bearded dragon multivitamin supplement and vitticeps casting.


Well-Known Member
Ok. So idk why this just occured to me. But i have been a major fan of herpetology since i was old enough to catch em. As a result i have 6 breeding pair or bearded dragon, a ball python, a burmese python and many many others anyway. My focus here is the bearded dragon. Many know that bearded dragons have a high demand diet. For example between 12 i go through almost 2000 crickets and half a pound of collard greens mustard green squash etc. Along with this diet they receive a daily dusting of calcium and vitamin d3 and a weekly supplement called repti cal. It hadnt occured to me til today that between the two i could have a very well rounded organic diet rich in minerals and amino acids. Anyone out there doin this already by chance? Also any (positive, constructive) input is encouraged. Im overly stoked on the prospect of saving money and recycling ultimately benefiting the patient and their plants. Heres the GA on the repti cal

my thought is start with 1/4 teaspoon /gal once a week while heavily ammending their waste into the soil.


Well-Known Member
I will be trying a few different routes it looks like. Might have to pop up the spare tent and start playin