High Time 420
Well-Known Member
their site is cash only, no cards
so that's a lie
if you have never grown or smoked anything from them, then you cant comment on the quality the express
yeah they are over priced, but you get 30 freebies along with purchase so a total of 40 top of the line seeds
you dont know unless you try them
Credit Card / Debit / Check Card / Payment Use
If you are paying with a credit card, you agree that the card is valid and you are the cardholder. Third party credit card payments will not be accepted. All credit card orders will receive a telephone call from the billing department and may be asked to provide a photo-copied Drivers License as well as front and back of the credit card accompanied with the cardholder's signature. If your order was determined by us to be fraudulent, all information will be forwarded to the appropriate authorities for investigation. Debit cards and check cards may have daily spending limits that could delay the processing of your order substantially.
So they do accept cards, you was wrong.
They are over priced, but its ok you think because they give you 40 shitty seed for free which you call top of the line when infact they don't even sell top of the line seeds to start with.
Read the reviews and you will understand what i'm talking about.