BC God Bud


Well-Known Member
I am growing 3 BC God Bud. Anyone familiar with this and is it a good strain?
it is a nice short plant that does not stretch alot when going to 12/12 so the next one i am doing a little longer in veg to get a bit more yeild,but very nice smoke,they seem hungry in flowering mode,at least the ones i have grown have been that way.
nice looking plants one of the phenos seem to have a purple colour,early on but you will like it just let it get at least 12ins or a bit more before flowering,i dont know if different seed banks but my version grows like that short with nice chunky buds and i have just had a joint of some nice cured product and when you open the jar the smell is soooo nice.
and i am off my dial,so guess it smokes up o.k also.
happy growing.:peace:


Active Member
Well its nice to read all of this about the the BCGB(B.C God Bud)Im actually waiting for clones of this nice canabis cup winner..it won the Cannabis Cup in 2004 if im not mistaking.I read also it was pretty easy to grow it..(since its sativa i guess)..I will put some pics up as soon as i get them going;) I just cant wait... on that u guys have a good day!


Well-Known Member
it was some of the best bud i grew and smoked,to bad the best most potent was the lightest yield er,but ive bred into it we will see the results,but their is a red pheno and a green,the green being more potent the red a good producer,got mine at kind seeds.com
I'm at the end of vegging 5 feminized seeds from bc bud. It is a squatty plant rich and lush with vegitation. I see two phenos, a sativa and a short and bushy indica. The sativas are about 16 inches, the indys are considerably shorter and wider. I've supercropped the sativas and going to bloom them, the indicas I'm going to mother out cuz I'm a indica guy. Very easy to grow, not very demanding and already looks better than my master kush plants. I think I'm going to switch strains.
I am am medical marajuana patient.. I have smoked all kinds of herb,, I have yet some accross anything that comes close to the god bub... I have severe pain in my sacrum and spine,,, House work(deep cleaning on the back burner for quite some time) Now that I have this god bud available all the time I have spring cleaned and I can relax in a clean house... I do not experience the tired effect or the mass munchies...I will not smoke anythingelse but GOD BUD... hope this helps ...


Ye I'd go with BC Bud Depot, they won the cup for world's best indica with this amazing strain. It is indica dominant and is a cross between God, Hawaiian and purple skunk. Hope you enjoy


Well-Known Member
OOh i cant wait til i get my seeds, i just ordered 12 feminised seeds from the bcbuddepot's new website, it cost 125 us dollars for twelve females, but i think it will be well worth the money!!