BC MMJ scripts for over 25 only?

money is power...but it don't have to be that way....
restricting....to over 25....is the easiest way to make sure the black market still flourish's
since 25 or under is probably 60 percent of the black market customers anyways...
yeah for sure ...
Actually, numbers are power. The trick is to get enough people organized at once to make a difference. A Canadian version of the Arab Spring.
HAHAHA try to do that here.. no one cares about anyone here... hell I've owned my home for 5 years.. couldn't tell you my neighbors names... any of them... if people protested here everyone looks the other way or finds the negative instead of seeing what good can come... i mean look at baltimore..3 days of peaceful protests NOT COVERED AT ALL ON mainstream media here..12 hours of chaos and i haven't seen anything but "bultimore burning" on every channel for 48hrs... special reports everything... why not cover and bring attention to peaceful protestors like that??? we don't care thats why... its not effecting us directly so .. boo hoo.... thats truly how we are here. i fall victim to it i can't lie
grant bay near the north end of vancouver island is pretty sweet, like a little tofino from back in the day, hardly anyone there.. also in the area is brooks peninsula which apparently was one of the only spots in north america not covered by the last ice age, different ecology.. there is also a hike like the west coast trail called the north coast trail.. good fishing up there for those who like that kinda thing..
HAHAHA try to do that here.. no one cares about anyone here... hell I've owned my home for 5 years.. couldn't tell you my neighbors names... any of them... if people protested here everyone looks the other way or finds the negative instead of seeing what good can come... i mean look at baltimore..3 days of peaceful protests NOT COVERED AT ALL ON mainstream media here..12 hours of chaos and i haven't seen anything but "bultimore burning" on every channel for 48hrs... special reports everything... why not cover and bring attention to peaceful protestors like that??? we don't care thats why... its not effecting us directly so .. boo hoo.... thats truly how we are here. i fall victim to it i can't lie
It's no quite as bad here...especially outside the major cities. First Nations groups hold protests on a regular basis and get huge coverage. The pipeline protesters in BC got lots of coverage. There are a lot of like minded folk who want to create change on any number of issues but are too busy raising families and paying bills to take time off to protest. Imagine if the big unions offered to pay the wages of employees taking part in a national strike. How many days of work stoppages would it take to break Ottawa? There are ways and if the right issue comes along, Canadians will join together to fight imo. Or maybe I'm just baked and dreaming in technicolor!