Bears in the garden!


Well-Known Member
Anyone have any tips on detering bears (black bears,Grizzlies) from entering my garden? i realize they are after what little food is left in there but this mother fucker already destroyed about 3/4ths of what i have left and i really dont wanna kill it , living in city limits and all..


Well-Known Member
What about those inflatable flailing things that are 10-20 foot tall and just dance around? I was planning on getting the 20 foot Santa to piss off my neighbors across the street but might work on bears too lol.

conor c

Well-Known Member
Anyone have any tips on detering bears (black bears,Grizzlies) from entering my garden? i realize they are after what little food is left in there but this mother fucker already destroyed about 3/4ths of what i have left and i really dont wanna kill it , living in city limits and all..
Get a few boerboels


Well-Known Member
Anyone have any tips on detering bears (black bears,Grizzlies) from entering my garden? i realize they are after what little food is left in there but this mother fucker already destroyed about 3/4ths of what i have left and i really dont wanna kill it , living in city limits and all..
Spray yard line with chilli pepper spray


Well-Known Member
I didnt even hear the fucker last night at all and my bedroom window is like 3 feet from the garden haha. airhorn.. good idea.
Air horn is a great idea. But probably only for so long. Once they figure out it's not a threat, they'll probably just ignore it. I've set up alarms on my trash cans and they were scared at first, but not for too long. My airsoft gun on full auto scared the shit out of the biggest, angriest bear I've encountered so far. These are no Grizzlies though, just Black Bears around here. I don't try to hurt them, but just try to scare the shit out of em.


Well-Known Member
Anyone have any tips on detering bears (black bears,Grizzlies) from entering my garden? i realize they are after what little food is left in there but this mother fucker already destroyed about 3/4ths of what i have left and i really dont wanna kill it , living in city limits and all..
spread couple bottles of ammonia around no more messes up their most important tool, their nose.