beastie bloomz


Well-Known Member
just got back from the hydroponics store and i decided to buy beastie bloomz 0-50-30. it says its good for the middle and towards the end of the flowering stage, and thats exactly where im at. i started flowering nov 22... so that means im 41 days into flowering....

anybody else have input on this product?


Well-Known Member
I have also have Beastie Bloomz and Cha Ching for flowering and finishing. I was handed it off to try from a buddy of mine, I have currently been using Botaincare products through Veg and early flower but plan on switching over to FF products. From what I understand Beastie Bloomz and Cha Ching are strong so start off at about 1/4 strength and just listen to what the plant has to say about it. I am still curious to other peoples opinions/results with it so hopefully someone will post their experience. Hope my input was not completly useless.

Ya DiG?


Well-Known Member
I have used the entire fox farm line for like 3 harvests . I like it all. but next round I am going to try something nes. cha ching realy resinated my ladies though

good luck i just put some pics in another section. I think under general.