I got 10 well germinated seeds with some put back to germinate more.
Sourced all this cow manure for the price of 1 bowl smoked. Even got about 8 grams dry of some good ole Psilocybe cubensis.

might return for more caps and get some more manure while I'm at it. One thing that troubles me though is this guys does are really skinny. I think they mostly eat grass

anyone know of a cheap way I might could help?
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These are all patties that produced I took them home put them in good spot and am gonna try and get them to produce more.
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I took the soil I had made (30%compost 50%foxfarm happy frog 20 percent last years soil also had 6 lbs of fox farm organic tomato and vegetable 7-4-5) and added 6 cu ft of happy frog
8cuft of perlite
that whole trash can of manure
2 lbs humid acid
4lbs kelp meal
4 lbs fox farm fruit and flower
1.5 lbs fox farm tomato and vegetable. Mixed formerly and hr gonna mix it some more tonight cause it was 11pm by the time i stopped mixing.
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What ever doesn't get this will get ran in a swamp tube or two
@thumper60 or 100 percent perlite. With maybe 1 plant in some maricle grow as an experiment.