BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D


Well-Known Member
My UK business has an HSBC bank account, and like all banks they are pants. I use Bank de Tupperwarebox for a lot of things and never have any problems, plus I get just as much interest as the 0.fukall% the banks give you. We had the same issues when trying to transfer more than 10grand on an invoice, they told us we needed a different account???!!! eh?...oh, you mean one that costs more!!! I gotcha....

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahah god help the bank that tries to let me not withdraw what i want lol. i regularly have to take half a grand or more out and just ring the callcenter and tell then to put my limit for the day up. they've asked me once why and i told em it's none of their business.

and I vote UKIP anyway. fuck the euro. even the labour government have twigged on they won't get another go if they don't listen to the uk people who are fed up on immigration and our economy suffering as we let the rest of eurpoe take our most profitable enterprise as they think it's 'fair'. I can;t wait for germany and france to fuck euro off and we can join them and be prosperous again.


Well-Known Member
I was shopping around for investments and
i stupidly gave a women from a bank my
phone number. She was calling three times
a week. I couldn't have been ruder to her
but she kept ringing until i went back in the
branch to complain to her manager.
Banks ffs


Well-Known Member
hahah god help the bank that tries to let me not withdraw what i want lol. i regularly have to take half a grand or more out and just ring the callcenter and tell then to put my limit for the day up. they've asked me once why and i told em it's none of their business.

and I vote UKIP anyway. fuck the euro. even the labour government have twigged on they won't get another go if they don't listen to the uk people who are fed up on immigration and our economy suffering as we let the rest of eurpoe take our most profitable enterprise as they think it's 'fair'. I can;t wait for germany and france to fuck euro off and we can join them and be prosperous again.
You really are my Brother I think.....LOL.. Sounds just like me.. Tell'em Don

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
well my father is involved shall we say with UKIP. it'll come full circle, the two big parties are adopting ukip policy left right and center so they can get public back on their side though, in reality they'll say a lot of things and do the opposite. then the merry go round continues.

it's weird i like talking politics, yaaaawnoff as it is but mostly as I know my say means very little lol

so D, the button i had isolated for the lad has got gnat worms in. how the fuck i do not know but i'm going to have to figure some way of isolating cuts. thankfully i do have a few that are not ;)

took the other plants down last night, some really nice frost but the smells aren't there and structure sucks, there was more trim than bud:( upside is i just hit a flash dried popcorn nug of PK and my brain is warm and fuzzy.


Well-Known Member
German companies make far too much out of the Euro zone...after all, it's them that are taking over our energy companies, postal services, telecom services, you name it, if it's a Utility it's likely to be German, or German owned (not to mention cars!). I doubt they'll leave the Euro, they are prsperous enough.


Well-Known Member
German companies make far too much out of the Euro zone...after all, it's them that are taking over our energy companies, postal services, telecom services, you name it, if it's a Utility it's likely to be German, or German owned (not to mention cars!). I doubt they'll leave the Euro, they are prsperous enough.
not just that mate, they have invested far 2 much money into the eurozone to just back out of it n tbh they are getting fucked just as hard if not harder by foreign nationals n they again find it harder to deal with them as they need to take extra care in not coming across as racist n all that carry on.


Well-Known Member
Everyone is being fukked by people coming into the Eurozone.
And from my experience, Racism is still rife throughout Europe, far more so than in the UK where everything has to be done above the table. In Europe I have come across a lot of Racism in the work I do. In particular from the Germans and suprisingly from the Dutch....and let's not even start with the French.


Well-Known Member
Pound stores and the rise of Lidl and the such say differently.....:) Aye, back to the green, actually is 16:18 so time for a bifter.


Well-Known Member
Just came home from eating chinesse buffet :) Damn im full. Making a bong mix consisting of 1.2g hash .4 lemon bho and some dried up green :)