Beanz's Redemption Grow 2011


Well-Known Member
that sugar black rose i keep hearing good things about but also no little? nechance of finding some info beans?

and any joys from the dispensarys today m8?


RIU Bulldog
that sugar black rose i keep hearing good things about but also no little? nechance of finding some info beans?

and any joys from the dispensarys today m8?
Trust me man, I've looked everywhere for info on either of them. There's very little...
I know that they're both supposed to be pure indicas and that they both finish in 55 days.
I got some bomb ass Space Queen at the dispensary bro. It's a cross of Romulan and Cindy99 by the now defunct Vic's. Super sativa high that makes me wanna chat and write short stories, it's weird. Totally social, creative energetic high that I love. I've actually been thinking about growing the Space Queen since I first smoked it a year or so ago. If you love sativas, its killer dope.
TGA Subcool offers it as Space Jill and Alphakronik Seeds offers it too as Super Bomb, but I'm gonna go with subcool's version. Here's what sub said about Space Queen:

Breeding Better Cannabis - part 2
Written by: Subcool

I have been growing for some twenty-five years now, and I have started hundreds of different strains in my life. Recently I decided to start some Space Queen that I had stashed for many years. Vic High originally created this cross using his Romulan and Cinderella-99. I was never a huge fan of Romulan, although I liked the exotic flavor of Romberry.

This is what Vic had to say about the Space Queen cross.
“Space Queen was the only reason I invested in C99 in the first place. Ever since I heard the description of Soul's princess I knew her and Romulan would be the perfect match. Then prototype crosses between P75 and Romberry started pumping out the winners that have found keeper status in many select gardens. Each of these keepers, exhibit a blend of the C-99 and the Romulan characteristics. Space Queen is a Romulan/C-99 hybrid. Flavor and potency are sure things; both parents are known for their high potency and great highs. Lemon, pine, and pineapple all swirl in a pungent bouquet to tantalize your taste buds!! Vigor will be outstanding and you'll be able to cut back on the light intensity somewhat Flowering time will be comparable to Romberry, averaging eight weeks but depending on grower and grow environment. Yield will be above average, but she won't be a top production plant. I hope she puts a smile on a few faces.”

We started a ten pack of seeds just too finally; give this strain a run organically. We selected the best four males and best four females. I’m sure I will catch some heat from the larger scale breeders for starting with such low numbers, but it is the only pack I had to work with. Each plant was labeled and photographed each week to record progress. Resin was forming extremely early on the stalks and the undersides of the leaf surfaces. By week three of the flowering process (twelve hours of light-twelve hours of dark) each female had taken on a wonderful Pineapple-Lemon-Mango smell.

We selected the male which was the slowest to show sex, this theory is based upon “breeding selection processes” spelled out in my last article. We are looking for the ‘recessive drug traits’ in the male rather than ‘hemp dominant traits’. The male we choose was the very last to show sex and he best met all of our other selection criteria. (The other males were passed along to other TGA members for testing.) Large tight stamen clusters on a selected male is also a good indication of quality, as you can see; our dude has nice tight clusters. You can also see ‘resin blobs’ on his empty stamens. I have never before been able to see the ‘resinous glue’ on an empty stamen, mainly because I have just recently upgraded my camera and I am now able to photograph down to one centimeter. This male was tested by ‘out-crossing’ with a known ‘true breeding IBL’ Orange Skunk, known as Orange Velvet. The off-spring was grown-out to determine if the proper characteristics would be passed on. The out-cross of Orange Velvet and Space Queen was created by MzJill, the strain is known as Jilly Bean. This hot new strain is winning over gardens everywhere; with a dank orange-mango smell and more resin than the original Orange Velvet mom. My favorite phenotype smells like a candy store! We now have a male that we know will pass along the proper taste, potency and in the case of Orange Velvet, added yield as well.

And some pictures

Thing is, I have a good feeling I'm gonna be getting some MNS Nev's Haze seeds pretty soon so I'm gonna try my hand at that first since it's on my bucket list lol


RIU Bulldog
Actually, since the last time I looked they've added some info about sugar black rose at seed finder. I guess it's a critical + x black domina hybrid. News to me...
Not a bad cross though.

Northern Light Blue has info on it now too and it's getting rave reviews! Like I figured, it's Northern Lights crossed with blueberry. It got a 8.75 out of 10 at seed finder. Under strength it says it's "insane strong" and it's apparently a great yielder. Cool.
Here's a random person's critique:
"I like this plant indoors it taste pretty good, buds are rock hard and smell great,like onionie pine. The first hit out of a pipe tastes like some kind of crazy good OG cross to me with my set up, but it all depends on how You grow it could taste totally different but i love the OG type taste, but i grow great pot and i like this one im sure you will to, though its not a plant that i would fill my grow room with.maybe 2 to 4 out of 12 plants.
5 to 6 Oz’s Per Plant is pretty ez with this and 7 gallon pots,Coco coir, perlite, 1000w hps,GH fert, one 1000 on a track will cover 6 to 9 plants well.

Rating says 8.75 but should be 9.50 at least."

And a pic

Hope for the best man. Fingers crossed.


Well-Known Member
Thing is, I have a good feeling I'm gonna be getting some MNS Nev's Haze seeds pretty soon so I'm gonna try my hand at that first since it's on my bucket list lol
lol, thats one strain thats on my list for the future too mate, I'll be interested to see you grow it out and how you rate the D/c smoke too. Nev' & Shanti have some sublime satty strains in their line up. I'm gonna get the G13 Haze when I next order some seeds I think, I haven't had the chance to grow any MNS strains myself (yet) but I love the way Nev & Shanti have been the back bone of the mari industry for years now and still to this day have the same passion for finding the "holy grail" of mari and putting out the best quality they can. It wont be a waste of your time putting in the work with the Nev' Haze, get some grown out fella :mrgreen:


RIU Bulldog
lol, thats one strain thats on my list for the future too mate, I'll be interested to see you grow it out and how you rate the D/c smoke too. Nev' & Shanti have some sublime satty strains in their line up. I'm gonna get the G13 Haze when I next order some seeds I think, I haven't had the chance to grow any MNS strains myself (yet) but I love the way Nev & Shanti have been the back bone of the mari industry for years now and still to this day have the same passion for finding the "holy grail" of mari and putting out the best quality they can. It wont be a waste of your time putting in the work with the Nev' Haze, get some grown out fella :mrgreen:
Well a good buddy is supposed to gift them to me, but I've pretty much decided that no matter what, I'm growing Nev's Haze next cycle. If I get them soon, I'm almost tempted to just let the heri's and lady cane's finish outside with the rest of the plants I don't care about. lol jk If I had the money, none of my plants would want for anything, but I will grow them indoors next, if I get them soon.


Well-Known Member
Hey Beans

Everythings looking sweet bro.

Glad you got an answer about your plants bro! ITs a whole different ball game i guess when growing in soil? I have only ever grown in COCO or hydro so i answered based on what i had previously seen in my own grows.

I would like to comment on the Hempy buckets you have going. IN the pics it looks like you are starting to get a little leaf roll which is usually caused by low Humidity. Now it may not necessarily be the humidity of your room but could be something simple as a fan is blowing directly at them causing the RH at the leaf surface to be lower which causes the leaf to release more moisture.
Check the positioning of fans etc or if you can get an RH gauge at leaf level to check what the RH is around the leaves.

Other than that LOOKING REAL GOOD BRO!

My room is ALMOST COMPLETE. Just have to set everything up now. So that involves hanging the BLOCKBUSTER, Carbon filter and all corresponding ductwork, Mounting my fans above the closet in the attic, Lining my room with DIamond reflective film, Building a frame for the WILMA to sit on and then test running it.

I cant wait just a couple of more days left and i shall be running my latest strain DINAFEM POWER KUSH, These 4 plants are currently in 3x3 rockwool blocks and roots have just started to come out the bottom, they are currently in my 200w CFL Mother cab. Will be Topping once they hit around 3-4 nodes high and cloning the tops to hopefully find a new mother from these 4 based on how they flower. Cant wait. lol



RIU Bulldog
Hey Beans

Everythings looking sweet bro.

Glad you got an answer about your plants bro! ITs a whole different ball game i guess when growing in soil? I have only ever grown in COCO or hydro so i answered based on what i had previously seen in my own grows.

I would like to comment on the Hempy buckets you have going. IN the pics it looks like you are starting to get a little leaf roll which is usually caused by low Humidity. Now it may not necessarily be the humidity of your room but could be something simple as a fan is blowing directly at them causing the RH at the leaf surface to be lower which causes the leaf to release more moisture.
Check the positioning of fans etc or if you can get an RH gauge at leaf level to check what the RH is around the leaves.

Other than that LOOKING REAL GOOD BRO!

My room is ALMOST COMPLETE. Just have to set everything up now. So that involves hanging the BLOCKBUSTER, Carbon filter and all corresponding ductwork, Mounting my fans above the closet in the attic, Lining my room with DIamond reflective film, Building a frame for the WILMA to sit on and then test running it.

I cant wait just a couple of more days left and i shall be running my latest strain DINAFEM POWER KUSH, These 4 plants are currently in 3x3 rockwool blocks and roots have just started to come out the bottom, they are currently in my 200w CFL Mother cab. Will be Topping once they hit around 3-4 nodes high and cloning the tops to hopefully find a new mother from these 4 based on how they flower. Cant wait. lol

You know you you were right on about my hempy bucket set up? I'm impressed bro. The weather here gets to about 87-88 degrees outside, and 90 degrees inside before I turn the air conditioner on. Call me a miser, idk lol. When the air is off, I can leave the window open in the room with the h-buckets but it's still pretty hot. So I set up a small 6 inch fan point STRAIGHT at them. The home-made 140w CFL thing gives off a lot of heat too, so much so that it was causing major fringe rolling. So I tried point a fan right st that area. Add that to the naturally arid desert weather of around 14%-25% humidity, and bam, your right on. Thank you man.
All the luck with your set up and don't forget to post a link to the thread in here.


Well-Known Member
yo beanz how the plants doing, i went around the city looking for an ec meter and no luck ( perks of living in jabum fuck) so i think al be ordering one on some site


RIU Bulldog
yo beanz how the plants doing, i went around the city looking for an ec meter and no luck ( perks of living in jabum fuck) so i think al be ordering one on some site
Right on dude. I posted an update yesterday, post #196 page 20. Those pics were taken the same day. That's pretty much what going on now.
I'll catch you up so you don't have to a bunch of reading:
A few days ago I started to take more seriously the problems going on with my Lady Cane x Blueberry, in regards to the leave curling, drying, discoloration and necrosis (geez sounds bad when I type it all After I examined the plants, I started to worry more about the plant indoors, specifically, the ScrOG. I was getting some "issues" (that's what I call deficiencies/toxicities, pH problems-any kind of leaf problem) on some of the fan leaves below the screen.
I reached out for help on the breeder site and got a good response from the breeder himself, E$kob@r. Basically, he said that I was over-water them, over-feeding them, and that they were in containers too small. It was all true.
I was ashamed of my noob mistakes and my arrogant attitude about my abilities, so I dove into the information pool that is the internet aand reexamined my practices and philosophies and got back to my roots, which is to keep things as simple as possible and as close to nature as I can. KISS method.

I returned from my trip enlightened. I realized that I was doing things wrong in regards to watering and feeding. The soil I mixed was ok (except for adding the hydroton which raised the pH of the soil to 7.6 :wall:) and giving them too much nutes. I forgot that I need to adjust for the nutes present in the soil and that the nutes companies lie about the strength anyways.
After doing some research I found out the ec should be between .65-.7 or no more than 500 ppm! To reach that I had to lower the recommended dosage by 60%. the next day the plants had gotten their healthy green color back, the leaves above the screen had stopped their weird leaf folding and distortion. They literally bounced back in a day ( I did flush them a few days before I fed them their new dosages). And that's where I'm at now!


Well-Known Member
You know you you were right on about my hempy bucket set up? I'm impressed bro. The weather here gets to about 87-88 degrees outside, and 90 degrees inside before I turn the air conditioner on. Call me a miser, idk lol. When the air is off, I can leave the window open in the room with the h-buckets but it's still pretty hot. So I set up a small 6 inch fan point STRAIGHT at them. The home-made 140w CFL thing gives off a lot of heat too, so much so that it was causing major fringe rolling. So I tried point a fan right st that area. Add that to the naturally arid desert weather of around 14%-25% humidity, and bam, your right on. Thank you man.
All the luck with your set up and don't forget to post a link to the thread in here.

Glad to know i dont talk out of my arse all the time lol!

Thought i would just throw you some little pics i took last night of the room so far.




RIU Bulldog
After doing a little internet research I found out that Female Seeds is a stand-up company with good, easy to grow genetics. I found some picture of the ww x bb plants in flower. I hope mine turn out something like this.



RIU Bulldog
You can some trichs startin to show up to the party :weed:

I drew these up while waiting at the DMV (department of motor vehicles) They're plans for converting my closet into a hydroponic vertical scrog setup
Automated watering. co2, a/c and humidity and lights
