Be honest -(-((-(((-((((pics))))-)))-))-)-


Ive been growing a lowryder #2 for about a week and a half now. Its looking great and is growing fast.
The only problem is the stem. its really bent.. ive been told to bury it so that it can be straight, but that would only leave like a CM of stem. it would be way to close to the soil too. so my question what should i do? should i just leave it alone and let it heal by itself or should i try to bend it straight with my fingers? IDK. this is my first grow btw. heres a few pics...not the best quality. Thanks

sorry just had to..

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
it is fine. i usually transplant twice from seedling stage to 1 gallon pots and then to 3 or 4 gallon pots. each time a bury the stalk a little deeper. i will even cut of the bottom set of leaves to bury it even deeper.
i will also make sure that when i transplant, the soil is about 2 to 2 1/2 inches down from the top of the pot. after a few days or so and the plant starts to grow, i will apply another 1 1/2 of soil and bury the stalk even more. transplanting does stress the plant a little but i have never had a problem doing a transplnt. to each his own.


im afraid to transplant this early i may wait awhile. seems like most of you agree that i should just leave it alone. ill see how it goes then. thanks for the answers.

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
What are you growing it under? A target to aim for is 1gram per watt of lighting. It's unlikely you'll achieve this first time, you should be happy with 0.5g/w, but it never hurts to aim high, and that's an achievable figure to go for.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
bending stems are a good thing. cuz when your plant is bent over the light is going to get to the lower part of the plant.


Ok lets set our sights a bit higher than 5 grams.
i read somewhere here that avg. is like an eighth for each plant...are they wrong?

im growing 1 LR2 under a 100W CFL with a fan, all inside a grow box about 4ftx4x4. im using miracle grow soil. its in a cup for now but i will transplant it around week 5.
so what do you think, can that give me more than 5 grams?


dude ur right, i notice the leaves on the bottom are growing hella fast. it surprised this morning.

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
Assuming that's 100 actual watts, not equivalent, then you should be able to pull a couple of oz from it if you do things right. It will vary depending on how much veg time you give it, how much the strain can produce and if/how you train it.
The light from cfls isn't ideal for flowering, it doesn't travel very far from the bulb without losing most of it's intensity, so if the plant gets more than a foot tall you will want to surround it with light for the best results.