BCNL boxes for growing


Active Member
Hello to all you good people out there.

Just a newb here finishing up my 3rd grow in a BCNL bloombox. I am also using their product the roomate to flower as well. Has anyone here used BCNL and if so please tell me your thoughts concerning their products.



Well-Known Member
Only problem i see with them is their price and if you have made it thru 3 crops with it then you must be doing something right.. Are you having problems?


Active Member
Things are going very good actually. Just curious to see if anyone here might have tips or tricks.
They are pricey, they work well though. I'd buy their Producer if I had the space.


Well-Known Member
me either... cost me $100 to make another 4 tier cloning chamber with light and climate control and it works FABULOUS.....


I am also in the process of picking out a Grow Box from BCNL ...Can anybody that has or is grown in one p.m me?