BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2


Active Member
Day 26 Flowering

Still no significant sign that growth is slowing down. I have about 4-7 inches of clearance (depending on the plant) before hitting the top glass. I've had to LST two plants as you can see in my blue tinted photos (sorry bout that). Nutrient ppm is about 1300 from my Advanced Nutrient regimine, though these plants could afford to be pushed more. Buds are looking nice... we'll see.



Active Member
Day 30 Flowering

My plants have finally stopped growing vertically (after nearly 28 days). Now lets hope they start really growing horizontally to make some fat buds! The total nutrient ppm is right around 1350 right now which is pushing them to the verge of nute burn. I tried to begin co2 yesterday, but my regulator is messed up. I am waiting on BCNL to send me a new one which should arrive in about 5 days. Since I have a tank though, I've been releasing some co2 into the box manually, in a completely unscientific manner... lol. Here are some new pictures...



Just curious...did you have any problems maintaining humidity levels in the clone dome?

I, too, have the BCNL Producer, and am about to harvest my second grow (I totally screwed up my first grow and killed 'em all.) The first time around, I couldn't keep decent humidity levels in the clone dome and it took forever for the seeds to sprout. Second time 'round, I purchased an electronic humidifier (battery operated) and placed it in the dome - worked perfectly.

Also, to combat the smell while growing - Rubbermaid makes fragrance cassettes for their dispensers. The dispenser is battery operated and blows air directly on the fragrance gel, which spreads the scent throught the room. Rather that buying a dispenser (which is a lil expensive and poorly made), I simply perched the gel cassette in one of the rear covers so the fan blows directly on it. My room always smells like citrus.


I've got the same girls. One thing you can do is look into the cfl's that actually are bulbs that are odor eaters. They provide more lumens and then help the odor too. You can make a real cheap active carbon scrubber too. Walmart carries this in their fish area.


Active Member
hey the reservoir can be lifted right? Cuz I was thinking that since it probably does, that when you first start growing and the plants are small....you should lift the reservoir and put something underneath it so that it stays propped up, making the smaller plants be closer to the light so that this causes less stretching, then as they grow taller just take away the prop that is underneath the res?


Active Member
Just curious...did you have any problems maintaining humidity levels in the clone dome?

Also, to combat the smell while growing - Rubbermaid makes fragrance cassettes for their dispensers.

My sprout rate was not so great this time around, 13 out of 19. Not sure if that had to do with the clone dome or not.

The carbon filter removes all the smell for me.


Active Member
hey the reservoir can be lifted right? Cuz I was thinking that since it probably does, that when you first start growing and the plants are small....you should lift the reservoir and put something underneath it so that it stays propped up, making the smaller plants be closer to the light so that this causes less stretching, then as they grow taller just take away the prop that is underneath the res?
This sounds like a good idea, but I don't know how realistic it is to maneuver that resevior with all the weight of the water inside, unless you had a wet vac to suck out the water that the pump doesn't reach. I'd have to think about this one...


Active Member
Day 34 Flowering

Flowers are getting bigger. My co2 regulator is on the way from BCNL, so I should still be able to at least get a late start.



really nice grow to watch. NLBLUE=Northern Lights Blue so naturally i gotta watch this thru. Great job thus far!


Active Member
well i mean to put something underneath it before you even start the grow then, so that it will be all ready propped up before you put water in and the plants, then when the plants get bigger just wait to end up lowering the res back down for when its time to change the water......im just not sure exactly what it is that you could put underneath the res to prop it up. but yeah man your buds are lookin real good, forming real nice and big


While you wait for your CO2 you can make your own. take a 2lt and put 5 teaspoons of sugar with 4 cups of warm water. then add a brewer's yeast tablet to the mixture. its good for a week's worth of CO2.


Active Member
have you had any problems with the producer since you had it that youve had to make any changes to or anything? have you had to buy anything of your own to make the grows better? and do you live in a house or an apartment ancap?


Active Member
I have not had any major problems with the setup. Any problems I've had have been minor (damage to a light brace in shipping, faulty filter, faulty co2 regulator), all which the company has quickly taken care of for me. The only thing I've modified on the Producer is to add an additional airpump which is easy and can be done with no special tools. I think this has increased the productivity of the Producer. I live in a house.

I have heard about that Romeo, but I am so close to getting that regulator now that I'll just wait it out. In the mean time, Im still opening the door and shooting some co2 in manually.:-P


Active Member
did you ever top these? also busmaster will help reduce the vertical growth.
Nope, just let them grow a single cola. Not sure how topping would work in this setup if it were full, to be honest. It gets kinda crammed in there.


Active Member
Day 39 Flowering

Finally have my new co2 regulator and everything is hooked up for the final 2.5 weeks. This is my first week using Overdrive by Advanced Nutrients. My nute ppm is about 1250, which is a little on the high side potentially. I'll be adding water throughout this week to dilute that.



Active Member
Looking Good Ancap! Nice grow. As a proud owner of a NL Bloombox myself. I've found, at least in my case, I get bigger buds and bushier plants by limiting the total plants in the tub. When I tried utilizing all the netpots the plants tend to grow straight up - as your experiencing - rather than out. It seems to me it's just too crowded for all those plants. I'm currently in the mist of a C99 grow with only 3 plants on day 11 in the Flowering box. Everyone has their own twist on growing with these boxes and obviously your doing GREAT. I just wanted add my experience that's all. Again, great job!