Be Careful What You Wish For

i had to go to the court house .there was a old black man outside the door begging for food.i had emptied all the of change and left my wallet in the have to go through metal detectors.some lady dropped a twenty in his hand though.on the way back out the door.he was still their begging for some money to get something to eat.if only 5 saps a day come by and give him 20 bucks each.he will make as much as he would on a job.
i personaly think he is making more than most of you saps on least he has the gumption to go to the side walk and beg.

yeah dude, pepol in chicago stand in the street at stop lights. or at stop signs. they collect their money from the cup and put it in their pocket so it looks like they got nothing

i hope it gets legalized
it is illegal to grow tabacco without a tax stamp.not that anyone would do much about it.but if the government wanted they could send the ATF to your home and raid your ass over one tabacco serious thats the law.anyone who grows tabacco has to have a permit to do it.
illeagle 2 sell not grow , roach feed is as american as apple pie and they wouldn't sell anything the gov don't want done . i think u might be confusing growing and selling , growing for self is not comerence , a permit for consumable commodities is a tax to pay for the health dept , think of it thia way , if u make a taco do u need a permit ? no , do u need 1 2 give ur friend a taco ? no , if u open a taco stand does the comunity have a right 2 know ur not filthy ?yes , peace b w/ u
you are can grow your own.but cannot sell it.that being said..the penalty are harsh for not paying the government for saling tobacco,the government can regulate and do what they want.this government is OUT OF CONTROL.
The tobacco companies must love every hurdle they put up for their clientele. Making smokers into victims creates unit cohesion, and that unit cohesion translates into customer loyalty. The fact that their fiends (myself included) will go to so much trouble to use their product has to be the hope that keeps them going.
I started making my own almost five years to the day, and lady and I spend a whopping $100 a month on tobacco and filtered tubes. I can't even smoke pre-rolled cigarettes anymore, since I'm so spoiled by my Turkish Export tobacco. We get sick less in the winter, too. It's seems to be marginally less unhealthy (shot with a 9mm instead of a .40). Even the Camel filters that I used to live on for years, give me headaches now and make me cough up thing that are big enough to have their own congressman.
yea.i had a state rep tell me once.
why be a politician when you can own one?

that is what they do. they serve on senate committees and the like, make connections by taking bribes and then go to work for the company that bribed them. they then begin bribing all their friends in congress as a lobbyist.

two bullets in the back of the head please!

rolling your own tobacco cost pennies!
So are these local weekend Farmers Markets taxed for their homegrown, other than some state sales taxes?
It is now ILLEGAL, in California, to smoke a cigarette in your car if said vehicle also has a person under the age of 18 in it. Palo Alto, Ca. has made it ILLEGAL to smoke a cigarette in the downtown area. More safety laws are coming, watch out...
It is now ILLEGAL, in California, to smoke a cigarette in your car if said vehicle also has a person under the age of 18 in it. Palo Alto, Ca. has made it ILLEGAL to smoke a cigarette in the downtown area. More safety laws are coming, watch out...

How idiotic...

Marijuana will probably be just as restricted...
It is now ILLEGAL, in California, to smoke a cigarette in your car if said vehicle also has a person under the age of 18 in it. Palo Alto, Ca. has made it ILLEGAL to smoke a cigarette in the downtown area. More safety laws are coming, watch out...

Yeah I posted something about that earlier. They have that law in ontario canada and last week while a man was sitting in a cop being ticketed for that and said minor, his 16 year old daughter was standing outside having a smoke. true story, isn't it absurd?
But there's more, unlike with Tobacco, there's a massive amount of misinformation floating around about Marijuana. Misinformation such as that it makes you lazy, or unable to hold a job. (The truth is that stupid Federal and State laws make it difficult for you to get decent jobs.)

The less stringent our laws are governing marijuana, the easier it is for Universities or whoever else to get their hands on it to do different health tests... I don't think they will find much.