B'cuzz bloom (or greenfuse)


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know how often and during what period of flowering b'cuzz bloom stim should be used? I have been using it through the entire flowering period, but I am curious if I am being wasteful with it and should only use it at either the beginning or end of flowering, or maybe use it more at the beginning and end and cut it out a bit in the middle.
(greenfuse is the same product just stronger, so if you have experience with that one I would love to hear your answer as well; they don't carry greenfuse at my local so that is why I use b'cuzz)

Any answers would be greatly appreciated; thanks in advance.



Active Member
I wouldn't use it towards the end really.. like with 2 weeks left just water it with some molasses.. Let the plant flush out the fertilizers so you get pure good tasting smoke.


Well-Known Member
Well, that's not a bloom booster that uses strong fertilizers so it's mean to be used as directed.

If you have a bloom booster like Monster Bloom or Beastie Bloomz that are about 0-50-30 then you want to wait till the plant starts budding then give it a single treatment at half strength. Then in 3 weeks (not 2 like the instructions will tell you) use it 3/4 strength. Now you can start using it every 2 weeks. But be careful, I've burned my plants several times when I thought I was well within the limits of safe use.