread comes top if you search thermal imaging that's how i ended up here + the quote i used in 1st post was off the you tube vid & you would know that if you even bother to watch something your going on about & why would i want to read 2 yr old info when that link is via a program the bbc produced in 2010 not like the old apache helecopter vid in the post your on about its dated info.a lots changed since 2007, so jog on stop trolling posts and spamming my useful link & for your info i have seen vid were they have seen right through aroof into a room and pin pointed the hps they even pointed out a heater in a bathroom so you are very much underestimate its power

Posting the same link multiple times is the definition of spamming. Grow up kid. You might not have thought my comment nice but it was not a personal attack like you apparently like to do. I don't give a flying fuck whether you information was a quote or not, it was still wrong and gives people here bad information. Growers are paranoid enough without making claims about police being able to see inside of a house. Correcting bad information is a good thing so get the fuck off my back. If you actually knew anything about FLIR, you would know their capabilities, admit to being wrong and move on. Instead, you choose to continue to try and bait me by calling me a troll and spammer. Now how about if you prove your claim with actual information rather than keep trolling the same video that we all watched the first two times you posted it? Prove that FLIR has improved so much in 4 years that it can now see inside a house. If you have a vid that shows what you claim, post that one rather than whine on about how wrong everyone is and repost the same stupid video that doesn't show what you claim. Quit acting like a know-it-all punk when it is clear you are wrong, at least in the video you continue to spam us with.
Posting the same link multiple times is the definition of spamming. Grow up kid. You might not have thought my comment nice but it was not a personal attack like you apparently like to do. I don't give a flying fuck whether you information was a quote or not, it was still wrong and gives people here bad information. Growers are paranoid enough without making claims about police being able to see inside of a house. Correcting bad information is a good thing so get the fuck off my back. If you actually knew anything about FLIR, you would know their capabilities, admit to being wrong and move on. Instead, you choose to continue to try and bait me by calling me a troll and spammer. Now how about if you prove your claim with actual information rather than keep trolling the same video that we all watched the first two times you posted it? Prove that FLIR has improved so much in 4 years that it can now see inside a house. If you have a vid that shows what you claim, post that one rather than whine on about how wrong everyone is and repost the same stupid video that doesn't show what you claim. Quit acting like a know-it-all punk when it is clear you are wrong, at least in the video you continue to spam us with.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory,[SUP][2][/SUP] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[SUP][3][/SUP] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion ~ so yes you do troll posts and i will find the vid and wdf are you still on the same post yrs and yrs later

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
I really don't see what the arguments are about? it is clear that flir can only pick up on hot spots and can't see into the property, also it clearly shows that in the vid, when they compare the difference in the 3 houses those differences could be caused by many different things i.e old people with the heating on 24/7, poor insulation in the roof and so on and so on. anyone who thinks that the police can just look through bricks and mortar from an aerial view with a flir camera in my opinion smokes to much or is simply a little on the dull side, either way bullshit propaganda doesn't help anyone and there is many videos out there showing what flir is and isn't capable of. FLIR=forward looking infa-red and it see's heat signatures!!!!!
I really don't see what the arguments are about? it is clear that flir can only pick up on hot spots and can't see into the property, also it clearly shows that in the vid, when they compare the difference in the 3 houses those differences could be caused by many different things i.e old people with the heating on 24/7, poor insulation in the roof and so on and so on. anyone who thinks that the police can just look through bricks and mortar from an aerial view with a flir camera in my opinion smokes to much or is simply a little on the dull side, either way bullshit propaganda doesn't help anyone and there is many videos out there showing what flir is and isn't capable of. FLIR=forward looking infa-red and it see's heat signatures!!!!!

as they say in the vid they look for hot houses and bust them if your house stands out in your row of houses your doors coming off,i have seen programs on tv were ppl have been busted just because they have had there loft hatch open and thats heated there roof space and the program in question was a community service officer IE a cop that works for free, im still looking for the vid of the roof inspection that clearly showed a ceiling light/heater & at any point did i say it was flir ? NO that vid claims its something new dont it ? & if it was flir and they look at your roof your telling me that your at least 600w light int going to heat the plaster board & stand out as the 1 hot spot in a otherwise cold house,more so at this time of the yr & if you are doing in you loft then 600w or 1000w are going to put a hot spot on your roof or you have the 1 house in town with no snow on the roof and thats not going to stand out either i expect ~ ask yourself this why do so many ppl grow in there basements ?

Now take a look at this seen as you think they cnt see through roofs ~ The thermal imager is also fitted inside the rotating pod alongside the video camera. This is a sophisticated piece of equipment that can pick out a hidden or trapped person out of normal view, a hot vehicle engine, or a fire underneath a roof space, take a look for yourselves [/FONT]http://www.surrey.police.uk/about/air_support.asp#tech.....now fire underneath a roof space & you think they cnt see your hps ...dream on mindpuuk & w dragon shows u2 know fuck all


W Dragon

Well-Known Member
this will be my last reply as this conversation doesn't seem to be going anywhere, the link you just put up talks about thermal imaging? yes?, we know they can see hot spots, this isn't new technology, the police need more than just a hot spot on your roof to obtain a search warrent. I have been a roofer for the best part of a decade and have seen roofs with no insulation more times than i can count and i'm confident in the thought that all the propertys that haven't got insulation are going to have their doors kicked in, like i said in my post above there is many reasons your property could be running hot, many old people will have there heating on through out the entire year and there windows and roofs may appear hotter than there neighbours who have gone to work and left windows open or simply left a cold house, If there was technology capable of looking through walls etc then the police would need a warrent to use it as it would be a massive invasion of privacy. In the bbc documentary you keep refering to they clearly state the flir camera or thermal imaging camera is borrowed or rented from the electrical company and is usually used to spot hot power lines. I don't understand the confusion i grow in my attic and live in place that has a problem with commercial grows and don't worry about it, there is many ways to stop your roof from glowing and insulating properly will stop it, there is a reason they pay attention to the windows it's because they warm easily if not they would simply look at the walls for heat signatures and they don't because walls don't heat up as easily as windows. they cannot see through walls end of discussion and until i see a vid or some type of documentation that states otherwise i'll call bullshit on all the youngsters and paranoid people that can't grasp the basics of how a flir camera works
think wot you like i give up trying to inform the thick,the link i just gave clearly states they can spot a fire under a roof yes marlar ect will help i never said it wont & the bbc vid its easy to spot the row of hps in the roof or dnt you notice that

oh & i int no kid i have been at this well over 10 yrs

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4t1C6T9LNCY.....this link shows how hot spots and heat transfer are clearly visible, this is thermal imaging. the point is even though they can see the the heat loss/transfer they cannot see the cause, hot roofs can be caused by heaters, centeral heating, gas fires even a vivarium could raise the room temp to that above the norm there is endless reasons for it

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
think wot you like i give up trying to inform the thick,the link i just gave clearly states they can spot a fire under a roof yes marlar ect will help i never said it wont & the bbc vid its easy to spot the row of hps in the roof or dnt you notice that
That was a hot spot in the roof at no time in that video did they claim it was a heater, fire, hps light etc it could have been caused by anything, that could have been a well insulated house with a weak point and as the heat rises and escapes to the coldest area causes a hot spot again they did not state that it was a grow house just that it had a spot and was a candidate for a grow house
That was a hot spot in the roof at no time in that video did they claim it was a heater, fire, hps light etc it could have been caused by anything, that could have been a well insulated house with a weak point and as the heat rises and escapes to the coldest area causes a hot spot again they did not state that it was a grow house just that it had a spot and was a candidate for a grow house
as you just said it was a candidate for a grow & that justifies a warrant = boom goes ur door, there is just no telling word warriors all you wana do i argue even when faced with fact ! not roofers say so

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
as you just said it was a candidate for a grow & that justifies a warrant = boom goes ur door, there is just no telling word warriors all you wana do i argue even when faced with fact ! not roofers say so
I'm no word warrior lol and a roofers say so in this discussion is worth more imo than an un-educated one like i said i have worked on more property's with poor insulation than i could possibly count, at this time of year as you mentioned all those houses would glow compared to their neighbours who may have insulated properly, do you honestly believe that they will all have their doors kicked in? seriously you come across like a young child believing that the government is using some sort of super spy equipment to catch small time growers or you really believe that every house that glows is gonna get busted, you've been paying too much attention the propaganda and you haven't stated any facts just poor information, by your logic everyone in the uk creating a heat signature myself included is gonna get busted, this simply isn't true due to the number of houses and buildings giving off heat signatures, there will be literally millions of them. flir is simply another step in obtaining a warrent not the sole reason i.e smell complaints and a heat signature, noise and a heat sig, I don't know if this is a fact but if it isn't then the police would be busting growers and innocent people 24/7 because of all the heat signatures, I don't honestly believe for 1 second that this is the case as it would be in the news papers everyday when all the pensioners have their doors kicked in because their house is glowing, common sense should dictate this


Well-Known Member
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory,[SUP][2][/SUP] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[SUP][3][/SUP] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion ~ so yes you do troll posts and i will find the vid and wdf are you still on the same post yrs and yrs later
If you think I'm trolling the send a mod alert but otherwise shut the fuck up. My post was ON TOPIC, which removes it from the realm of trolling. You are now going off topic and if you continue with personal attacks, you will be getting MA'd.


Well-Known Member
as you just said it was a candidate for a grow & that justifies a warrant = boom goes ur door, there is just no telling word warriors all you wana do i argue even when faced with fact ! not roofers say so
Excess heat from your home is not probable cause that you are committing a crime and therefore no warrant is justified. Not saying the police don't bypass legal standards and lie to get warrants, they do, but you don't have a fucking clue what you are talking about.
At most, the heat signature can give them reason to investigate you or possibly push a judge's view from reasonable suspicion to probable cause if there was more evidence to support a possible grow op. A 1000w lamp in a house will not light up a FLIR unless the heat isn't properly managed. Most of the heat can be extracted using fans and ducting and only if you're careful where you dump the heat, no cop can see it. They cannot look into your house, they can only see hotspots from mismanaged heat sources.
@ mindphuk & w dragon , yes there are thing to prevent them seeing cooltubes & marlar ect and yes dumping your heat via a chimney ect, have your lights hung from your apex and there going to see them if your so stupid to have no venting or marlar as a lot on a low budget cannot afford start without,i never said they dnt work my point is if they can see heat through a roof as i have proved with fact on that police site,if you have fact provide a source otherwise its bs its all ifs and buts with you two,w dragon you should watch more cops on tv they ko growers daily and im sure if the police wnt so understaffed a lot lot more doors would get kicked in & if you to really think your glowing loft wnt get your door kicked in your in for a big shock one day