Be careful on RIU.


Well-Known Member
The OP is a big asshole. He was continually talking shit to everyone in every thread in the Grow Room Design & Setup Section. An admin did NOT give out his location. They made a JOKE and mentioned Texas. This moron assumed he knew where he was and started to talk out of his ass even more. IndicaDom is a troll. Claims he has a 5x5 table with 400 plants on it. Do not believe anything he types. The moron gave out his own location. He likes to tell everyone to learn proper reading comprehension but he didn't even get the JOKE.


Well-Known Member
Ah, well...a joke about texans inadvertently triggering the paranoia of a texan on the thread is unfortunate.

I'm in New York -- not a MM state obviously! And I did initially not jump on the NY Grower's Thread because I wasn't sure what it would all mean in terms of security and identity. But then I chilled. If the government spends $50,000 to track down who I am, come to my place and arrest me for my two little plants, I think I'd have quite a story for the NYTimes (the $50,000 is my own estimate of some low-level flunky in an agency spending a few weeks identifying me, finding me, getting the paperwork in order, sending out enforcement, having a prosecutor show up, etc).

The body I have buried in my cellar will get me into a whole lot more trouble. :)


Well-Known Member
Mate, get it out. They start to smell after a while. Sulphuric acid in the bath is good. It takes a while but you basically scoop the sludge out down the loo (the badge and gun don't rot though). Wear rubber gloves.


Well-Known Member
Maybe I'm paranoid. On the plus side, I haven't paid for internet for 3 years.
The way I see it, if these people want to fill my house with potentially dangerous radio waves, it's my choice what I do with them.
If they don't like it, they should have a wired connection or lead walls.
The plus side is internet security (for me).
It took me 3 days to learn Linux and crack my neighbours. At £15 a month, that's £540 of net access, or £180 a day. Does me.
thats funny:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
for all those who can't figure this out, this is the thread op is in reference to...
I see nothing mentioned about HIS location.
I didn't see anything either.
All I saw was somebody asking for help, then arguing with those that tried to give suggestions.
Why waste time and space? If you're going to argue with everybody that tries to help and give opinions of what has worked for them, then don't fucking ask.the-choice-is-yours_zps3c587bf2.jpg
If you're so paranoid that you think you're in jeopardy because of posting a couple questions or pictures, then start your own fucking forum, with security measures that are up to YOUR standards, run it like you've been running your keyboard with your internet balls, and see how many members you get.


New Member
Why is the DEA interested in you? Aren't you a licensed grower like the rest of us?

You're not legal.

ESPECIALLY in the eyes of the fucking FEDERAL DEA.

Like so many ignorant people on these websites, you need to get rid of that fantasy immediately, if you think you are "legal".