Be Not Afraid

Don't believe anyone who tells you you are a sinner, that you are ugly, that you are a loser. We say these things to ourselves don't we. It is false. Listen, There is nothing to fear. Your dreams of sin in this world are false and you are sinless. Listen to these words...the past is gone, you are not bound by it, you are not a body, the body is a dream created by our fear of God. God stays with you but does not respond to our illusions because that would be to give our illusions reality and that would be something to fear indeed.

I know its not fashionable to believe but...

God loves you...unconditionally, unconditionally, unconditionally. Peace, BJ


Well-Known Member
Don't believe anyone who tells you you are a sinner, that you are ugly, that you are a loser. We say these things to ourselves don't we. It is false. Listen, There is nothing to fear. Your dreams of sin in this world are false and you are sinless. Listen to these words...the past is gone, you are not bound by it, you are not a body, the body is a dream created by our fear of God. God stays with you but does not respond to our illusions because that would be to give our illusions reality and that would be something to fear indeed.

I know its not fashionable to believe but...

God loves you...unconditionally, unconditionally, unconditionally. Peace, BJ
Word is Bon Jovi Big J, Yes!!! Unconditionally....:peace:


Active Member
God does love everyone unconditionally its about time we all start showing him more appreciation for his great works and the oppourtunities he has blessed us with


Active Member
??? I think i'll sit this one out, but what 'great works' has he done in your lifetime and not just written in a book. War? Poverty? Swine flu? Unless he's gonna legilize ganja soon, i'd say someone should sack him.
??? I think i'll sit this one out, but what 'great works' has he done in your lifetime and not just written in a book. War? Poverty? Swine flu? Unless he's gonna legilize ganja soon, i'd say someone should sack him.
God has nothing to do with any of that gladly. Forgive yourself the thought that he wanted any of this for you. This is not paradise where he abides and will abide with us forever. This world is of our own making, wars, sickness, death, starvation... God will take the final step but we must forgive the world and each other and ourselves. Thanks, peace BJ.