
Active Member
my update is .. I'm out of commission.
My shit died
I don't know when I will try again
Out of two bloombox crops I harvested 12.5 oz's
Not bad ... I made my money back


Active Member
Hey 420...How do you like the "smart box" ...what does your yield look like?
I am very happy with the Cultivator Pro. It took a little while to get it all dialed it, but it's tweaked to perfection now. It's been running the last 3 weeks with no input from me! The ladies are loving it...


Active Member
Smoke you do realise you cant leave this or any grow for more then a few days right? you have to ph and adjust ppm daily and the res on these is quite small so it will flux alot.My only issue with it is it doesnt do what they claim.Itll grow weed but not as much or as fast as they claim.I feel bad when people who dont know better get screwed over on stuff like the aerogarden or this thing but I am seeing some people dont care about thier money and toss it around without thought so enjoy it.
I thought you said you weren't going to *bump* this thread anymore? I am trying to read some info on Bloombox owners and their stories. Not read about some angry dude from chicago that obviously has some anger issues. I bet all you do is post n various forums pronouncing your greatness! STFU already, we get you don't care for this product. You made your point now get off the lawn!!!

Back on topic....

PS- thanks for the journal, I found it helpful.


Active Member
Can anybody tell me what the deal is with reverse osmosis systems and are the necessary? I've been having problems with my PH levels going up on a daily basis and I was told to get one. I suppose it would be cheaper than buying distilled water. Any input?


mr ben

Active Member
Intresting thread
So were the buds really good and smelly? I think they are a bit over priced and could do with more tweaking like bigger quiter fans cause they sound noisy even on Utube and cause of heat issues.I dont like the timer either cause it has a programme inside it and if you delate it by accident you have to buy another at $50! Why use a timer like that? A guy called the medicane man has had some good grows with the producer check it out.Maybe he has some connection with BC lol.


buying my first bloombox within a month or 2, this will be my first grow, was a bit iffy about the purchase, however after reading the great constructive posts ( not fletch odv ) ive decided that im def ready to purchase this box, thanks alot, i will be making a journal when i get the box and grow going so that i too may help potential buyers not get turned over by angerturds