BC Kush First timer


Active Member
Hey guys,
started this little growing project for the first time on August 22nd with germinating the seeds, they sprouted on August 24th and planted the two seeds that hatched..I am running what i had around the house 1 x 100w metal halide bulb and 8 x T8 with 4x of the bulbs being cool and 4x of the bulbs neutral. I have a fan blowing on them and have a intake and exit fan running too...humidity about 55% and temp during the day at 82f and at night 73f...plants are lit 24 hours per day. So i guess lets get to my questions..Im on day 17 and i dont know what happening to the plants leaves..they look like some of the leaves are drying out or getting yellow ends the soil ph is coming back at 6.9 or 7 on the alkyline side, soil has good moister water it about .5 liter every two days each plant, started bio grow fertilizer last week at about 5ml per 1 liter at every feeding ..which is every other day...this fertilizer is not that strong and can be given at each watering...well thats what the tag says anyway..So any insight aas to the current status of the plant..is dying, is it over fertilized..? over water, under water..? any guidance here would be great...also any advice on how to get to harvesting these bc kush plants would be greatly appreciated...i have noticed that the plant is growing left to right more then vertically up..im sure thats to the week 100w bulb on top, im sure that a 300 or 400w bulb would really make it grow...but any input would be great



Active Member
almost forgot the left one is about 5 inches high and the right one is about 1 inch shorter, i also have rubbed some of the leaves between my fingers just getting out of the smell it leaves behind...Would that make some of the leaves look dried out like in the picture?


Active Member
hey guys here is a pic on day 28 huge thick stem , short and stout, and very bushy..the one on the left is about 12 inchs and the one on the right is about 8.5....How much longer should i go before 12/12 ...im thinking about another 1 or 2 weeks?



Well-Known Member
you can switch to 12/12 anytime you want. the longer you wait, the more bud you will produce up to a point. eventually the plant will signal its ready to bud naturally if you wait for the nodes to have alternating leaves instead of paired.


Active Member
ok..i figured out i was giving the plants to much nutes...backed off and went into flowering 4 days ago i will post new pics over the weekend...anyone give me a time frame as to when i can see the sex..? i was thinking 5 to 10 days right?


Active Member
ok here we are on day 35 and 5 days into flowering..i just have noticed on both plants something which i hate to say looks like ..nuts..can you guys confirm what these are and if i can do anything like cut them off and maybe salvage the crop? i have good pics so any feedback on how to proceed would be great, these two are the only plants i have in the works right now, so please dont say take them out of commision.
